
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1) 我们部门有一个助理的职位空缺
An assistant position is currently vacant in our department.

2) 网络经济将对人们的生活产生影响
People's lifestyles are being affected by the network/internet economy.

3) 面临困难的时候坚持下去就会取得回报
When faced with difficulties, if one can overcome the hardships and keep going, the efforts will eventually be paid off.

4) 很明显,与他争论无济于事
Arguing with him is clearly useless.

5) 他们反对把会议推迟到下周
They opposed to the idea of delaying the meeting to next week.

你翻译的Who faced with difficulties persistently will get return.
并没有完全把那个意思翻译过来 不完整
我在翻这句的时候也想了挺久的 想帮你翻译得短点但一直想不到满意的所以才会比较长
我解释一下我翻得吧When faced with difficulties, if one can overcome the hardships and keep going, the efforts will eventually be paid off.
overcome the hardships 战胜困难
be paid off-得到回报

I shoulden't have been so hurry.
He can't have taken the heavy suitcase this morning.
Linda has gone to work, she must have taken the bus.
He shoulden't have thrown away the old clothes.
I should have read the article,but I was too busy at that time!

1.you are too persuasive 你太能说了了
persuasive 能说服人的,善于游说的

2.better than that one in every aspect在每个方面都优于那一台

3.dealing with him与他打交道
deal with相处。

4.teacher exclusively 老师专用

5.what attached with the letter随信寄去


1 maps talk me into around to boost the stuff I polished... (your mouth too can say),
Auto-reconnect machine is _ _ _ _ _ (2 in every aspect of superior to that one)
We are aware of three countries of sight (deal with him),
4 every library is for____ (regardless of teacher special)
5 _ _ _ _ _ (to enclose herewith) for three letters turn instead of employees.

you are too talktive(我们外教总这么说我 呵呵)
better than any others in every aspect
having relationship with him
teachers only(哪用那么复杂,外国人经常这么说)
what attached with the letter


1. you are very persuasive.
2. better than the other one in every way
3. dealing with him
4. teachers only
5. Attached

1、you are eloquent.
2、better than that one in every respect.
3、communicating with him.
4、teachers' exclusive use.
5、all that was sent with the letter.

1.You too can it be said that the mouth
2.In every aspect, superior to that one
3.To deal with him
4.Dedicated teachers
5.With the letters sent


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