
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

  About the mid-fifth century, three Germanic tribes: Angles (Angles), Saxon (Saxons) and the Jutes (Juries) invaded Britain. Historically known as the Anglo-Saxon conquest (the Anglo-Saxon conquest). These invaders brought their own dialects, with the gradual integration of these dialects, as Old English (Old English). To the sixth century the British original inhabitants --- Celtics (Celts) or kill, or drive into the mountains, or reduced to slavery. Invaders became a British master, Old English or Anglo Saxon said (Anglo-Saxon) language of the UK, only in some of the Celtic place names in the United Kingdom, into the English language very few Celtic words. Therefore, we can say, with the Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain, really the birth of the English language.
  Old English period there were four main dialects: ① dialect of Northern Calabria - - Hung
  Po River north of the dialect; ② dialect --- Mel ranges from Hongbo West River and the River Thames in central England between the dialects; ③ living in Kent, southeast England dialect --- Jutes dialect region; ④ --- West Saxon dialect of the south of the River Thames. Northumbria and West Asia, the two dialects and Mel together Anglia (Anglian) dialect, that is, areas inhabited by the Anglo dialects, the early Old English dialect of Northumbria literature is created.


净寺 Jing Temple
空军疗养院 Airforce Sanitarium
丁家山景区 Ding Jia Shan Scenic Spot
岳庙 Yue Monastery
新新饭店 Xinxin Restaurant
六公园 Liu Park
小车桥Xiaoche Bridge
东坡路平海路口 Dongpo Pinghai Cross
一公园 Yi Park
吴山广场 Wushan Square
胜利剧院 Shenli Theater

黄龙旅游集散中心 Huanglong Travel Center
浙大附中 Attached Middle School of Zhejiang University
曙光公寓 Shuguang Apartment
少年宫 Children's Palace


3“净寺'这个站可以翻译成Net temple 吗?如果不可以,请告知为什么?
4.利剧院”这个站对外翻译是应该翻译成“Shenli Theater”还“Victory Theater”??哪个更好??
河坊街荷花池头 Hefang Street Top Hehua Pond

吴山公交站 Wushan Bus Station

净寺 不可以翻译成 Net Temple. 因为中文的地址翻译原则是拼音+基本点英文. 举个例子,老外到中国来,问路,给人看Jing Temple 中国人看得懂拼音啊,就明白是哪里.

再问一下:1.万松岭 路口怎么翻译??
2“东坡路平海路口 ”翻译成"Dongpo Road,Pnghai Road itersection/crossing 吗?还是要怎么翻译??3.“涌金门”和“清波门”是翻译成“yongjin men” 还是翻译成“yongjin Gate”??
4.“郭庄”是翻译成“Guozhuang”还是 “Guo manor” 哪个是对的,或哪个好?
5“一公园” 翻译成 “Yi Park”吗?感觉变扭啊,还是翻译成 NO.1park??我水平有限,请大师一一指教
1 拼音
2 xx路xx路口的翻译,我研究了一下,你就用 xx Rd xx Rd , 上海很多站点都是这么翻译的.
3 拼音 这个你应该知道,天安门都是拼音的
4 拼音
5 我不是很明白你这个一公园,六公园是啥意思,所以我用了拼音.如果你是好多公园,分第一公园,第二公园...第六公园,那可以翻译成No 1 Park. 但是如果只是就一个一,一个六,我觉得还是用拼音的号

要么你翻译成 Hefang Street Hehua Chitou Rd


  • 15314949159这道题我想了好久都没想出来,请好心的英语高手帮我,非常感谢
    谈烟闻A.preoccupied的意思是全神贯注的,心事重重的 B.concentrated是集中的,全神贯注的 C.absent-minded是心不在焉的,健忘的,出神的 D.thoughtful是深思的,体贴的,关切的 我的选择是C absent-minded 。大致的意思就是,我跟他说着话,但是他心不在焉的听着我说的话。

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    谈烟闻The contemporary university student's psychologically healthy question is serious day after day, not only this has affected the student individual physical and moral integrity, and has also affected the national qualified high level talent's raise. Therefore in the school each behavior ...

  • 15314949159请各位好心的英语高手,帮我翻译一下可以吗?我真的很急用,谢谢大家,非 ...
    谈烟闻School building is the material carrier of the entire campus culture, pleasant environment will enable college students optimistic about the progressive, advanced teaching facilities, a wealth of newspapers and magazines, regular radio, film and television-oriented campus culture to the ...

  • 15314949159各位好心的英语高手,能帮我翻译一段话吗
    谈烟闻Language is the cornerstone of culture -- no language no culture; From another perspective, the language and cultural implications, reflecting the culture. It can be said that the language reflected a national identity, which not only contains the nation's historical and cultural back...

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