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During the operaton of the supreme political administration, great unity prevails with each member sharing equal rights and enjoyment. By then, those virtuous/respectable and competent/talented (ones) are elected to take posts of corresponding leadership. Every one acts in honesty, pursuing for harmony. Nobody does support his (own) parents nor care for his children. The elderly may enjoy their aging lives, the post-adolescents/adults could serve the society while children are brought up safe and sound. Old widowers or widows, orphans, those aged without offsprings as well as the disabled could be raised properly. Each man is satisfied with his job/employment as each woman has her family to her content. Moreover, the citizens no longer value treasures and wealth, even throwing them away rather than storing them privately. Members are sick of being unwilling to help others and against selfishness. Thus schemes will never be shaped/planned, nor will cases as thefts, revolts/rebellions and murders take place, or will families lock their doors, all of which contribute to the Utopian(乌托邦式) ideal society.






孔子 - 礼运大同篇 Confucius - Liyun - The Conveyance of Rites

When the great way prevails, the world is equally shared by all.

The talent and virtue are elected.

Mutual confidence was emphasized and brotherhood was cultivated.

Therefore, people regard all parents as their own, and treat all children as their own.

The elders can live in happiness, the adults are employed by their talent, the youths can grow and educate.

Widows and widowers, orphans, childless, ills and invalids are all well taken care of.

Men and women all have an appropriate role in the society and family.

Nature resources were fully used for the benefit of all, and not appropriated for selfish ends.

People contribute their ability to society and not for the private gain.

Thus evil scheming is repressed, and crimes fail to arise.

So the doors do not have to be shut. This is called "the Age of Great Harmony".

"Road trip, the whole world as one community, Xuanxianyuneng, have faith and promote good will.Friends do not love their relatives, not only of his son, that providing for the elderly, strong use somewhat, a director of David, pity, widowed, lonely, alone, waste disease all have to keep, male, female be.Thus the abandoned in the land, you don't have to hide in himself; the evil force is not of itself, not for themselves.Thus instead of seeking closure, theft thief without chaos, the outer door not closed, is called the great harmony.

"Road trip, the whole world as one community, selection and ( J ǔ) can have faith and promote good will. Friends do not love their relatives, not only of his son, that providing for the elderly, strong use somewhat, a director of David, pity, widowed, lonely, alone, waste disease all have to keep, male, female be. Thus the abandoned in the land, you don't have to hide in himself; the evil force is not of itself, not for themselves. Thus instead of seeking closure, theft thief without chaos, the outer door not closed, is called the great harmony.

只能帮你到这了。~~ 太难度
"Road trip, the whole world as one community, selection and ( J ǔ) can have faith and promote good will. Friends do not love their relatives, not only of his son, that providing for the elderly, strong use somewhat, a director of David, pity, widowed, lonely, alone, waste disease all have to keep, male, female be. Thus the abandoned in the land, you don't have to hide in himself; the evil force is not of itself, not for themselves. Thus instead of seeking closure, theft thief without chaos, the outer door not closed, is called the great harmony.



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  • 17211924672大道之行也翻译
    骆文软1. 选自《礼记·礼运》。《礼记》,儒家经典之一,西汉戴圣对秦汉以前各种礼仪论著加以辑录、编纂而成,共49篇。礼 运,《礼记》篇名,大约是战国末年或秦汉之际儒家学者托名孔子答问的著作。大道,指古代政治上的最高理想。 行:施行。2. 大道:古代指政治上的最高理想。3. 为:是,表判断。4....

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    骆文软大同篇 孔子曰:"大道之行也,与三代之英,丘未之逮也,而有志焉。""大道之行,天下为公,选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜寡孤独废疾者皆有所养,男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己。力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。

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