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请高手帮我修改一下下面的英语翻译。 语法正确,大意对即可,不必一个词一个词翻译。~

1。Recently, Xi'an’ weather is turning cool, how about shanghai?口语是行的,但书面语,不行,改成Recently, Xi'an’ weather is turning cool。How about shanghai?或者Recently, Xi'an’ weather is turning cool; how about shanghai?
2。。kindly用的不太好,因为kindly的意思是亲切地, 和蔼地, 友好地, 仁慈地 ……改成surely。此外将please放在后面读起来较好
3.I lack of preparedness at that time, so did not formally proposed.语法错误,因为lack是及物动词,将of去掉,准备是preparation。此外这个句子没有关联词,应该是because i lack preparation at that time,so i did not formally proposed。
4.时态不对,将leave改成left,study是及物动词,将of 去掉,knowledge是不可数名词,将s去掉
6。Currently I am available daily work more busy, and did not use the software for practice.很乱,改成;
Currently I am busying with my daily work , and don't have the available software for practice at day
7.I would like to learn more knowledge, have a greater development. 这里有两个谓语,也就是相当于两个句子,那么他们之间就不能用逗号连接,应该用分号者句号。而且这句话的因果逻辑关系表达不明显,改成
:I would like to learn more knowledge,so as to have a greater development.
8。将Although I find this request very unreasonable, but I still want you to give me a chance, allow me to transfer CAD engineering positions.中的but去掉,将want改成hope 比较好,将chance换成opportunity比较正式。positions后面的s去掉,这里同样犯了一个句子有两个或两个以上谓语的错误,改成Although I find this request very unreasonable,I still hope you to give me a chance, and allow me to get CAD engineering position


Under the new curriculum standard of English raises elementary school students comprehensive language ability, to the general goal of this request, instructing teachers in teaching continuously explore stimulates the student to study the interest, the methods and approaches to the greatest extent they mobilize the enthusiasm. Build English learning atmosphere, adopt flexible teaching method, introducing competition mechanism, paying attention to students as the main body, establish new-type teacher-student relationship, and develop various forms of English extracurricular activities are analyzed, and the motivating students to learn English in my interest on the methods and approaches.

Under the new curriculum standard of English raises elementary school students comprehensive language ability, to the general goal of this request, instructing teachers in teaching continuously explore stimulates the student to study the interest, the methods and approaches to the greatest extent they mobilize the enthusiasm. Build English learning atmosphere, adopt flexible teaching method, introducing competition mechanism, paying attention to students as the main body, establish new-type teacher-student relationship, and develop various forms of English extracurricular activities are analyzed, and the motivating students to learn English in my interest on the methods and approaches. 明白了?

Under the new curriculum standards for training of primary school students in English language ability of a comprehensive overall objective, it is necessary to truly implement this requirement, the need for teachers to stimulate students to explore constantly learning of English interested in ways and means to maximize the mobilization of their initiative. Create an English learning environment, to adopt a flexible teaching methods, the introduction of competition mechanism, the main focus on the student, establish a new relationship between teachers and students to carry out a variety of extra-curricular activities in English for analysis, I stimulate students interest in learning English on the ways and means for the beginning.

with the new direction aimed at developing the capacity of comprehension among primary students under the curriculum standard of English, holding the new aim to put the request into real use , teachers are playing an important role in encouraging their students to acquire English knowledge with interest , so teachers should pay much attention to the new approach to motivating them. Create an English learning environment, to adopt a flexible teaching methods, the introduction of competition mechanism, the main focus on the student, establish a new relationship between teachers and students to carry out a variety of extra-curricular activities in English for analysis, I stimulate students interest in learning English on the ways and means for the beginning.

Under the new curriculum standard of English raises elementary school students comprehensive language ability, to the general goal of this request, instructing teachers in teaching continuously explore stimulates the student to study the interest, the methods and approaches to the greatest extent they mobilize the enthusiasm. Build English learning atmosphere, adopt flexible teaching method, introducing competition mechanism, paying attention to students as the main body, establish new-type teacher-student relationship, and develop various forms of English extracurricular activities are analyzed, and the motivating students to learn English in my interest on the methods and approaches.



  • 18957437572谁可以帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文?
    黎黄苛photos?(Because weijia did not send me and I cannot find her )I'm curious to know your boyfriend. He must look handsome!Hope this first e-mail finds you well and look forward to your reply.其实你的最后一句话没什么必要,东西方人的客气方式不一样:)所以我稍微修改了一下。

  • 18957437572谁能帮我翻译一下 下面这一段英文...谢谢大家了 10分
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  • 18957437572谁可以给我翻译一下下面的一段话啊,谢谢了。

  • 18957437572谁帮我翻译一下下面的这篇文章 谢谢!!用英语!!
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  • 18957437572谁会英语.帮我翻译一下下面的句子.谢谢啦~
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  • 18957437572谁能帮我把下面的英语翻译一下

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    黎黄苛Last night, a bus deiver was going to be off duty .When he looked back into the bus,he saw a white woman sitting in the last row.But when he continued driving and looked back by rearview mirror,the woman just disappeared.He was too frightened to drive, so he hurriedly ...

  • 18957437572谁帮我翻译一下下面的英语,先谢谢了!
    黎黄苛请插入USB-CE连接线!带有USB-CE线时请勿连接充电器;请勿从设备中取出电池。升级程序失败,请移除USB-CE Bus 我的理解。这些话有点歧义

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    黎黄苛The teachers and the students, I think English teaching is more advantageous to hear Because the actual teaching close to the life and social reality, the genre rich variety. Because these materials with time Generation of feeling, morality, knowledge and authenticity, easy cause the ...

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