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Hi, my old friends.
I admire your manipulative ability so much. Building & decorating houses, you did these all by youselves. From our perspective, it's nearly an impossible thing. How excellent you are!
You go to hack when you need wood. Although a little tired, it's full of delight of life. I am longing for this kind of life too.
There's almost no woods around us. Trees has been cleared by humans. Maybe because there're too large population in China. More people require more lands to build houses, to cultivate to grow grains. Thus the forest coverage here is far less than yours. Last time when I went to Germany, I saw a great broad of forests and all green from the plane. Really admire your life surroundings. It's like a natural Oxygen bar.
In your last email, you told me that you had been tired those days. Please take a good rest and take care of yourself. You've done lots of work. Hope your boss to raise your salary asap.
Regarding the beer, I like drinking yellow beer (wheat beer). It's dainty, not too bitter. Can you recommend several German brands for me?
My birthday is May, 10th. Will you really send soem beer to me? Thank you very much. (老外如果帮你做了什么事,不要说什么麻烦,要说谢谢,这是中西文化的不同。)However, that's will be very heavey and you may need to pay a lot for international express fees. I suggest that you recommend some brands for me. I will try to buy in local stores. If none, then you can post.
At last, please forward my best wishes to your wife. May she become more and more healthy, and recover asap.
Best Regards



Help for the helper

At age eighteen, I left my home in Brooklyn, New York, and went off to study history at Leeds University in Yorkshire, England. It was an exciting but stressful time in my life, for while trying to adjust to the novelty of unfamiliar surroundings, I was still learning to cope with the all-too-familiar pain of my father's recent death—an event with which I had not yet come to terms1.

While at the market one day, trying to decide which bunch of flowers would best brighten up my comfortable but colorless student digs2, I spied an elderly gentleman having difficulty holding onto his walking stick and his bag of apples. I rushed over and relieved him of the apples, giving him time to regain his balance.
"Thanks, luv3,?he said in that distinctive Yorkshire lilt I never tire of hearing.4 "I'm quite all right now, not to worry,?he said, smiling at me not only with his mouth but with a pair of dancing bright blue eyes.
“谢谢,小家伙3, ”他用令我百听不厌的浓重约克郡口音对我说4.”我目前很好,不必担心,”他回答说,他冲我笑着,嘴角和一双明亮蓝眼睛都充满笑意.
"May I walk with you?" I inquired. "Just to make sure those apples don't become sauce prematurely."5
He laughed and said, "Now, you are a long way from home, lass. From the States, are you?"
"Only from one of them.6 New York. I'll tell you all about it as we walk.?
So began my friendship with Mr. Burns, a man whose smile and warmth would very soon come to mean a great deal to me.

18岁时,我离开我的家在纽约布鲁克林,然后去研究历史上在约克郡利兹大学,英国。这是一个令人兴奋的,但紧张的时间在我的生命,同时努力适应新的不熟悉的环境中,我仍然在学习,以应付一切太熟悉的痛苦,我的父亲最近死亡的事件与我没有尚未来terms1 。

虽然市场上的一天,试图决定花束最好打发我舒服,但无色学生digs2 ,我侦察一位老人有困难的人到他和他的手杖一袋苹果。俺冲过去,并解除他的苹果,给他时间来恢复自己的平衡。

“谢谢, luv3 , ?他说,在这独特的约克郡lilt我不厌其烦地hearing.4 ”我现在相当的所有权利,不要担心, ?他笑着说我不仅与他的嘴,但与对舞蹈明亮的蓝色眼睛。

“我可以走吗? ”我问。 “只是为了确保这些苹果不会成为酱油过早” 。 5

他笑着说, “现在,你还有很长的路要走家里,姑娘。从美国,是吗? ”

“只有从them.6纽约。我会告诉你所有关于它作为我们走。 ?



“谢谢,luv3呢。他说,在那独特的约克郡口音,我从不厌倦hearing.4 "我已经完全好了,别担心,他说,对我微笑的不仅是他的嘴和一双跳舞明亮的蓝眼睛。





一天,在市场上,就在我考虑买一束花使我住所的那个优秀但沉默寡言的学生开朗起来时, 我发现一个温文尔雅的老人艰难地扶着拐杖,提着一袋苹果。我冲过去接过他手中的苹果,给他时间去保持平衡。 “谢谢”他用特殊的从不厌烦的约克郡 口音说道。“我现在非常好,别担心。”他不仅用嘴笑着。并用闪烁着的蓝眼睛看着我说到。


在年龄十八,我在布鲁克林,纽约把我的家留在,并且结束在利兹大学学习历史在约克夏,英国。 它是扣人心弦的,但是紧张时间在我的生活中,为,当设法对不熟悉的周围时新奇调整,我仍然学会应付以我的我未来到terms1的父亲的最近death—an事件所有太熟悉的痛苦。

While在市场上一天,设法决定哪束花会最佳发亮我舒适,但是无色的学生digs2,我暗中了侦察有一个年长的绅士在他的拐杖上的困难藏品和他的袋子苹果。 我冲了并且免除他苹果,给他时刻收复他的平衡。
“感谢, luv3, ?他说特别约克夏轻快的动作我从未hearing.4轮胎“我现在是相当全部,不担心, ?他说,微笑对我不仅有他的嘴的,但是有一个对的跳舞明亮的蓝眼睛。

" 5月我走与您?“我询问了。 “确定那些苹果过早地不成为调味汁。“5

她笑了并且说, “现在,您是离家,少女很远。 从状态,是您?”
仅 "从一个them.6纽约。 我将告诉您所有对此,我们走。?



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