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Friends to help translate the needs of the next things we do help me urgent request for help in English cattle were grateful to the many points as possible to send things to the translation of the number of挺多how much I would like to thank all the

"And sex-related words are also a euphemism for an alternative, such as ... ...
"With the continuous development of human society, although people no longer" on the mere mention of ", but in some places of formal communication, people and sex (sexual) the words, in addition to some of the use of medical terminology, the usually make love (sex) sleep together (bed) so that euphemism to have sexual intercourse (sexual intercourse). pregnant woman (pregnant) and sexual (sex) is bound to have a link, so people often use tactful ways to express the concept of
三. Courtesy features
Euphemism Another function is to take the liberty to avoid the communication and indecent assault, when forced to be involved in the unpleasant things should be tactful choice of expression in order to avoid harm to each other's feelings. In terms of social, people pay attention to the total Finally, try to avoid words and deeds of indecent assault. The use of euphemism, it is not only polite words, but also for the care of each other's sensibilities are often available and recognition of each other's goodwill. Their preferred euphemism "moderate sex" (mildness) function so that they are polite.
"If the British to see (U.S.) State of the old lady, silent opening old (old) head-word, often ignore the other solution either, so on came into being some euphemism, such as senior citizen, second childhood (second childhood ), the longer living (the elderly), etc. instead of "old age" (the elderly, the older generation) and "senility" (老态龙钟) and so on. If teachers do not face when the parents of the children said that he is a stupid pupil ( stupid students), you have to careful to say that a slow learner (his slow), or underachiever (potential he has not yet) "〔6〕 P.89
"Also for example, depends on others to do his \ her work = cheats in class (by others homework cheating = class); has a tendency to stretch the truth = sometimes lies (the fact that there is a tendency to exaggerate and sometimes lie =); take other people's things without permission = steals (unauthorized use of others to steal things =). "〔7〕 P.39
In English in a variety of people with disabilities can be referred to as handicapped, inconvenienced (mobility) or invalid (the sick); said deaf (hearing loss) for the slow of hearing (hearing insensitive); said blind (blindness) for the visually retarded (the vision-impaired); that color blind (color) as color deficient (defective color vision).
"Dismissal of a person without fire, and use discontinue (terminate);" professor "word, we all know that it refers to university professors, can also often given to the hotel owner, boss, it can be given to almost all the ordinary people, said the master, no doubt comes from respect. "〔8〕 P.108
四. Hide feature
In the economic, political and war, but also the emergence of a number of diplomatic euphemism. Diplomatic personnel of such a rich source of euphemisms. Because they often attempt to the seriousness of international tension to reduce to a minimum, therefore, they are the real motives of their own or failure to give the impression of vague. Only experts can understand; two between the diplomats of a useful and businesslike meeting (the meeting useful and in all seriousness) what the problem is not resolved the meeting, a serious and candid discussion (serious and frank discussion) is a matter of fact the existence of differs significantly from the discussion.

For example, Henry Kissinger in 1976 created quite diplomacy (quiet diplomacy) the term used in referring to secret diplomatic activities. There are similar we are familiar with the Ping-Pong diplomacy (ping-pong diplomacy) to euphemistically refer to the history of Sino-US relations Qualcomm's table tennis team to discuss normalization of diplomatic relations to promote the exchange of practices.
Add: "In the political life of the West, for some political purpose, the media and politicians often economic crisis (economic crisis) as the depression (depression), the death penalty (death) as capital punishment (the most severe punishment) and so on. in economic life, bribery is called to oil (plus oil), was described as empty promises to fly a kite (kite flying), and misappropriation of public funds by government officials, the conduct of public office for private gain by covering up for the irregularity (irregular behavior ). Drug (drugs) and there are many people confuse the guise of: black stuff (and things) used to refer to opium (opium), Doctor White (White doctors) is a cocaine (cocaine, because of its white powder form, so with this White name implied), angel dust (pink angel cents) means heroin (heroin) and drug addict (drug users) were lightly as smoker (smokers), user (users) and so on. 〔9〕 P.28

Hello,Honourable guests!Because of the upgrade of the hydroelectricity monitoring system in the section of Tongjing Road,there is probably a service interruption from October 9th,2011 to 1-4a.m.on October 11th ,2011.Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this matter has given you.

