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The Ball in the Pond by Harve and Kaethe Zemach

Once there was a princess. She had a friend, named Froggie. One day the princess went to the park to play ball.She threw the ball up in the air and caught it. She threw the ball up again and caught it. She threw the ball again. This time she missed. It fell in the pond.The princess tried to get the ball out, but she couldn't reach it. The ball floated away into the middle of the pond. The princess ran around to the other side. She still could not reach the ball. She almost fell in the water.The princess started to cry. She cried and she cried. Just then, Froggie came.Froggie said:"What'the matter, Princess? Why are you crying?"
"My ball fell in the pond.," said the princess, and I can't get it out."
"Wait a minute," said Froggie.
He jumped into the pond and got the ball.He gave it to the princess.
"Thank you, Froggie," said the princess.
And she gave Froggied a lollipop.

Froggie(青蛙) ,lollipop棒棒糖

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