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A: Knock Knock Knock ~ ~
B: Please come in.
A: Manager, May I ask you a question?
B: Of course! What's the problem?
A: Ok. These days I have heard some rumors that the company is considering to move the whole financial department to Hungary, is this true?
B: I don't know much about this issue. .
A: Haven't you received a formal document from the company to address this issue?
B: No, there were no documents issued. But shouldn't we support the company for whatever decision the company has made?
A: But we have a good prospect here, and Hungarian is too far away. Most of our department employees live here, won't it be difficulty to move the company there?
B: I think you are worrying too much. If the company really let us move there, the company will help us to solve these issues, regardless of work or life,
A: I hope so. In fact, our company has always been very considerate.
B: Of course. Do you have other questions?
A: No.
B: Then, go back to work, I will let you know as soon as the higher authorities give me any instructions.
A: Thank you, manager, I will go to work now.
B: Okay.

A: Ring~ring~ring
B: Hello
A: Hello, Ms. XX, I am the manager of XX language services company. I have reevaluate the translation price based on the e-mail you sent me. I hope you will be satisfied with this lower price.
B: What percentage of the price did your company drop? Be aware that some companies offer about 15% lower than your company.
A: we only drop the price by 5%.
B: I am sorry to say that I think the price is still too high.
A: The situation is like this. As a regular customer of our company like you, we have already given you a great discount, and you should know that we are professionals in translation. All our staff have to undergo a professional training, and has many years of practical experiences. We also have a number of long-term business dealings with some large enterprises. As a result, the price my company offered you is absolutely reasonable.
A: Of course, I understand all of these.
B: So, it is the right thing that you chose our company. Although the price is more expensive, but our quality is much better compare to other companies.
A: Okay. May I take more time to think about it?
B: Of course.
A: Do you have anything else?
B: No
A: I'll hang up then, you can phone me if you have any thing comes up.
B: Okay, bye.
A: Bye.

Lot 708, Block 55, District No.4, Xiangyuan Street, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province.

Huang Huang Chun-ocean Ruiruimingming
Chun Chun boss:
I Tianlongbabu game is a boss. Ocean, Huang Huang, Ruirui, it's clear there are very famous players.
Ocean: I was the Tianshan Pai.
Huang Huang: I Wudang camp. I attacked very high. I was the game's high-fighters. I am the strongest
Ruirui: I yes yes Emei. Doctor, I can cure people and blood, but also the revival. Daguai I can not do without. I am the strongest
Clearly: I am a Shaolin. Shaolin is a Xueniu, a lot of blood, which claims to fight immortal Xiaoqiang. Hei hei, I am still the strongest
Chun-chun: kill me it will be a lot of experience, so many people every day to kill me. But a person can never get rid of me separate. They should team up to be a successful kill me.

First episode:
Ocean: (to viewers) today. We have to kill BOSS spring spring.
OK, EVERYBODY. Are you ready? We have to get the preparation.
Huang Huang: wait! I want to be captain!
Ocean: Why! Here my highest rating.
Huang Huang: Although your grades than I do, but you attack me as. A spring-mainly rely on me.. My greatest contribution
Clearly: I was the captain! My blood up. Every time I went to Yinguai, and then called me a strange, cover you. If not for me, you have died.
Ruirui: how can you say so! I was the captain. Who will you revive your dead » I was not.
Ocean: OK. I am the captain to you.
Ruirui: to me.
Huang Huang: You Emei addition Dangbao Mu, what is not.
Ruirui: how can you say how! I am not with you with a. I Qusha!
(Ruirui left)
Mingming: Oh, so how can you speak Wong! I also want to own.
(Obviously also gone)
Ocean: hey, have left. That give you a good captain, we both Qusha.
Huang Huang: No, you Tianshan is not serious. I or a person to make.

Dier Mu:
Ruirui and BOSS
Ruirui: Chun-chun, I came to kill you!
Chun-chun: Jiuping you! You should go back to. Although you can increase blood, but you have too little blood. But I put you out of the second.
Ruirui: I was not afraid of you 1
(Thus, the spring Ruirui second of the spring)

Huang Huang and BOSS
Huang Huang: Hengheng, Chun-chun, death to you!
Chun-chun: you are dead!
(Several rounds down, yellow dead)
Huang Huang: Oh, no! I die! Why why!
Chun-chun: While you work, but my blood, I can resistance! . He

Ocean and BOSS
Ocean: Spring Spring! I come! The next year, today is your Jiri!
Chun-chun: It can not.
(Several rounds down, ocean dead)
Ocean: 5555 ~ ~ ~ I died.
Chun-chun: Do you not much blood. Remember that next time again with adequate medicine.

