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  The beginning knows the big reason, coming from generally two place:" An absolute being 功 " of a 皇爷 ordered in the novel of gold 庸 the pure and far mystery of the ancient country of south 诏 , a 遐 of stirring 掩 think;The movie of 60's of last century 《 five gold flower 》 one song" the butterfly spring side to meet", even will manage the landscape to sing the south north of big river greatly.

  The big reason history is profound, the vegetable contain" a nation of cultural heritage" good reputation.Long history and bright culture, left abundant cultural object historic monument for big reason.But between the jade 洱 silver 沧 , much more attractive 姿 of natural landscape, if the mountain of 苍 hold, Eel Lake such as mirror, the butterfly spring deep 幽 诡秘 , breeze, flower, snow, the four greatest wonderful views of month, even will manage to lead toward 3000 year agos greatly ancient for far ages.

  A big reason still a white clan mainly gathers to reside the ground.The colorful and folk romantic feeling, the building special features of" three squares on shining on the wall"," four match five courtyards", all explores the ancient country of south 诏 to open a leaf to peep the window of the 秘 for the people.

  Cold winter silently but go to, manage the most stirring seasonal changes …… in " breeze" of the ancient city exactly and greatly

  The flowing water rounds the streets and lanes to spend to often open all the year round

  Big reason city in the state mansion, return to the felling that our prosperity quarrel, but arrived the big reason city, but is an ancient 朴 but secluded.The city area road of the big reason city keeps clear and pure up to now of square mesh structure of chessboard type, city inside be arrived the north by the south, an avenue intersect among them, the deep street 幽 lane, arrive the horizontal interleave of the east 纵 from the west, the pure tile house that whole city is uniformly face, the wall that the goose egg stone pile up, show the ancient 朴 of the big reason city and interesting and novel.

  The cold and crystal-clear spring flows to go into the city the mile from the mountain of 苍 , wearing the street to round the lane, through a front.Keep the flower seed tree, have become the big reason person's tradition and customs, their each per families have the garden that a size not wait, valuable and big reason mountain camellia, azalea, various red flower greenery stretches out the wall, connect a HUA XIANG4, filled the air the whole city.Beginning to ancient city, wear the shuttle in the streets and alleys, the 叮咚 water voice is no more unique than the ear, if play the three-stringed." The every family flowing water voice, a door keeps HUA MANG2" lives up to reputation indeed as expected.

  Three squares on shining on the wall four match five courtyards

  Manage ancient 23 kilometers of cities of city north greatly are a small villages, the whole village lives a white clan residents, managing the biggest and white clan village greatly.We come in sight of the typical model here of with" three buildings on shining on the wall"," four match five courtyards" closes the white clan people who the form of the type courtyard set up to reside.Have to become one hospital only, have on entering the few hospital, the flat surface presents the square.The shape is a big roof of the green tile person's word, two layers, heavy 檐s;Main landlord to or south to, three occasionally five, the flashing brick structure, the wood house uses the 榫卯 combination, a the conjunction of the hospital or few hospital become a whole, the outside wall face many in order to ascend the white( lime), descend the ash( thin mire) to paint.

  Different from horde, the white clan is engaged in the paddy rice from time immemorial for lord of agriculture produce.It is the characteristic of the agriculture race most to settle down, therefore, paid attention to live the condition to become the most traditional life style in white clan.Miscellaneous the place that reside in a book and the soil 著s, once had such common saying fad in the past:The white clansmen is" big tile building, the cavity 腔 ", a book person then" the couch grass building, the oil joss-stick joss-stick", the meaning was the white clansmen stanza dress 缩 to eat the 倾 it is all to also want to construct to rise to fructify the comfortable residence, but a book person even if is to live in simple and crude couch grass building, eat the food but nowise careless, the couch grass building in usually the oil flavor floats the joss-stick.At the old ages, set up to cover a little bit and presentable housing, usually became the white clansmen to spend the important event of the whole life energy.They pursue the spacious comfort of residence, taking family as the unit from become the courtyard, to have the accommodation, cook rice, offer sacrifices to the ancestry, receive guest, store the food and feed the animal on the function etc. function.

  The white clan people resides the adornment that the special value shines on the wall, doors and windows HUA FANG, mountain wall, gate tower.Shine on the wall is three necessary buildings of the main courtyards of two 厢s of one lord, having another to a high two pick the 檐 to fly the green tile of Cape to cover the wall body of the crest lowly;Reside the main building positive front, link two 厢 mountain walls, make three squares become the closing courtyard.Shine on the wall to paint with the lime exact center, book with four a word of eyes, or the marble of 嵌 hold;On all sides inset to hang up a to face, rectangle, circular etc. pattern, medium color the painting with the water mill or powder.The blank door of the especially main building a house of doors and windows, many for valuable timbers, such as cloud wood, red 椿 , wood of 楸 and cloud mountain...etc., the gold chicken rich and honored, pleased and last tip of brow, the 麒麟 shows lucky omen etc. on the 雕 good luck pattern.The front door chooses to dig with the sea east green mountain stone 精 sesame HUA DIAN3, a base with clear sharp angle of 砌 , the last structure is careful, the carvings is fine, a the wood system gate tower that pick, flies the 檐翘 Cape.

