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I have two good friends, Toby and Lisa. I'm taller than Toby and Tobyis taller than Lisa. Toby is heavier than me and I'm heavier than Lisa. All of us like sports, but there are some differences. I like going skating and I'm more athlete than Toby. Toby likes football but he is not as good at sports as me. He is good at running. Lisa likes basketball and is good at swimming.Both Toby and Lisa like volleyball.

Can you cook noodles? Let me tell you。
First, cut up some onions, tomatoes and green vegetables.Second,put some water in a pot。When the water is boiling。 You can put some noodles in it. After a while ,the water can boil again。 Add some oil, salt,sauce and some other relish to the noodles。 Remember to put the onions, tomatoes and green vegetables into the pot。 After a few minutes, the delicious noodles are ready。
You can eat them。

Breakfast is important。But not all the students have realize its importance。Here‘s the rasult of our survey。 About 55 percent of the students have breakfast regularly every day。They keep healthy and look active。 25 percent of them just have junk food instead。 They don’t have a balanced diet。20 percent go to school without breakfast。 As a result, these students often feel hungry in class and can‘t listen to teachers carefully。What’s worse,they get ill easily。
It‘s necessary for us to have breakfast and we should also have the right kinds of food for breakfast。



Hello everyone,welcome to choose our agency,I hope you will feel as comfortable as at home during your trips.
Now let me introduce the way and time from Nanchang to Mount Lu.
We can take train there.There was three choices for you,you can choose one according to your need:
Begin Arrive
8:00 9:00
10:00 11:30
14:00 15:30
(When you arrive at Jiujiang Station,there are buses to Mount Lu.)
The timable for buses was one trip an hour.
Begin Arrive
7:00 9:00
8:00 10:00
…… ……
17:00 19:00

1.At the edge of a new century , people get more and more stressed out. Therefore ,it is necessary for us to learn to keep in good spirits, isn't it ? Frist of all ,we should consider the bright side of things instead of complaining about everything around us. Second , we are supposed to make more friends because they can share your happiness and sorrow. Last but not the least , we should relax when we are nervous or tired , such as listening to music , watching Tv and so on.If we can do things above , our life will be bette.2.A trip to HangZhou
My family went to HangZhou in Winter holiday.
First, we went there by train at 6 o’clock.
Next, we went to a hotal beside the train station at 10 o’clock.
Then,we went to West Lake at 11 o’clock.
After that, we played in HangZhou for there weeks.
Finally, we so back ShangHai by train.
This is my trip to HangZhou, and I was happy in the Winter holiday。3.Dear XXX(人称), Thank you very much for your gracious invitation and I would like to have dinner very much.But my uncle is coming back from New York and I have to pick him up at the airport at that time. So it is really a pity that I could not accept your invitation.I am awfully sorry to you.If possible,I hope that we can have dinner together next time. Yours sincerely,XX(你的名字) 4. Everyone has to eat.But do you have a healthy diet?The food we eat helps us grow in different ways.

Some food gives us fast energy,such as rice,noodles,potatoes,sugar,bread and so on.Some food gives us slow energy,such as oils,nuts,cream and so on.Some food can help us to grow bones,such as meat,eggs,cheese ,and milk.Some food gives fibre for digestion and health,such as all vegetables(e.g. beans,mushrooms...)and all fruits (e.g. apples,oranges,lemons...).
5.Talking about my favorite clothes, it's definitely the pink sweater in my closet. Though it's already too small to fit me in, it's my birthday gift from my beloved grandma. She sewed this herself and all my friends used to admire this sweater so much. I still treasure this sweater, because it's still pretty, and it's also a memory of my beloved grandma.



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