工农业发展工农业发展工农业工农业发展工农业发展发展工农业发展工农业发展When people mention janitor janitor will be euphemistically referred to as building maintenance engineer (building maintenance engineers), security officer (security personnel); will be cleaner (garbage - men, garbage collectors) euphemistically referred to as waste managers (garbage management), sanitation engineers (engineers cleaning), sanitation worker (cleaning workers). Euphemistically called the hairdresser to hairdresser beautician (beautician). Euphemism of the people will be known as the hair dye artist (hair artist). Euphemistically known as the farmer farmers agriculture technician (agricultural technicians), agriculture engineer (agricultural engineer), agriculture science specialist (agricultural science experts). mechanic (mechanic) automobile engineer (of Automotive Engineers). Euphemistically known as the housewife housewives domestic engineer (domestic engineer). The dishwashers were洗盘子euphemistically known as the utensil maintenance men (containers maintenance staff). Gardener tree - trimmer euphemistically known as the tree surgeon (tree surgeon). Euphemistically known as the butcher butcher meat cutter (meat) or meat technologist (meat technicians). "P.90 〔12〕

"According to statistics, by the engineer as much landscaping more than 2000 kinds of the above title has become the most popular career拔高word (uplifting word). Is not only a large number of" low "in order to engineer the work of each other to raise their own, that is, some" decent "fashionable career client also has its own type of work to add the title of an engineer, such as: optician (glasses) to call itself a vision engineer (Vision of Engineers). bedding manufacturer (mattress maker) mattress engineer claimed that he is (mattress engineers) or sleep engineer (engineers sleep). School principal (primary and secondary school principals) as the educational engineer (engineer education). and for the human engineer its original meaning: human engineers, in the euphemism known as: personnel management specialists, is to study how one can improve the efficiency of workers to make the best use of expert psychological analysis. publicity engineer (engineers ads) is a press agent (promoters, advertising) in euphemism. Generally speaking, in this synthesis of more than 2000 Euphemistic language, engineer is, in essence, means man or person. such as: advertising engineer = advertising man (ad Rapporteur), sales engineer = salesperson (salesperson, salesman). "〔13〕 P.40

In short, the environmental Euphemism and conditions are very complex, it is deeply rooted in the social life and social development with the constant development and has been continuously replaced, so that language is constantly changing . Some people think that hypocritical euphemism, and some people think they are a kind of "psychological needs." In fact, language and society are always closely linked, and the euphemism is a mirror of society with rich cultural connotation. For example, religion, values, lifestyles, customs and political life; it is the language of an essential component. However, it needs to be stressed is that the use of euphemism when it must do, from place to place, people, because it will suit, the abuse of euphemism seems absurd, ridiculous, just the opposite.

回答者: vinaii - 经理 四级 5-3 08:24
[13] p. 40
Anyhow, the euphemism produce environment and conditions is very complex, it deeply rooted in social life, and with the development of the society developing constantly, and was continually replaced, can make the language is in constant change. Some people think that the euphemism hypocrisy, and some people argue that they are a kind of "psychological needs". In fact, the language is always closely and society, the euphemism is the mirror of the society, has the rich cultural connotation. For example, religions and values and lifestyles, customs, and political life, etc. It is an indispensable part of. But, the emphasis is placed on the use of euphemism must because when, because, because, because things and organization, abuse of euphemism is absurd, funny and backfire.
回答者: 黄钰田 - 初入江湖 三级 5-3 14:07
"When people mention janitor janitor will be euphemistically referred to as building maintenance engineer (building maintenance engineers), security officer (security personnel); will be cleaner (garbage - men, garbage collectors) euphemistically referred to as waste managers ( garbage management), sanitation engineers (engineers cleaning), sanitation worker (cleaning workers). euphemistically called the hairdresser to hairdresser beautician (beautician). euphemism of people will be known as the hair dye artist (hair artist). farmers farmer euphemistically referred to as agriculture technician (agricultural technicians), agriculture engineer (agricultural engineer), agriculture science specialist (agriculture and scientific experts). mechanic (mechanic) automobile engineer (of Automotive Engineers). housewives housewife euphemistically referred to as domestic engineer ( domestic engineer).洗盘子the dishwashers were euphemistically known as the utensil maintenance men (containers maintenance staff). gardener tree - trimmer euphemistically known as the tree surgeon (tree surgeon). euphemistically known as the butcher butcher meat cutter (meat persons) or meat technologist (meat technician). "〔12〕 P.90

