求一篇英语作文 题目是 《上周我和我的朋友去动物园 》 也就是过去式

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上周我和我的朋友去参观动物园的翻译是:Last week I went to visit the zoo with my friend

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Today was an awesome day! I went to the Zoo with my friend,xiaohong.It was a cold day to go to the zoo,but my family and I were bored!Anyway the first thing we did was going on the sky ride.We saw some animals while we were on the sky ride like giraffes,antelopes,tigers,lions,camels,elephants, warthogs and this brown creature which I didn’t know what it was called.

Later we went to look at the other creatures that was indoor and the ones we missed like,snakes,frogs,lizards,otters,goats(in petting zoo),bugs,insects,vultures, deers,ostrich,crocodiles/alligators,bears,spiders,turtles,rabbits and monkeys.There was also this place where the rides are.I went on the roller coaster and train.And finally we had lunch.

求一篇英语作文 题目是 《上周我和我的朋友去动物园 》 也就是过去式视频




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