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大家都知道,生活在21世纪的年轻人掌握一门外语是十分重要的,尤其是英语。如何学好英语,提高英语水平,是当前很多中学生困惑的问题。其实,学好英语并不是一件难事,关键在于要掌握好的学习方法。学习方法自然是因人而异、因时而异的。其实方法本身无所谓好与坏,关键就看它能否完美地与 个人相结合,提高学习效率,如果一套方法能够激发你的学习兴趣,提高学习效率的话,以后要做的就是坚持下去。可能我们都见过类似的情况:有的人整日埋头书案,学得很辛苦,但成绩仍不理想:有的人则懂得“有张有弛”,学得很轻松,而且名列前茅。如果你是后者,相信你已经找到了良好的学习方法与你个人的最佳结合点了,只要持之以恒即可;而前者已经具备了一定的毅力,关键就在于提高自己的学习效率了。


The modern enterprises must improve their theory and practice continuously who want to succeed in product sales.
Firstly, in aspect of theory, the enterprises shall stipulate their business strategy at target market for implementing market subdivision and orientation strategy in order to realize greater market share.
Secondly, take P&G as an example, I'll list some cases in different strategies for sales channels and business concept of enterprises.
At last, the advantages of multi-brand strategy shall be illustrated.

The modern enterprises must improve their theory and practice continuously who want to succeed in product sales.
Firstly, in aspect of theory, the enterprises shall stipulate their business strategy at target market for implementing market subdivision and orientation strategy in order to realize greater market share.
Secondly, take P&G as an example, I'll list some cases in different strategies for sales channels and business concept of enterprises.
At last, the advantages of multi-brand strategy shall be illustrated.

The modern enterprises must improve their theory and practice continuously who want to succeed in product sales.
Firstly, in aspect of theory, the enterprises shall stipulate their business strategy at target market for implementing market subdivision and orientation strategy in order to realize greater market share.
Secondly, take P&G as an example, I'll list some cases in different strategies for sales channels and business concept of enterprises.
At last, the advantages of multi-brand strategy shall be illustrated.

very good


  • 15766306178拜托大家帮我翻译成英语!
    钟芝莲答:1.杰克和麦克一样高。 Jack is as tall as Mike.2.她对艺术很感兴趣,想尽快参观艺术博物馆。She is so interested in art that she wants to visit the art museum as soon as possible。(as soon as she can也可以) .3.新闻网站不如电视新闻节目那样有趣。The news websi...

  • 15766306178各位韩语高手帮我翻译一下吧~~拜托了~
    钟芝莲答:我的父母对我非常关爱,同时也非常严格的要求我。在生活中,父母教育我要自理,自立,所以从小到... 我是从江南水乡浙江来的xxx。家里有爸爸妈妈和我。我的父亲是公务员,母亲是普通员工。我的父母对我非常关爱,同时也非常严格的要求我。在生活中,父母教育我要自理,自立,所以从小到大,我自己能处理的事情都由我自己...

  • 15766306178能帮我翻译一下吗 拜托
    钟芝莲答:翻译成英语是:Can you translate it for me,见下图百度翻译

  • 15766306178请大家帮忙翻译一下!把“我爱你”“我喜欢你”翻译成英文,拜托了
    钟芝莲答:I like you{U} 我喜欢你 I need you{U} 我需要你

  • 15766306178拜托各位帮帮忙翻译成英文!!急啊!!谢谢!!
    钟芝莲答:翻译如下:Iraqis in the distance, you can hear my call it? Idle since passed away, still alone. Ye Yi deep, but refused to sleep, a promise for you wish, so that the stars of the night sky, the water sent to the party.Wave, and you farewell, silently silent, eyes ...

  • 15766306178紧急求助 帮忙翻译一下~~!!!
    钟芝莲答:既然是商用,我认真给您翻译,记得加分哟!!保定荣胜酱菜厂 Baoding Rongsheng Pickles Factory 河北省保定市107国道西侧{133.5公里处} 133.5th Kilometer, West side of 107 National Highway,Baoding, Heibei Province.礼品酱菜 Gift-packed Pickles 甜面酱 Sweet Flour Paste 散装酱菜Bulk Pickles ...

  • 15766306178请各位大虾帮我翻译一下

  • 15766306178请帮我翻译一下,拜托,不要翻译器的,我试过了不对。感谢大家了! 1、c...
    钟芝莲答:4、dirty plate应该是一种不太干净的风格吧 5、宽敞空旷的礼堂 6、宽敞拥挤的礼堂 7、最后一排的座位(声音应该比较远)8、中型礼堂 9、中型空房间 10、沐浴 11、慢打击动词(也许是慢摇滚风格吧~)12、是tight and close吧,很紧凑的 13、声乐自然混响 14、cooledit中比较好和自然的一种音效)15...

  • 15766306178拜托大家帮我翻译下,英文的,很急的!真的~谢谢了!
    钟芝莲答:it can not be said that is the real meaning of the e-commerce activities. Now that China's e-commerce focused on the more theoretical studies, practical application was basically at the vacuum. China is not only the need to address global e-commerce development process are the c...

  • 15766306178各位帮我翻译一下下面的英语
    钟芝莲答:楼主,翻译如下:ATENCAO= attention 注意 GIRE=turn over 翻转,转向 PRLNCLPALS BENEFLCLOS=principle benefit 主要利益/好处 希望能够帮到您啦~

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