"According to statistics, by the engineer as much landscaping more than 2000 kinds of the above title has become the most popular career拔高word (uplifting word). Is not only a large number of" low "in order to engineer the work of each other to raise their own, that is, some" decent "fashionable career client also has its own type of work to add the title of an engineer, such as: optician (glasses) to call itself a vision engineer (Vision of Engineers). bedding manufacturer (mattress maker) mattress engineer claimed that he is (mattress engineers) or sleep engineer (engineers sleep). School principal (primary and secondary school principals) as the educational engineer (engineer education). and for the human engineer its original meaning: human engineers, in the euphemism known as: personnel management specialists, is to study how one can improve the efficiency of workers to make the best use of expert psychological analysis. publicity engineer (engineers ads) is a press agent (promoters, advertising) in euphemism. Generally speaking, in this synthesis of more than 2000 Euphemistic language, engineer is, in essence, means man or person. such as: advertising engineer = advertising man (ad Rapporteur), sales engineer = salesperson (salesperson, salesman). "〔13〕 P.40

In short, the environmental Euphemism and conditions are very complex, it is deeply rooted in the social life and social development with the constant development and has been continuously replaced, so that language is constantly changing . Some people think that hypocritical euphemism, and some people think they are a kind of "psychological needs." In fact, language and society are always closely linked, and the euphemism is a mirror of society with rich cultural connotation. For example, religion, values, lifestyles, customs and political life; it is the language of an essential component. However, it needs to be stressed is that the use of euphemism when it must do, from place to place, people, because it will suit, the abuse of euphemism seems absurd, ridiculous, just the opposite工农业发展

When people mention janitor janitor will be euphemistically referred to as building maintenance engineer (building maintenance engineers), security officer (security personnel); will be cleaner (garbage - men, garbage collectors) euphemistically referred to as waste managers (garbage management), sanitation engineers (engineers cleaning), sanitation worker (cleaning workers). Euphemistically called the hairdresser to hairdresser beautician (beautician). Euphemism of the people will be known as the hair dye artist (hair artist). Euphemistically known as the farmer farmers agriculture technician (agricultural technicians), agriculture engineer (agricultural engineer), agriculture science specialist (agricultural science experts). mechanic (mechanic) automobile engineer (of Automotive Engineers). Euphemistically known as the housewife housewives domestic engineer (domestic engineer). The dishwashers were洗盘子euphemistically known as the utensil maintenance men (containers maintenance staff). Gardener tree - trimmer euphemistically known as the tree surgeon (tree surgeon). Euphemistically known as the butcher butcher meat cutter (meat) or meat technologist (meat technicians). "P.90 〔12〕

"According to statistics, by the engineer as much landscaping more than 2000 kinds of the above title has become the most popular career拔高word (uplifting word). Is not only a large number of" low "in order to engineer the work of each other to raise their own, that is, some" decent "fashionable career client also has its own type of work to add the title of an engineer, such as: optician (glasses) to call itself a vision engineer (Vision of Engineers). bedding manufacturer (mattress maker) mattress engineer claimed that he is (mattress engineers) or sleep engineer (engineers sleep). School principal (primary and secondary school principals) as the educational engineer (engineer education). and for the human engineer its original meaning: human engineers, in the euphemism known as: personnel management specialists, is to study how one can improve the efficiency of workers to make the best use of expert psychological analysis. publicity engineer (engineers ads) is a press agent (promoters, advertising) in euphemism. Generally speaking, in this synthesis of more than 2000 Euphemistic language, engineer is, in essence, means man or person. such as: advertising engineer = advertising man (ad Rapporteur), sales engineer = salesperson (salesperson, salesman). "〔13〕 P.40