Third act: in the House, Yincao

Ocean: a « Ruirui, you have to the ah
Ruirui: hey, not enough time to treatment, there is no spring spring killed.

(Yellow come)
Huang Huang: This is where »
Ruirui: Yincao the House.
Huang Huang: Oh, no
Ocean: You have died ah »
Huang Huang: hey, I had too arrogant.
Ocean: You just know.
Huang Huang: Ruirui, only when I am sorry.
Ruirui: out. Forgot to.

(2 hours later)
Ruirui: have the two hours. No clear how news.
Ocean: maybe she Chun-chun killed.
Huang Huang: She attacks so low, you can be successful »
Ruirui: But clearly more blood ah. Anti-can.

And clearly BOSS
Clear: all the two hours, how can you not die.
Chun-chun: You attack so low, how will I die. How can you not Siya.
Clearly: I blood more ah.
Chun-chun: Big Sister, and for you, quickly kill me.
Clearly: I would like to!

(In the House)
Clearly: I have come.
Ruirui: how do you now out.
Clearly: We are both playing immortal Xiaoqiang. Finally, I had committed suicide.
Ocean: It seems that a person can not successfully get rid of the spring spring.
Huang Huang: Yes. I have just wrong. Only if we work together to succeed.
Ruirui: right. Unity is strength.
Mingming: TU! We re to make. With everyone. I Yinguai. Cover you.
Ocean: I and Huang Huang main assault.
Huang Huang: to protect Ruirui.
Ruirui: let's go!

(Four again came to the spring spring here)
Captain ocean: partners! Chonga!

(Finally, spring can not support the spring, the fall)
Chun-chun: You win. . .

Huang Huang ChunChun Ruirui mingming
Chun Chun boss:
I Tianlongbabu game is a boss. Ocean, Huang Huang, Ruirui, it's clear there are very famous players.
Ocean: I was the Tianshan Pai.
Huang Huang: I Wudang camp. I attacked very high. I was the game's high-fighters. I am the strongest
Ruirui: I yes yes Emei. Doctor, I can cure people and blood, but also the revival. Daguai I can not do without. I am the strongest
Clearly: I am a Shaolin. Shaolin is a Xueniu, a lot of blood, which claims to fight immortal Xiaoqiang. Hei hei, I am still the strongest
Chun-chun: kill me it will be a lot of experience, so many people every day to kill me. But a person can never get rid of me separate. They should team up to be a successful kill me.

First episode:
Ocean: (to viewers) today. We have to kill BOSS spring spring.
OK, EVERYBODY. Are you ready? We have to get the preparation.
Huang Huang: wait! I want to be captain!
Ocean: Why! Here my highest rating.
Huang Huang: Although your grades than I do, but you attack me as. A spring-mainly rely on me.. My greatest contribution
Clearly: I was the captain! My blood up. Every time I went to Yinguai, and then called me a strange, cover you. If not for me, you have died.
Ruirui: how can you say so! I was the captain. Who will you revive your dead » I was not.
Ocean: OK. I am the captain to you.
Ruirui: to me.
Huang Huang: You Emei addition Dangbao Mu, what is not.
Ruirui: how can you say how! I am not with you with a. I Qusha!
(Ruirui left)
Mingming: Oh, so how can you speak Wong! I also want to own.
(Obviously also gone)
Ocean: hey, have left. That give you a good captain, we both Qusha.
Huang Huang: No, you Tianshan is not serious. I or a person to make.

Dier Mu:
Ruirui and BOSS
Ruirui: Chun-chun, I came to kill you!
Chun-chun: Jiuping you! You should go back to. Although you can increase blood, but you have too little blood. But I put you out of the second.
Ruirui: I was not afraid of you 1
(Thus, the spring Ruirui second of the spring)

Huang Huang and BOSS
Huang Huang: Hengheng, Chun-chun, death to you!
Chun-chun: you are dead!
(Several rounds down, yellow dead)
Huang Huang: Oh, no! I die! Why why!
Chun-chun: While you work, but my blood, I can resistance! . He

Ocean and BOSS
Ocean: Spring Spring! I come! The next year, today is your Jiri!
Chun-chun: It can not.
(Several rounds down, ocean dead)
Ocean: 5555 ~ ~ ~ I died.
Chun-chun: Do you not much blood. Remember that next time again with adequate medicine.

