8人英语话剧剧本 喜洋洋与灰太狼

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求英语话剧喜羊羊与灰太狼剧本 八人角色 灰太狼红太狼 喜洋洋 暖洋洋 懒洋洋 村长 沸羊羊美羊羊~


(懒)“(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,我让你除不尽.”(小声的)
懒羊羊走到村口 ,看见灰太狼的自动作业机,便走过去,把作业本放进去,就在这个时候,灰太狼抓住它的手。
(灰太狼)“我一定会回来的!” (Village) "lazy Yang Yang!" (Angry)
(Lazy Yang Yang during sleep)
(Village) "lazy Yang Yang!!"
(Xi Yang Yang) "lazy Yang Yang, the village head tell you to do." (Gently)
(Lazy Yang Yang) (drowsily) "TU? Village, is not it after class now? Oh! Winter vacation strategy!" (Happy)
(Village) "lazy Yang Yang! To ask you a question: Three Stooges top of a Zhuge Yang mean?"
(Lazy Yang Yang) "ah ... ..."
(Fei Yang Yang) (whisper) (more than gestures designated)
(Lazy Yang Yang) "Oh, the village head, I know. I ask you, that 10 heads are the top few Zhuge Yang then?" (Leisurely)
(Lazy )"(*^__^*)嘻嘻... ..., I let you indivisible. "(Whisper)
(Village) "lazy Yang Yang! Winter job you do double!"
"The following winter layout operations: Language 8 workbooks. Math: 4 dignified practice. ... English ..."
"Dinglinger ... ..."
(All) "slightly after class! Strategy goes on winter break!"
(Village) (angry) "English 2 Workbook ... ... - but changed to 6啦!"
(All) "ah -"
A month has passed --
The last day of winter break --
(Gray Wolf telescopes looking towards the village sheep)
(Red Wolf) "Wolf! Do not catch the sheep!" Flying over a pan
(Wolf) (pretending to pain), "his wife, do not worry ah, you see, this is my 1 second to do to spend one month out - automatic operations machine!"
From a pan, (Red Wolf) "Do you know! For the sake of this thing, I ate a salad on the weeds!"
(Wolf) "Well my wife Do not worry, as long as we do ... ..." whispered a few words in the ears.
(They know the program on all burst out laughing)
(Red Wolf) "It does not grab the sheep! ~"
(Wolf) "wife, you are waiting for my good news!"
Qingqingcaoyuan --
(Lazy Yang Yang Yang Yang, and boiling) (knock squad home) "squad leader, you work through the copy we copy it really do?"
(Warm Yang Yang squad leader) "However, because the mayor know that you would copy my work, so long my job taken away."
(Lazy, boiling) (Zhang mouth)
(Lazy Yang Yang, and boiling met Xi Yang Yang Yang Yang came to the playground)
(Two) "Xi Yang Yang, operating through the copy we copy it really do?"
(Xi Yang Yang) "However, I do not ah, I have been the night before the last day to do."
(That two persons), "Cut! As a good student, how can it not do work!"
(Xi Yang Yang) (resignation)
(US Yang Yang) "lazy Yang Yang, Yang Yang boiling, how you can do it! You yourselves have not done yet."
(Two) (for a look, like a baby) "US Yang Yang, to work through our copy, OK?"
(U.S.) "But ... ..." (blushing) "I have not done ... ah ..."
Lazy Yang Yang went to village and saw the gray wolf is too automatic operations machine, then walked over, put into operation this go on at this time, Gray Wolf grab it by the hand.
(Wolf) "Oh, lazy Yang Yang, I shall now go home - so you do not have homework in."
Wolfsburg --
(Wolf) "wife, I'm back!"
(Red Wolf) (joy look like) "ah! Lamb!"
(Wolf) "wife quickly boil water!"
(Red Wolf) a pan fly over, "Wolf!!
(Wolf) "Yes, my wife, I went to boil water!"
(Lazy Yang Yang) "Red Wolf sister, I beg you to complete one last wish bar!" (Begging the eyes)
(Red Wolf) (very happy) "will really tell the truth, anyway, you always have to be my food, your desire to complete the bar!"
(Lazy Yang Yang) "Sister, I would like the last job done!"
(Red Wolf) "Well!"
(See the window dodging lazy Yang Yang Xi Yang Yang)
(Wolf) "my wife! How bad this pot?"
(Red Wolf) "how could that be? Newly purchased ... ..." walked past.
Xi Yang Yang came in holding lazy Yang Yang and ran, ran out of Wolfsburg. Gray Wolf and Red Wolf also repair pot.
(Xi Yang Yang) (smile) "3! 2! 1!" (Explosion)
(Wolf) "I will come back!"