In short, the environmental Euphemism and conditions are very complex, it is deeply rooted in the social life and social development with the constant development and has been continuously replaced, so that language is constantly changing . Some people think that hypocritical euphemism, and some people think they are a kind of "psychological needs." In fact, language and society are always closely linked, and the euphemism is a mirror of society with rich cultural connotation. For example, religion, values, lifestyles, customs and political life; it is the language of an essential component. However, it needs to be stressed is that the use of euphemism when it must do, from place to place, people, because it will suit, the abuse of euphemism seems absurd, ridiculous, just the opposite.


"When people mention janitor janitor will be euphemistically referred to as building maintenance engineer (building maintenance engineers), security officer (security personnel); will be cleaner (garbage - men, garbage collectors) euphemistically referred to as waste managers ( garbage management), sanitation engineers (engineers cleaning), sanitation worker (cleaning workers). euphemistically called the hairdresser to hairdresser beautician (beautician). euphemism of people will be known as the hair dye artist (hair artist). farmers farmer euphemistically referred to as agriculture technician (agricultural technicians), agriculture engineer (agricultural engineer), agriculture science specialist (agriculture and scientific experts). mechanic (mechanic) automobile engineer (of Automotive Engineers). housewives housewife euphemistically referred to as domestic engineer ( domestic engineer).洗盘子the dishwashers were euphemistically known as the utensil maintenance men (containers maintenance staff). gardener tree - trimmer euphemistically known as the tree surgeon (tree surgeon). euphemistically known as the butcher butcher meat cutter (meat persons) or meat technologist (meat technician). "〔12〕 P.90

"According to statistics, by the engineer as much landscaping more than 2000 kinds of the above title has become the most popular career拔高word (uplifting word). Is not only a large number of" low "in order to engineer the work of each other to raise their own, that is, some" decent "fashionable career client also has its own type of work to add the title of an engineer, such as: optician (glasses) to call itself a vision engineer (Vision of Engineers). bedding manufacturer (mattress maker) mattress engineer claimed that he is (mattress engineers) or sleep engineer (engineers sleep). School principal (primary and secondary school principals) as the educational engineer (engineer education). and for the human engineer its original meaning: human engineers, in the euphemism known as: personnel management specialists, is to study how one can improve the efficiency of workers to make the best use of expert psychological analysis. publicity engineer (engineers ads) is a press agent (promoters, advertising) in euphemism. Generally speaking, in this synthesis of more than 2000 Euphemistic language, engineer is, in essence, means man or person. such as: advertising engineer = advertising man (ad Rapporteur), sales engineer = salesperson (salesperson, salesman). "〔13〕 P.40

In short, the environmental Euphemism and conditions are very complex, it is deeply rooted in the social life and social development with the constant development and has been continuously replaced, so that language is constantly changing . Some people think that hypocritical euphemism, and some people think they are a kind of "psychological needs." In fact, language and society are always closely linked, and the euphemism is a mirror of society with rich cultural connotation. For example, religion, values, lifestyles, customs and political life; it is the language of an essential component. However, it needs to be stressed is that the use of euphemism when it must do, from place to place, people, because it will suit, the abuse of euphemism seems absurd, ridiculous, just the opposite.

[13] p. 40
Anyhow, the euphemism produce environment and conditions is very complex, it deeply rooted in social life, and with the development of the society developing constantly, and was continually replaced, can make the language is in constant change. Some people think that the euphemism hypocrisy, and some people argue that they are a kind of "psychological needs". In fact, the language is always closely and society, the euphemism is the mirror of the society, has the rich cultural connotation. For example, religions and values and lifestyles, customs, and political life, etc. It is an indispensable part of. But, the emphasis is placed on the use of euphemism must because when, because, because, because things and organization, abuse of euphemism is absurd, funny and backfire.

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