
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1. Tom is very speedy of get up, finish eating a breakfast post - to stand to by the roadside wait for traveling the connecting of car to send.Led a short while, the tour car came, Tom and the classmates together happy that the earth traveled.
Mary is reading in the library, side have two kids in the clamoring of horselaugh, hence Mary makes them don't want noise and lets them pipes down to read.
Other classmates at write operative of time, Tom after running to last leg-pull in the platform, being as a result seen by the teacher, scolding Tom, Tom doesn't dare pull a prank, but quiet writing industry.
The Tom school holds a volleyball game today.After game begins, the Tom very aggressive earth bounces ball and carelessly hits a prinipal as a result, hence the game stopped.



Zhang Ailing is 20th century Chinese literary history, a legendary writer. Forty years late is a closely-guarded secret of the time, after the baptism of the war are sensitive to the Chinese society, and literature is in at cleaning up. With the end of the war, Zhang Ailing's brilliant The End of the time. She and the war, the relationship between the country has come out, but also by the pressure of public opinion, which has been accused of "cultural traitor", mental and physical exhaustion. Zhang Ailing's article has never been involved in politics, she has never happened in any way related to politics. However, with the survival of her change in social environment, she works the late forties showed her "war", "State" of "political" and consider that her writing style and political attitudes of Living With Her changes in the environment in transition.

Zhang ailing's 20th century Chinese literature on a legendary writer. Late 1940's frustratingly opaque era, is a war was the baptism of the Chinese society is sensitive, literary and cleaning. With the end of the war, Eileen chang's golden age ended. She and war, the relationship between countries, but also highlighted by the public opinion, was WuWei pressure "cultural traitors", the exhaustion of body and mind. Zhang ailing's article never involve politics, she never any relationship with politics. But as she live in social environment change in the late 40, she works in the "war", she "national" politics "thinking, her writing style and political attitude with her life environment change and transformation.

Zhang Ailing was in the 20th century China history of literature a legendary color writer. The late 40s is the time which makes every effort to keep secret, has experienced the war baptism Chinese society is sensitive, the literary arena is also in the cleaning up. Along with war's conclusion, Zhang Ailing's magnificent time ended. She with between the war, the national relations actually highlights, also receives the public opinion the pressure, is slandered is “the cultural traitor to China”, the body and mind is exhausted. Zhang Ailing's article never involves politics, she also ever does not have any relations with politics. But survives along with her social environment's change, her the late 40s' work has displayed she is right “the war”, “the country” “politics” the ponder, her creation style and the political attitude also reform along with hers living conditions' change.

Zhang Ailing are 20th century Chinese literary history, a legendary writer. Forty years late is a closely-guarded secret of the time, after the baptism of the war are sensitive to the Chinese society, and literature is in at cleaning up. With the end of the war, Zhang Ailing's brilliant The End of the time. She and the war, the relationship between the country has come out, but also by the pressure of public opinion, which has been accused of "cultural traitor", mental and physical exhaustion. Zhang Ailing's article has never been involved in politics, she has never happened in any way related to politics. However, with the survival of her change in social environment, she works the late forties showed her "war", "State" of "political" and consider that her writing style and political attitudes of Living With Her changes in the environment in transition.


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