Third act: in the House, Yincao

Ocean: a « Ruirui, you have to the ah
Ruirui: hey, not enough time to treatment, there is no spring spring killed.

(Yellow come)
Huang Huang: This is where »
Ruirui: Yincao the House.
Huang Huang: Oh, no
Ocean: You have died ah »
Huang Huang: hey, I had too arrogant.
Ocean: You just know.
Huang Huang: Ruirui, only when I am sorry.
Ruirui: out. Forgot to.

(2 hours later)
Ruirui: have the two hours. No clear how news.
Ocean: maybe she Chun-chun killed.
Huang Huang: She attacks so low, you can be successful »
Ruirui: But clearly more blood ah. Anti-can.

And clearly BOSS
Clear: all the two hours, how can you not die.
Chun-chun: You attack so low, how will I die. How can you not Siya.
Clearly: I blood more ah.
Chun-chun: Big Sister, and for you, quickly kill me.
Clearly: I would like to!

(In the House)
Clearly: I have come.
Ruirui: how do you now out.
Clearly: We are both playing immortal Xiaoqiang. Finally, I had committed suicide.
Ocean: It seems that a person can not successfully get rid of the spring spring.
Huang Huang: Yes. I have just wrong. Only if we work together to succeed.
Ruirui: right. Unity is strength.
Mingming: TU! We re to make. With everyone. I Yinguai. Cover you.
Ocean: I and Huang Huang main assault.
Huang Huang: to protect Ruirui.
Ruirui: let's go!

(Four again came to the spring spring here)
Captain ocean: partners! Chonga!

(Finally, spring can not support the spring, the fall)
Chun-chun: You win. . .




  • 15661998606谁来帮我翻译一段英语对话
    冉胆图:我能帮你忙吗? Can I help you?B:哦,不用了,我没事,谢谢。 Oh,nothing with me,thanks.A:你真的没事,你好象有点麻烦。 Are you sure you 're ok?It seems that something with you.B:噢,好象是我的自行车发出难听的噪音。 Oh, maybe It's the noise from my bike A:让我...

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    冉胆图A: All of us must realize to insist on this life attitude; you should know that Green Development is not only the track for the harmonious development of current society, but also a matter of our future. This is our responsibility.B:好吧!谢谢你。然而,我仍然对哥本哈根世界气候大...

  • 15661998606谁能帮我翻译一个对话~~~(汉译英)谢谢
    冉胆图Huang Huang Chun-ocean Ruiruimingming Curtain:Chun Chun boss:I Tianlongbabu game is a boss. Ocean, Huang Huang, Ruirui, it's clear there are very famous players.Ocean: I was the Tianshan Pai.Huang Huang: I Wudang camp. I attacked very high. I was the game's high-fighters...

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    冉胆图Hello, Tom, I haven't seen you for a long time.

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    冉胆图A别扔啊,多浪费啊,要不你给我吧,我不怕。A: Don’t throw them away! What a waste! Give me them, I'm not afraid.B好,那都给你了。B: Ok, you have them.A哈哈,谢谢啦。A: Ha! Ha! Thanks.B等等,你是不是骗我的啊。还我桔子。B: Wait! Were you cheating me or ...

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    冉胆图-Been trying to give them back to their owners 我正在尝试还给主人了。-Do you want yours?你想要你的吗?-No. I don't need them anymore 不我再不需要了。-What about your keys?那么你的钥匙呢?-I got rid of them 我已经掉了。-Good night, Jeremy 晚安尖美。

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    冉胆图in the farm and study to feed them.We even learn to plant crops and vegetables A:听起来很不错。That sounds good.B:我正准备去那里过夏天。你是不是要加入我呢?(你要不要和我一起去那里?) I plan to spend summer there.Will you join me?A:好的。那真是太棒了。 Great!

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    冉胆图A:你好吗?How are you doing?B:我很好。I'm doing good.A:我能问你一个问题吗?Can I ask you a question?B:当然。Sure.A:你认为的幸福生活是什么样的?What is happy life in your mind?B:在我看来,幸福生活就是健康自由的生活。没有太多的烦恼,自由地做我喜欢的工作,我会感到...

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