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英语作文,假如你校英语报正在开展主题为 “急救常识”的征文活动,,1迅速~

一、教材解读 1.课文简说。 这是一篇精读课文,是我国台湾著名作家林清玄的一篇散文。这篇文章语言朴实流畅、寓意深刻。作者借树苗的生长,来比喻人的成长,写一个种树人让“树木自己学会在土地里找水源”的育苗方法,说明了在艰苦环境中经受生活...

My Home Town

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful. 大概意思:我的家乡很美丽,但是在很久以前那里很平穷很多人找不到工作 过着艰辛的生活,在1949我家乡解放了 那里发生了很大的改变 有了学校 医院....我喜欢我家乡 爱我说有家乡的人 他们的努力工作是家乡变得更美

A first aid, ankle sprain
In 1, mild ankle sprain, should first cold compresses, 24 hours after the switch tohot compress, bandage round his ankle, the foot high, can alleviate the symptoms.
Two, the electric shock first aid
The quickly cut off the power supply.
II can't find a gate open, available insulating material wire or cut wire.
The electric shock immediately will be carried to the ventilated place, unbutton your shirt, belt, if not breathing, must do mouth to mouth resuscitation or sent them to a nearby hospital.
The availability of saline or vaseline gauze. Local burn.
The Emergency Act Three, artery bleeding
The small artery hemorrhage, wound, can be sterilized cotton deposited in the wound, compression bandaging, general will be able to check glare
The bleeding, can be injured limb elevation, slow blood flow velocity, assistZhixuan
The hemorrhage of extremities serious when, can be in the upper end oftourniquet ligation wound, the first mat towel or piece of cloth should be tiedbefore, then every half hour must be relaxed 1 times, a total of binding time shall not exceed two hours, in order to avoid limb ischemic necrosis. As a preliminarytreatment, should be immediately sent to hospital for treatment.
Four, children's emergency law draft
1, found that children with convulsions, should not be confound at children,shaking, so that aggravate the condition, do not water feed soup, so as to avoid the inhalation of the trachea. Open the window and let in children with respiratoryunobstructed, unlock jacket. The chopsticks cloth wrapped into children between upper and lower teeth so as not to bite your tongue. A high fever caused by theexhaust, can dip in with towel cold compress on the forehead. A detailed record of exhaust time, symptoms, immediately sent to hospital for treatment.
Five, bitten by the dog first aid
After bitten by a dog, should be wound down 5 cm with a cloth belt tightening,using a breast pump dirty blood sucking, then wash with soap and water cut. The dog should be added to the isolation, once diagnosed with carrying the rabies virus, shall be put to death.
In 6, fracture first aid
Methods the rescue fracture:
The hemostasis, bandaging, acupressure: can use the tourniquet to stop glare
The bandage: for the open fracture with sterile gauze bandaging, the exposedbone end can not be returned.
The fixed: in old clothes and other soft pads with clip plywood, plywood can also be used when no alternative to stick, the injured limb two upper and lower jointfixed up.
The treatment: if the conditions, can be in pain after debridement, send to hospital for treatment.
In seven, acute lumbar sprain first aid
1, waist sprains suddenly, such as the injury is lighter, can let the patient supine on a plank bed pad thickness, waist 1 pillows. First cold sores, 1 ~ 2 days tocompress. If the symptoms are not alleviated or hurt the person that weigh,emergency hospital treatment.
Eight, spine injury first aid
Injury of spine patients if a clear mind, can make its move limbs, simple double lower limbs activity obstacle, thoracic or lumbar has prompted severe injury ofupper limbs activity obstacle; also, the cervical spine is also affected by theinjury. To make the patient supine on the floor, two arms unbend and approach.The door board is placed on the patient side, 4 move users squat on the patient side, one supporting the back and waist, a man who asked the scapular, a man who asked the hips and lower limbs, a person to hold the head and torso and kept in the same axis, 4 people at the same time force, the patient slowly roll the door, the supine, waist and neck after each put a small pillow, both sides of the head put a soft pillow, the head is fixed with a cloth, and then rushed to the nearest hospital.
Nine, leek and mistreatment of swallow metal foreign body method
Take a leek, don't cut into boiling water and cooked, mixed with some sesame oilas the metal foreign bodies such as swallowing wrapped, and then discharged smoothly.
In ten, hemoptysis emergency law
Let the patients bed rest, semi supine, keep quiet, not to speak loudly andcough.
The chest with a cold towel, at the same time, to prevent the cold.
The cough expectorant, but avoid using aminophylline.
The selected service some hemostatic drugs, such as: No. eight hemostaticpowder, three seven, Bletilla striata powder, vitamin K powder.
The hospital treatment as soon as possible.
Eleven, cat bite first aid
Was bitten by a cat, should be in the upper end of tourniquet tightly wound, andflushed with saline or cold water wound, then 5% carbolic acid corrosion.
Twelve, gas poisoning first aid
Aware of their gas poisoning, should as soon as possible to open the doors and windows, and quickly left the scene. As has been the general weakness, want to lie on the ground, climbing to the door or the window, open the doors and windows for help. Find others gas poisoning, doors and windows should be opened immediately, patients will be carried off the field. Poisoning such as breathing, irregular heartbeat or stopped, the need for resuscitation of external cardiac massage and mouth and rushed to hospital immediately.
Thirteen, drowning first aid
The rescuers squat, the rescued the drowning person head down to lie in the ambulance on the leg, quickly press the back, so that it will be the womb out the water, and the removal of foreign bodies in the nose, and untie the clothes and trousers, bra. Then do mouth to mouth resuscitation, to do mouth to nosebreathing on trismus drowning person. Flat [note artificial respiration, to endure.A few minutes without reaction do not, stop. This is a common mistake. ]
The heartbeat stops doing massage immediately heart in vitro.
3, pinching, acupuncture ten xuan.
At the same time 4, active rescue should be promptly sent to hospital rescue.
14, pesticide poisoning method
Accidental pesticide 10 ~ 30 minutes, general will appear dizziness, nausea,vomiting, salivation, sweating, standing instability, pale, incontinence and other symptoms. In hospital before, use chopsticks, feathers or fingers to stimulate its throat which pesticides spit. After vomiting, can let its take egg white, milk or concentrated milk, to protect the gastric mucosa, reduce the stimulation to the stomach of pesticide, delay the absorption of poison.
15, arsenic poisoning first aid

Drowning is because the human body submerged in water, the respiratory tractdiseases were choking water blockage or laryngeal spasm caused by. Drowningcan have water, sediment, debris large oral, nasal irrigation into the lungs, can cause respiratory tract obstruction, hypoxia and coma until death.
The drowning common in patients with systemic edema, cyanosis, his eyes bloodshot, mouth full of bloody foam, sediment or algae, foot and palmar skin wrinkling pale, cold limbs, coma, mydriasis, double pulmonary rales, difficulty in breathing, heart sounds is low and irregular, decreased blood pressure, stomachfilled Shui Kuozhang. The recovery period may appear pneumonia, lung abscess. Drowning the whole process very quickly, often in the 4 to 5 minutes or 5 ~ 6 minutes of death.


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