请帮忙翻译几句中译英,急!! 请按照括号内的单词或词组进行翻译,谢谢~ 1.西方和亚洲饮食之间存在很

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

The cake which is made of the mixiture of flour, eggs, and sugar.

2.作为学生,我们应最充分地利用业余时间.(make use of)
As a student, we should make use of the time that……

The study methods(ways)which the teacher told us can prove our study.

2.The man who brought our textbooks here yesterday is in the next room.

3.The magazine which he has taken away is mine.

4.The students who don't study hard will not pass the exam..

5.The woman who you saw her in the park is our geograghy teacher.

6.The letter which I received it yesterday is from my sister.

7.The play we saw it last night was wonderful.

8.The train which was going to Nanning was late.

9.The boy who was here a minute ago is my brother.

10.The tree which he is climbing is quite tall.

11.Here is the girl whose brother works in this shop.

12That's the child who We were looking at just now.

13.This is the boy whose sister is a famous singer.

14.I want to talk to the boys whose homework haven't been handed in.
15.Is that the woman whose daughter is in my class.


1.项 目 Project
2.英语同传服务(2名)与设备租赁25套 Simultaneous Interpreters(2) and 25 sets of Simultaneous Interpretation equipment
3.(有关安全管理方面的培训)Training of Security Administration
4.总 额39555元(含税) Total Amount: RMB39555(tax included)
5.付款方式 Payment Method
6.转帐 Transfer
7履约订金19777元 Deposit Payment : RMB19777
8.定金付款时间 Deposit Payment Date:
9.2011年11月30日前 before 30 Nov 2011
10.应付余额 19778元 Payable Balance : RMB19778
11.余额付款时间 payment time of the payable balance
12.同传翻译完成后的5个工作日内 within 5 working days after finishing Simultaneous Interpretation assignment
13.设备安装调试时间 time for adjusting equipment
14.2011年12月4日下午 afternoon, 4 Dec 2011
15.译员服务时间 Simultaneous Interpretation period
16.每个工作日内的8小时 8 hours each working day
17.译 员到达时间2011年12月5日 Arrival time of the interpreter 5 Dec 2011
18.翻译与设备使用时间 Hiring Period of the Interpreters and the interpretation equipment
19.2011年12月5-7日(三天) 5-7 Dec 2011 ( 3 days)
20翻译与设备使用地点Place of Interpretation assignment and equipment required

1. There is a big difference between West food and Asian food.
2. Their first meeting proved to the beginning of their cooperation.
3. In contrast to Asians, people in the west eat more meat and diary products.
4. Being aware to the importance of health, people become more and more concerned about the food they eat.


请帮忙翻译几句中译英,急!! 请按照括号内的单词或词组进行翻译,谢谢~ 1.西方和亚洲饮食之间存在很视频

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  • 19552428726中译英,请高手帮忙翻译下面一段话,谢谢!
    慎溥厚奥运会马上就要开幕了,到时候我们有可能会放假,所以这段时间都比较忙。我表姐前几天回国了,她说有一个月左右的时间玩,你有没有时间到中国看看啊,顺便来看看我,哈哈。到时可以让她做你的免费导游!现在中国的天气也是非常炎热的。有个不太好的消息要告诉你,我的英语水平没有很大提升.The Olympic ...

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    慎溥厚comprehensive insurance and accumulation fund. John has to pay the balance 6 items himself.In sheet 2 please find the payment rate of individual income tax. The algorism: ratepaying=(income of this month-taxable threshold)*tax rate-Quick calculation deduction.参考资料:自己翻译的。

  • 19552428726请各位大侠帮忙翻译一段话(中译英),谢谢!!
    慎溥厚世上有一种最真挚,最感人,最美的感情,那就是亲情。世上有一种爱最伟大,最深沉,最无私,那就是母爱。In the world has one kind most sincere, is most touching, the most beautiful sentiment, that is dear ones. In the world has one kind of love to be greatest, is deepest, is ...

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