有哪位英语牛B的仁兄,仁姐帮个忙把下面的翻译成英文 摩诘, 义山, 佛禅之缘, 经历, 禅诗

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有哪位英语牛B的仁兄,仁姐帮个忙把下面的翻译成英文 摩诘, 义山, 佛禅之缘, 经历, 禅诗~

Moroccan population, Yi Shan, the margin of Buddhism, experience, Buddhist
Was born in Early, Late Tang poet Wang Wei, Li Shangyin. The life of two years, the environment vary considerably, but the contacts between the two since Buddhism, Zen poem shows often, they are puzzled with the Buddhism of edge. Wang is leisurely life interest in Zen, and his poetry was not a mixture of half a word Buddhism, but Zen悟境tend to read between the lines. are implicit is the representative of the poet plays the role of ill, and his political aspirations, ideals and love to would also like to die, but the pursuit of repeated setbacks, shall not seek to make it hard爱别离pain experience deep disillusionment impermanence of bone marrow to try to Buddhism through the "quiet Nirvana" to go beyond reality, the word Zen Zen poem than Code more, there are some of Zen's禅味for the top grade.

Was born in Early, Late Tang poet Wang Wei, Li Shangyin. The life of two years, the environment vary considerably, but the contacts between the two since Buddhism, Zen poem shows often, they are puzzled with the Buddhism of edge. Wang is leisurely life interest in Zen, and his poetry was not a mixture of half a word Buddhism, but Zen悟境tend to read between the lines.Plays the role of ill poets is hidden to the representatives of the political aspirations of his life, ideals and love die, but the pursuit of repeated setbacks, shall not seek to make it hard爱别离pain experience deep disillusionment impermanence of bone marrow to try to use Buddhism's "Nirvana silence" to go beyond reality, the word Zen Zen poetry Code more, there are some of Zen's禅味for the top grade.

Mozu ,experiences ,zen poems

义山, 佛禅之缘都不会

Morocco interrogates,
righteousness mountain,
reason of the Buddha imperial sacrifices, experience,
imperial sacrifices poem

没有前后文啊,我连中文什么意思都不知道呢? 只是认识一个一个的字是没用的,翻译讲求的是“得意忘形”,我理解不了你的意啊~~


有哪位英语牛B的仁兄,仁姐帮个忙把下面的翻译成英文 摩诘, 义山, 佛禅之缘, 经历, 禅诗视频

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