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Although classes often seem outwardly the same because there is always a teacher and some students in a classroom, the differences between teacher-centered classes and student centered however, are enormous.
In teacher centered classes, the teacher usually dominates the class. He lectures, puts outlines and language points on the blackboard, gives solutions to problems, and fills the students' heads with information. The students oniy sit, listen and take notes silently at their desks. In student centered classes, on the contrary, the teacher tries to stimulate the students to learn on their own by asking provocative questions, by posing problems, and most important of ail, by being a participant too. Students in these classes are more actively involved in the thinking learning process. They ask questions and read up to search for the answers themselves and then discuss in classes what they have found.
I prefer student centered classes because they are more natural and more interesting ways of obtaining knowledge. They not only make learning active and enjoyable, but also enable the students to learn how to find and solve problems themselves

1、正方: The claim
反方:The counterclaim
2、正方: Positive side
反方: Negative side
3、正方 Affirmative side
反方:Negative side


开场:Nowadays, plastic surgery is no longer a social taboo, and it is not rare or astonishing to hear people around us have operations on their faces or bodies. Despite its high costs, possible risks, and short-term side efforts, plastic surgery is a great thing in many cases and its benefits can be both physical and emotional, both external and internal.

Cosmetic surgery is something that should not be entered into lightly. It is considered a surgical procedure and therefore will carry risks. But if you are in good general health and decide that cosmetic surgery is something that you want to do then it is important that you do research on the procedure so that you are able to make an informed and responsible decision. The advantages of plastic surgery can be many in the right circumstances.

Cosmetic surgery can be exactly what you need to enhance your self image. Having a positive self image can give you the self confidence that you need to get a better job, try new things and it will give you a general overall feeling of well being.

Another advantage of plastic surgery is the ability to correct physical defects. These patients may have physical defects that have resulted from an accident or a bad case of acne as a teenager. Some people are born with physical defects that have plagued them since birth and cosmetic surgery can finally give them a shot at a normal life.

If you have decided to get any type of procedure, choose your surgeon wisely. Get recommendations from your doctor. If possible, talk to former patients to get their input on a particular cosmetic surgeon. If you know of anyone who has had surgery, ask them for a recommendation.

Another thing that you need to take into consideration is the cost of your cosmetic surgery. Insurance plans will most likely not cover the costs for these procedures, so you will have to foot the bill yourself. There are places that will give you a loan specifically for cosmetic surgery, but be sure to research them carefully. Make sure that the cost of the surgery is not going to cause financial hardship upon yourself or your family.

Cosmetic surgery can be exactly what the doctor ordered if you are dealing with self esteem issues. Do research on the particular procedures that you are interested in so you know what you are getting into. Make sure you can afford it financially and choose your doctor or surgeon carefully. All in all, the advantages of cosmetic surgery can outweigh the risks if it can change your life for the better. Everyone deserves to look their best.


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