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student, "interested in studying"; In his youth, and successively from wuchang Zhang Yuzhao tongcheng school GuWenFa LianQing (word) learning, from high-density single for 鏓 (word "flat) cure. Its teaching, spare no effort: scholar kaifeng girder college, jinan fashion view college, such as cultivating many disciples. The officer clean, unafraid to powerful: in anhui hefei magistrate of a county, enforce the law impartially, known as "return package by" by local people. Its prolific, excellent work a lot: once successively presided over by compiling guangxu "nanyang county annals", xuantong "shandong tongzh, etc., are local gazetteers, for future generations. The personal character noble, a solemn, had their own cherished fellow disciples, for at the time of the moral model. Its last major included in the school through the room corpus. In this paper, the Sun Baotian and xuantong "shandong tongzh, make a preliminary study, mainly for the following several aspects work:
The first chapter, to explore Sun Baotian family background and life: in the family, mainly for its family roots; Part in life, to Sun Baotian "interested in is learning", rough official career and teaching three aspects discussed; Later as the summary of this chapter, the social atmosphere of the late qing dynasty in the early history of the life experiences are analyzed.
In the second chapter, the writings of Sun Baotian analysis: with the friends in the writing section, the works of the Sun Baotian to the school through the room, six volumes, "addendum" a roll, the shandong Jin Shizhi six volumes, six rolls Meng Zhi make up slightly, over the years I recorded ", "shandong create library", took the guangxu "nanyang county annals", xuantong chorography of the shandong tongzh, two books and signet are discussed; In friends section, the annals bureau of Sun Baotian and tongcheng school scholars, and between colleagues and ZhuDaChen with governors on the ShuLve; For subsequent summary, this chapter summarizes and the content of this chapter.
The third chapter, the Sun Baotian master xuantong shandong annals are studied: one is the history of tzu chi in shandong province are reviewed; The second is on the is volunteers took instructions; A third is to is the content of the volunteers are reviewed from the Angle of the whole; Four is to analysis is the characteristic of volunteers; The value of xuantong five is an introduction to the shandong tongzh, are analyzed; Then as the summary of this chapter, content of this chapter has carried on the blanket.
The fourth chapter, is the full text conclusion part. Mainly from the overall to an overview of the full text of Sun Baotian and xuantong "shandong tongzh, study to deepen and summary, in this paper, the deficiencies and defects.


Desirable and useful accounting information should have relevance and reliability. Information related to the purpose and objective decision-making related to the reliability that reflect the true facts of the past. Between the existence of certain conflicts, and truly relevant and reliable information is difficult to obtain the. Realistic option should be: in the basic reliability is guaranteed as far as possible under the premise of improving the relevance of accounting information in order to eventually achieve the usefulness of accounting information. Fair value model is the application of accounting standards of China's 2006 reform, a major bright spot, the paper tried to study fair value accounting model on information reliability and relevance of the impact, and help deepen people's understanding of new accounting standards, and How to coordinate the quality of accounting information of relevance and reliability of ideas.


A rational and practical accounting Information may have two conditions:relevance and reliability.Information and management objectives are interrelated,but reliable information always in touch with the facts of past.Perceptibly,they are inconsistent to a certain extent,In other words,it is difficult to acquire absolute information with relevance and reliability.The best way to resolve this problem for realizing value of information is to continue upholding reliability,then enhance relevanceas much as possible.The fair and equitable value measurement model is a grate reform took place in our accountant forum in 2006, and this is my papers' piont to clarify the relationship between relevance and reliability of accounting Information based on the fair and equitable value measurement model.


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