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Suguo Supermarket is a new shopping mall. It is in the centre of our city. The supermarket is very large. There will be a discount on stationery and clothes there this Sunday, so I plan to invite my neighbour Millie to go shopping with me. Because the bus stop is far away from our homes, we will go there by taxi. There are many cheap things from different countries and areas in Suguo Supermarket. I will buy two notebooks and some writing paper. Maybe I can buy a grey skirt and a pair of jeans. There are always many people in the supermarket. I think we must wait for our turn to pay for things. If I still have some money left, I will buy ice cream for us. Millie likes ice cream very much.


一天三个人买了17个橘子。第一个人想要一半,第二个人想要三分之一,第三个人想要九分之一。按照他们的要求分这17个橘子是不可能的。正当他们很麻烦时,一个手里拿着一个橘子的小男孩出现了。这个小男孩说:别担心 我帮你们决定吧!

以前,有三个人买了17个橘子。第一个人想要一半,第二个人想要三分之一,第三个人想要九分之一。按照他们的要求分这17个橘子是不可能的。正当他们在玛法之中时,一个手里拿着一个橘子的小男孩出现了。这个小男孩说:别担心 我帮你们分吧!

Once three men buy seventeen oranges.The first man wants one half;the second one, one third;and the third,one ninth.It is not possible to divide those seventeen oranges as they want.Just as they are in such a trouble,a small boy come up with an orange in his hand.The boy says,"Don't worry about that.Let me divide them for you."
First of all,with his own orange added to them,he makes the number of oranges eighteen.Then he give nine to the first man,six to the second man and two to the third man.He give away seventeen in all and takes hia own for himself.There man praise him together,"What a clever boy!"
当三名男子买17 oranges.The第一人希望一半;第二个,其中三分之一;和第三个,一个ninth.It是不可能的鸿沟是17桔子,因为它们want.Just因为他们在这样的麻烦,一个小男孩拿出一个桔子,他hand.The男孩说: “别担心that.Let箱鸿沟他们为你。 ”

首先,他自己的橙色加入他们,他让一些桔子,他让9 eighteen.Then的第一人, 6名第二的男子和两名到第三man.He赠送17的所有并海拉尔自己的himself.There人表扬他在一起, “真是一个聪明的孩子! ”

以前有三个人买了17个橘子。第一个人想要一半,第二个人想要三分之一,第三个人想要九分之一。按照他们的要求分这17个橘子是不可能的。正当他们在玛法之中时,一个手里拿着一个橘子的小男孩出现了。这个小男孩说:别担心 我帮你们分吧!


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