
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

I want to be a vimpire
At least they can are immortal
Their cold skin facinating,
their skin lustrous in the sun like diamond;
pupils red and skin pale
they survive by bloodsucking...



1. 他给我无微不至的关怀。不允许我受到任何的伤害。
He is as extraordinarily considerate as I can feel all the time, and keep me no harm.
2. 他在我措手不及的时候捧着玫瑰花出现,给我热泪盈眶的惊喜。
Every time I’m not myself, he always out there with roses in hands. There is nothing but bursting into tears.
3. 他记得我最在乎的事,惦记着我最爱的人,一步一步帮我实现未完成的梦想。
He cares about what I most care about, thinks over what I most think over, realize what I want to.
4. 他把我的目标当成他的目标。
He aims what I aim too.
5. 他,是我的老公。
He is the right man!
6. 我爱我的老公。
I love my guy!

He takes care of me in everything and protects me from anything harmful.

He turns up with roses in his hands when I least expect it and gives me such pleasure that I'm moved to tears.

He remembers what I care most and bears the one I love most in mind, helping me fulfill my wish step by step.

He regards my aim as his own.

He is my man.

I love my man!

1. 他给我无微不至的关怀。不允许我受到任何的伤害。
2. 他在我措手不及的时候捧着玫瑰花出现,给我热泪盈眶的惊喜。
3. 他记得我最在乎的事,惦记着我最爱的人,一步一步帮我实现未完成的梦想。
4. 他把我的目标当成他的目标。
5. 他,是我的老公。
6. 我爱我的老公。

1. He caresses me in every possible way, blocking any hurt from me.

2. He would come to my side with roses in his hand when I am totally at a loss, which has always delighted me into tears.

3. He cares about the thing that I care most, the person that I love most. Step by step he has been assisting me to fullfil my dreams.

4. He takes my objective as his own.

5. He, is my boyfriend.

6. I love my boyfriend.

He gave me great care and concern. not allowed me have any harm.
He caught unprepared when I appeared carrying roses, tears surprise to me.
He recalled that the thing I most care about, always thinking about the people I love, step by step, to help me achieve the unfinished dream.
He my goal as his goal.
He is my husband's.
I love my husband.

1. 他给我无微不至的关怀。不允许我受到任何的伤害。
2. 他在我措手不及的时候捧着玫瑰花出现,给我热泪盈眶的惊喜。
3. 他记得我最在乎的事,惦记着我最爱的人,一步一步帮我实现未完成的梦想。
4. 他把我的目标当成他的目标。
5. 他,是我的老公。
6. 我爱我的老公。

1:He give me extraordinarily meticulous love and keep me from any injuries.

2:He always turned up with roses in hands when I was at a loss, that made me pleasantly surprised and my eyes were fully filled with tears.

3.He keeps everything I care about in mind,remembers the people I love deeply and with his step-by-step helping my dreams have come true.

4.My objects is his.

5.He who is my man.

6.I love my husband

tip:(Yeah,I love this guy.more colloquial).

He takes care of me in everything and protects me from anything harmful.
He tums up with roses in his hands when I least expet it and gives me such pleasure that I'm moved to tears.


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