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急急!求一篇80字左右 初中的清明扫墓英语作文拜托各位了 3Q~

清明节扫墓英语作文Last Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,In the past, the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day". But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. Unlike the sacrifices at a family's home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers. With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors. Following folk religion, the Chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family. Sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children. Worship还可以用来指宗教礼拜,它还可以表示“祭拜”。清明节时,we return home today to worship grandfather(我们回家乡祭拜外公)。

写环保可以么?如果可以参考我给你写的。 以下这些可以给你作为立论的。 在环境保护已经成为全球最热门话题的今天,不论是国家政府,还是企业以及个人,都已经把环保事业重视起来。然而我们不得不承认,社会和生活是很现实的,没有足够的资金,有太多的事业都很难有效的进行,不幸的是,这其中也包括环保。环保治污是一项非常需要高新技术以及高新人才的事业,如果没有这些,不但治污的效果达不到,而且可能会在治理一项污染的过程中产生另一项污染。这样的话,我们为环保所付出的努力就变得毫无意义了。而对于政府及企业来说,如果想要引进高新技术及人才,资金是必不可少的。因此只有有了钱,我们才能更好的进行环保事业,从而使我们的环境变得更好。 Nowadays, environmental protection has become the hotest topic all around the globe, to which not only the governments, but also enterprises and individuals have payed their great attention. However, we have to admit that we are living in a realistic society, and there are too many goals that we're not able to achieve effectively without enough funds, in which, unfortunately, environmental protection is included. Environmental protection & pullution controlling is an undertaking with high requirements for high-tech and top talents. Without these supports, the proccess of one pollution control may not only be effectiveless, but also become the cause of another pollution. In this case, the efforts we have taken for environmental protection would become senseless. Moreover, it's essential to have enough money for govenments and enterprises to bring in hi-technologies and top talents. As a result, it's necessary to have enough money in order to carry out the undertakings of environmental protection, which is, to make good changes to our environment. 另外给你提供一个论据,是我国一家环保企业--中国博奇环保科技最近在东证(世界第二大证券交易市场)上市的成功案例,它从侧面反映了拥有雄厚的财力对于推行环保事业有多么重要。以下是相关新闻资料 http://china.nikkei.co.jp/china/news/intv/intv200710220120.html 如果需要修改或扩充上面的那段立论。

With the development of science and technology, network increasing popularity, mail, news, books, and even to attend class, a reservation can use network realization. Network seems to have become the people part of everyday life, so people are reading less time on the Internet, more and more time... According to this phenomenon, my personal opinion is to learn from books, we can appreciate the famous work, can with the pen to write down the sentence we like, but can't really depend on network finish work, since the ancient times, our ancestors is such a one word of the transfer of knowledge to complete, so why don't we cherish their achievements, and books?--the network more USES is with entertainment, is the so-called office: reading the rolls, such as writing god!!!!! 随着科技的发展,网络日益普及,邮件、新闻、书本,甚至连上课、预定机票都可以用网络实现。网络似乎已经成为了人们生活中不可或缺的一部分,所以人们读书的时间越来越少,上网的时间越来越多…… 针对这种现象,我个人的观点是学习离不开书本,我们可以欣赏名著,可以用笔记下我们喜欢的句子,却不能真正的依靠网络完成学习任务,自古以来,我们的祖先们都是这样一笔一字完成知识的传递的,所以我们为什么不珍惜他们的成果呢——书本,而,网络更多的用途是办公跟娱乐,正所谓:读书破万卷,下笔如有神!

