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Such as: the red letter day (the big day), the red carpet with the meaning of "grand" and "respect", roll out the red carpet for somebody (grand welcoming someone). Western Christmas, Santa Claus hat is red. The Olympic Games held in London in 2012, in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games closing ceremony performance, the "London 8 minutes" for audiences all over the world to see the red double-decker buses. In addition, in London, England the mailbox, also USES the red phone booth, etc. Three, all have said danger, warning the meaning of physics research shows that red penetration is strongest. So the chinese-english two languages have chosen the "red" and "red" sign for danger and warning. Vehicles and pedestrians in China, the red light forbidden; When the teacher corrects students' papers to students with a red pen to judge right and wrong; Gale warning, warning system, such as cold wave alarm will red as the highest level. In the west also has "red light" (red light), the "red alert" (emergency alarm) to match.

For colour itself and its expression, philosophical thinking appears much earlier than natural science. This can retrospect to ancient Greece, when Plato bring forward that lamp-house, glisten object and eye are three basel elements for human's apperception of colour; Germanic litterateur Goethe study the relation between hue and sensibility from the point of aesthetics; while scientific study of colour didn't begin until Newton did his research on colour's optical principium. Thus human's research on colour found its way of science. Germanic ophthalmologist Magnus's paper oppugned the traditional physiological conception of colour. On the base of Magnus's research, in the early half of the 20th century, E. Spair and B. L. Whorf anvanced the hypothesis of lingual relativism which is named Spair—Whorf Hypothesis. This Hypothesis has another name of culture determinism, figureing that language system may has counteractive on human's Weltanschauung, and every language has its own unique colour-language system and has very little common ground with other languages.

There are a great number of reasons that cause the clash of non-linguistic incidents between East and West,investigating its root cause, it is because every nation has its own different cultural and historical backgrounds.
Firstly, there is a difference existing in the concept of value and the logic of thinking. human beings' social skills are produced in the process of socialization, they are inevitably connected together with the concept of value, it is the fundamental start off point to decide the views people hold and the actions they take.
" In different cultures, it all has an unique value system of its own.it could help people to distinguish beauty and ugliness, good and evil,this is precisely people's philosophy of conducting oneself in social life,it is also the moral standard, and norm of conduct.Consequently, there is unavoidably difference in existence
in the aspect of logical thinking., this kind of difference could affect cross cultural social intercourse,causing mistakes in social
intercourse. For example, sticking out your index finger and middle finger means "two" for the Chinese, mind you it means V (victory)for the Westerners: the thumb and index finger indicate "eight"
so yet the shape of "eight" is TWO in the eyes of the Westerners.

Secondly,there is an existence of difference in the standard of conduct. While in the course of social intercourse of people from different cultural backgrounds,an incident frequently occurs,it is to use one's standard of conduct from one's society to judge the reasonableness of conduct of one's counterpart.
The important contributing factor to guarantee having a smooth cross-culture social intercourse is whether or not one is able to accurately distinguish and apply standard of conduct, for this reason, one needs to understand the standard of conduct of one's counterpart, especially what sorts of behaviour are forbidden, the best way is to follow "while in Rome,do as the Romans do". If a Chinese lightly pats a child on the head, it indicates friendliness,
while in the Western countries, it is regarded as a means of showing no respect for the child, parents could become very angry towards this type of behaviour.Further more, the difference in the rules of cultural and linguistic usage. Different tribes have specific non-linguistic behaviour models,identical non-linguistic behaviours in a different cultural settings would have their different linguistic meanings,and defferent cultures have different understanding of non-linguistic behaviours,this kind of difference not only shown in language,vocabulary and grammar but also manifest itself in language cultural characteristic.

East and West caused by non-linguistic and cultural situation of the reasons a lot of conflict, fundamental research because of all ethnic groups have different cultural and historical background.

First of all, values and differences in logical thinking. Communicative competence of people in society are of the process, and it is bound to the values of contact with

Together, are "people's views and decide to take action as the fundamental starting point." In a different culture, it has its own unique value system, it can help people distinguish between美与丑, good and evil, that is, people's philosophy of life, moral standards and code of conduct. Logical thinking in regard to the inevitable differences exist, such differences will affect the cross-cultural communication, resulting in communication failures. For example, index and middle fingers extended, the Chinese people express "two" can be Westerners express V (win): thumb and index finger, said "eight" can be "eight" in the eyes of Westerners at modeling is TWO. Secondly, differences in behavior. People of different cultural backgrounds in communication, the situation often is the emergence of a society to apply their own code of conduct which has been to determine the reasonableness of the other acts. Whether or not be able to identify and apply the right code of conduct is to ensure the smooth conduct of cross-cultural communication of the important factors. To this end, we need to understand each other's behavior, especially what is prohibited, the best way is to follow the "do as the Romans do" the. Chinese children, such as pat of the head that friendship, in the West Country, this is not the practice of respect for children, their parents would be very angry. Again, cultural and language differences with the rules. Tribes of different cultures have a specific non-verbal patterns of behavior, with a non-verbal behavior in different cultures have different languages of its significance, and the different cultures of the non-verbal behavior has a different understanding of this disparity is not reflected in the language, vocabulary and the formal grammar of these languages, is also reflected in the linguistic and cultural characteristics.

And the cultural conflicts caused by language phenomenon for many reasons, among which, because of all nationalities have different cultural and historical background.
First, values and logical thinking. One of the communicative ability is in the process of socialization, it inevitably and values
Together, is "people have decided to take action and the essential starting point." In different cultures, it has its own peculiar value system, and it can help people to distinguish beauty and ugliness, good and evil, it is people's philosophy, moral standards and norms. Therefore in the logic thinking aspect exists difference, the difference will affect intercultural communication, communication mistakes. Say out forefinger and middle finger, the Chinese say "2", said V (westerner) : the thumb and forefinger says "eight", "eight" modelling in western eyes was five. Secondly, the differences in behavior. People from different cultures, often appear in a phenomenon is to point to the social behavior criterion determination rationality of other behavior. Whether can correctly identify and behaviour is to guarantee the smooth intercultural communication is the important factor. Therefore, you should understand each other's behaviour, especially what behavior is banned, best method is to follow the "do". As Chinese pat children head friendly, in western countries, this is not respect children, parents are very angry. Again, the cultural differences and pragmatic rules. Different cultures tribes have certain nonverbal behavior patterns, the same kind of nonverbal behavior in different cultures have their different languages, and different cultural significance of nonverbal behavior have different understanding of the differences in language, not only the vocabulary and grammar these language form, but also in language and culture characteristics.


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