清洁机器人 场景一:狼堡内 红太狼:灰太狼,今天家里,大扫除,还不快点干。你太慢了。(用平底锅打灰太狼) 灰太狼:哭 红太狼:你太慢了,我去把勤奋围裙找来。 (5分钟后)红太狼:怎么没有呀,灰太狼 灰太狼:我不把它送给你的表妹了.红太狼:(气氛)用平底锅打灰太狼 灰太狼:老婆别打了别打了!(灰太狼边哭边说)听说羊村村长又发明了清洁机器人,我去弄来不行么 红太狼:还不快去(将灰太狼打出狼堡) (来到羊村门口)灰太狼:羊羊太狡猾了 幸好我有准备,机械狼1号,行动 场景二:羊村内 慢羊羊:清洁机器人终于成功了 喜羊羊:村长,不会向上次一样吧 慢羊羊:不会的 实验完毕 喜羊羊:村长,你成功了 (门口的灰太狼:)灰太狼:(大喜):终于不用干到累垮了(喜极而泣) 喜羊羊:把它放在哪呢 慢羊羊:看,这是我路径999次失败研制成功的慢花牌保险柜,坚固耐用,防盗万无一失 慢羊羊:花羊羊......(回忆快乐时光) 众羊:..................(门口的灰太狼:) 灰太狼:保险柜?哼,我一块弄到手!(说话间拿出狼牌钻地机开始挖地洞) 喜羊羊:这是什么,嘻嘻灰太狼,叫你偷听(将机械狼捉到用大炮打到月球上) 慢羊羊:我的实验室啊(哭) 喜羊羊:对不起,村长,灰太狼来偷听 慢羊羊:哎。喜羊羊:村长,我们这样........... 场景三:地道内 经过39次路径错误最后终于钻到慢花保险柜所在地(此时的地下已经变成错综复杂找不到准确路的地下迷宫…而灰太狼还在为拿到保险柜和围裙开心不已) 灰太狼:,我成功了,可是慢羊羊在这里,怎么偷......我等。5小时后......慢羊羊出去了 慢花牌保险柜就这么悄无声息地『钻』进了地下…(灰太狼挖的地道里) 五个小时的等待终于没有白费…(灰太狼心慰地想) 灰太狼:可是我要怎么回去.........幸好我带了指南针 场景四:羊村门口 沸羊羊:我把洞口填平,困难怎么回来 灰太狼喜滋滋地拿着指南真一路畅通无阻地来到出口… 灰太狼:洞口哪去了?是不是指南针坏了?灰太狼大惊(原路返回) 场景五:羊村实验室 喜羊羊:灰太狼先生,我们等候多时了(打灰太狼)众羊跑 灰太狼:我今天有急事,回头再抓你们(回狼堡) 场景五(狼堡内) 灰太狼:我回来了 红太狼:拿回来了(喜悦,打开保险柜后) 红太狼:是垃圾,你这个笨狼(用平底锅打灰太狼) 红太狼:这边,那边,还是灰太狼擦得干净 灰太狼:(哭着说):我一定会回来的。 (完) 还有 一个剧本 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3e9159060100avax.html

8人英语话剧剧本 喜洋洋与灰太狼视频




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