第一 篇,去北京玩 DragonBoatFestivalismyfavouritefestival.DuringtheholidayofDragonBoatFestival,Igottogetherwithmyfamilytohaveabigmeal.Weofenatethezongzi.Ittastedverynice.AndwesawtheDragonBoatRaces.Ifeltexcitedbecausetheracewasbustlingwithnoiseandexcitement.AtDragonBoatFestival,wealsodrankrealgarwine.Somepeoplethoughtdrankrealgarwinecanprotectthemselvesfromillness.DragonBoatFestivalwasinterestingandIlikeitverymuch.MytriptoBeijingIwentonatriptoBeijingonSundaymorning.IarrivedinBeijingbybusinafternoon.Iwasexcited.Because,Beijingisthecapitalcityofourcountry.IwenttothePalaceMuseum.IwenttotheGreatWall.Iwentshopping.Iateinrestaurant.IwenttotheTian'anmenSquaretoflykites.Beijingissogreat.IloveBeijing.I'mveryhappy. Lastweekend,IwenttovisitOldHenry. OnSaturdaymorningIcleanedthehouse.OnSaturdayafternoorIwenttothemovie.OldHenryandIwenttobeach.Wehadaswimthere.Weplayedgamesandflewkites. OnSaturdayeveningIcookedanicedinner. Wehadagreattime. Ihopetovisithimagain! ABusyWeekend Ihadabusyweekend.OnSaturdaymorning,Ireadbooksanddidhomework.Intheafternoon,Icleanedmyroom.Intheevening,IwatchedTVandmovies.OnSundaymorning,Iplayedbasketballwithmygoodfriend.Wewerehappy.Intheafternoon,Iwenttothesupermarket.Intheevening,Ireadabookabouthistory. Thisweekend,Iwasverytired. LastvacationWewenttoabeautifulbeach,amuseumandwewenttothemountains. Onthefirstday.Itwassunnyandhotallday.Wewenttoabeautifulbeach.Wehadaswimthere.Weplayedgames.Itwasreallyfun.Wehadseafoodfordinner.Itwasdelicious! Onthesecondday.Theweatherwasnotgood.sowewenttothemountains.Wegottothetopofthemountain.Weplayedgamesandflewkites.Iwasverytired.butIhadagoodtime. Onthethirdday.Theweatherwascool.sowewenttoamuseum.Itwaskindofboring.sowedidn'treallyenjoyit. Lastsummerholiday,MyfamilyhadgonetoHongKong,Atthemorning,myfatherdrivethecartoShenzhen,Afterthelunch,wetakethecartoHongKong,HongKongisacenteroffanancial.Therearemanypeopleinthere,Wejustgoshopping,then,wehadagooddinner. Thenextday,wegonetotheOceanPark,itwasveryinterstingandwonderful.Thegoodexpressionwastheinformceofthedophin,Theycouldsavepeople,alsocouldshowmanythings.Theyareverysmart! IlikeHongKongverymuch! IwasveryhappyduringtheNationalDayholiday.IspentalotoftimetoplaywithmyfriendsbecauseIhadlittlehomework,Ihadfinisheditverysoon.AlthoughsometimesIfeelbored,happinesswasthemainstream.Ilikedtovisitinterestingplacesmost.Itwasverynice.IliketheNationalDayholiday. Dear***, Nicetomeetyouagainbyletter.IamsoexcitedtotellyousomethingaboutmyvacationonMaydayholiday. IwenttoShanghaiScienceandTechnologyMuseumwithmyparents.It'ssointerestinghere,themostattractionisthe3Dcinemawhichcanbringyoutoexplorethevividscienceworld! IsincerelytoinvitedyoutoShanghaiandgothereagain.Ipromisethatitwillgiveyouahappyexperience! BestWishes, yours*** APrivateConversition LastweekIwenttothetheater.Ihadaverygoodseat.Theplaywasveryinteresting.Ididn'tenjoyit.Ayoungmanandayoungwomanwassittingbehindme,theyweretalkingloudly.Igotveryangry.Icouldnotheartheactors.Iturnedaround,Ilookedatthemanandthewomanangrily.Theydidn'tpayanyattendtion.Intheend,Icouldnotbearit.Iturnaroundagain:"Ican'thearaword!"Isaidangrily."It'snoneofyourbusiness"theyoungmansaidrudly."Thisisaprivateconversition!" Iwenttotheparkwithmydadyesterday.Yesterdaywasarainyday,buttheairwasreallyfresh.Wesawalotofoldpeopleandchildrenplayingandrunninginthepark.Thereweremanydogsfollowingthemaswell.Iwillalwaysgototheparkinfuture. yesterday,Iwasveryhappy.Beacausesomethinginterestinghappenedtome. Inthemorning,Igotupquickly.Then,Iatebreakfastwithmyparents.Thebreakfastwassodelisious.Afterbreakfast,Iwenttoschoolbybusat7:00. Ihadsevenclassesyesterday.ItwasChinese.maths.Englishandsoon. YesterdayIwenttotheshoptobuysomefruit.Iboughtsomeapplesbananasandmanyotherfruit.whenIgottopayforthem,IfoundthatIforgottotakesomemoneywithme.SoIhavetowentbackhometobringthemoneyandpayforthethings.Howunluckythedaywas! 追问: 你这有点多吧,一百词啊,而且还没空格和符号,怎么写?

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