  Order the mountain of 苍 works properly only India stone

  The marble head is many, the white clan people resides to acquire necessary material locally mostly, extensive adoption rock for main building material.The big reason folks contain the common saying of" the big reason contain three treasures, the rock builds brick wall the wall not to pour", point of is a characteristics that sets up the building to get material.The rock not only use at lay the foundation and build brick wall the wall, but also used for horizontal beam of the doors and windows head.What this kind of characteristic that uses the material hand down is a period building method of south 诏 .According to jot down, the people of the south 诏 resides the building is" the lane 陌 all stone of 垒 is it, high remaining of 丈 , connect postpone count the mile is continuously".

  The 滇 west plateau, a the row mountain that a mountain naturally rise hold, the white 峰 幽峡 , the dream suspends generally at flow the high lake of cloud on.This mountain of 苍 that woulds be the big reason.

  The mountain of 苍 works properly, livinging here the rock of the mountain, or smooth clear 洁 of jade, or verdant and radiant, or contain cloud 纳 fog, or sink the 峰 to hide the spring, seeming to the world only this landscape of clock, chase big ten thousand sort scenes of thousand worlds, all condense in the marble, the 幻 is an eternity.

  The title of the marble is a lot of:A" order the stone of 苍 " was been called" come to the wine stone" by the poem guest drive mountain the people is called" the Phoenix stone" a" India stone" of a" stone of 榆 " because the stone comes from the mountain of 苍 , because of have" cool living the elbow 腑 " texture, because of having the legend of" the Phoenix pretty girl orders the stone", officer's house advertises for the stone make the 贡 again a" stone of 贡 ", the folks useds for the pillar 础 to call" stone of 础 ", calling the city of 榆 because of the big reason thou, the big reason thou contain" India wonderful fragrant country" it call, end be called" marble", is certainly generation of Sung greatly after managing the country establishment.

  The marble that world produce, take Italy as most, but manage greatly the most strange and beautiful with Yunnan.Marble general cent the wood grain marble with pure color marble.The cloud ash that the big reason 苍 mountain produce, the colourful flower belongs to the wood grain marble.Cloud ash calls the flower of water again, colourful turn to divide the spring flower( green flower), autumn to spend is black to spend with water three kinds of.The pale jade( white jade, stone of 础 of 汉 ) then belongs to the pure color marble.Only the wood grain marble then can produce the natural picture.

  The marble of the big reason mines to already have more than 1500 calendars history, mining to take the stone to want generally at deep the mountain 陡 precipice up, the ancient times have no provisions for security, want for conveyance tool, meet to mine to anticipate greatly each time, all have the occurrence to press to die the person or press the matter of break the brothers," work of 匠 ten pour to point the blood, the blood immerses the stone bone history." These two ancient poems exactly the stone mason adopted the portrayal of the stone life at that time.

  The marble stone quality is delicate, since can used to the building materials, also can used for the carvings.Pass by to beat to whet, smooth such as fat, rear the surprising and beautiful wood grain, as a result is a kind of first-class building and decorate, carve the material.Was always be to set up the cover palace, temple from time immemorial, imperial essential article of the 苑 , garden.Past temple in Peking of today and 13 陵s, can also see a great deal of marble.We discover that the marble was also used to the pillar of the common people's houses extensively by the native people only:" Step etc. sill" is a body now.Once the big reason, the sword 川 take, abounding in cloud wood carving flower furniture that the 嵌 insets the marble, is to create of because the marble has the solution hot spread the hot characteristic.Use the high feet wine cup, vase, container for pens, ink stone, tea urn, ashtray of the marble car system, decorate the screen and hang an etc. handicraft product, more not in context of present discussion.

大理,一片神奇而美丽的土地,大理,又称紫。现在的古城始建于明洪武十五年(公元1382年),方圆十二里,城墙高二丈五尺,厚二丈东西南北 各设一门,均有城楼,四角还有角楼。…

字是集郭沫若书法而成。 由南城门进城,一条直通北门的复兴路,成了繁华的街市,沿街店铺比肩而设,出售大理石、扎染等民族工艺品及珠宝玉石。街巷间一些老宅,也仍可寻昔日风貌,庭院里花木扶疏,鸟鸣 ..

。现在的古城始建于明洪武十五年(公元1382年),方圆十二里,城墙高二丈五尺,厚二丈东西南北 各设一门,均有城楼,四角还有角楼。…

字是集郭沫若书法而成。 由南城门进城,一条直通北门的复兴路,成了繁华的街市,沿街店铺比肩而设,出售大理石、扎染等民族工艺品及珠宝玉石。街巷间一些老宅,也仍可寻昔日风貌,庭院里花木扶疏,鸟鸣声声,户外溪渠流水淙淙。“三家一眼井,一户几盆花”的景象依然。古城内东西走向的护国路,被称为“洋人街”。这里一家接一家的中西餐馆、咖啡馆、茶馆及工艺品商店,招牌、广告多用洋文书写,吸着金发碧眼的“老外”,在这里流连忘返,寻找东方古韵,渐成一道别致的风景。





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