
来自:    更新日期:早些时候
~ 1、足球是圆的,什么结果都能踢出来。
16、All I am I, I also want to put my all to football.
18、What football is round, the result can be kicked out.
19、When you scored many goals, and then you become numb, then became a goalkeeper.
20、World Cup let me down, what's the meaning of the World Cup in football, you know.
21、These great loss of white spirit, Santiago bernabeu football stadium is just ordinary.
22、A football team is like a machine, only each parts work and to receive the greatest effect.
23、I believe myself, I am the best, didn't need to prove that I am the world's golden globes.
24、Goals when I won't celebrate, because the goal is to my work. The letters, is it celebrated?
25、I'm so glad, real Madrid will have two handsome boy now. In this so ugly team, I always feel lonely.
26、In football there can be no enemies. I never hurt anyone. Is competing on the court, off the court is a friend.
27、Football saved a originally is the criminal of I, I never want to spend a day on the job, because I don't know what to do.
28、Chinese football is always couldn't get on, it is never admit that outsiders are advanced brain, relatives and just kiss ass.
29、When you go to the supermarket shopping, the woman who accept money also wonder, 'mistakes goalkeeper, this feeling is not good.
30、Until meet football, completely change my life, I remember what it is like to be my first football very much, in my heart, it is like a candy.
31、Some people equates football and life and death, I am deeply disappointed. I can assure you that football is far, far beyond the life and death.
32、In football there cannot be the enemy of my football is based on speed, make full use of my feet and head, and rely on the real technology to win.


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