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Deceive the person. D. The road flies , is king's man need to become a sea poacher. The scar on the face, is that self is rather relentless for the certificate. Have eaten rubber fruit's he, owns a group of the buddy who capable , not is away from not abandoning! They own indomitable will , the unyielding spirit. The road flies have the courage battle , feeling to be a friend , to make wager with life, quite a few people becomes a buddy right away because of that the road flies is straightforward!


“The king of navigation” is a young comic work painted by Japanese cartoonist Yoshiro ODA。


In “weekly youth jump” in 1997,No。 34 began serialization。


The adapted TV animation “sailing king” was first broadcast on Fuji TV since October 20,1999。


On May 11,2012,”the king of navigation” won the 41st award from the Japanese cartoonist Association。


The “king of navigation” has issued 320866000 copies in Japan。


It is officially certified by Guinness World Records as “a series of comics created by the single author with the highest circulation in the world”。



《海贼王》讲述了拥有财富、名声、权力,这世界上的一切的男人 “海贼王”哥尔•D•罗杰,在被行刑受死之前说了一句话,让全世界的人都涌向了大海。”想要我的宝藏吗?如果想要的话,那就到海上去找吧,我全部都放在那里。”,世界开始迎接”大海贼时代”的来临。

时值”大海贼时代”,为了寻找传说中海贼王罗杰所留下的大秘宝”ONE PIECE”,无数海贼扬起旗帜,互相争斗。有一个梦想成为海贼王的少年叫路飞,他因误食”恶魔果实”而成为了橡皮人,在获得超人能力的同时付出了一辈子无法游泳的代价。

Ten years ago, 10 years ago I was a naive primary school children, 10 years ago to the way he has been flying Haizeiwang dream efforts. 10 years ago, I still dream no impression for the ignorance of children, 10 years ago in order to have their own way - the dream of gambling on their own lives. 10 years ago I did not seem to be the significance of the road 10 years ago-he is the first step towards Haizeiwang. Perhaps even another 10 years, another 20 I will not forget one of the Shaxiaozi wearing a straw hat, laughs loudly, in order to become Haizeiwang driving a boat out to sea.
Fenghuaxueru story has been too much to see on television who is the mother forget to look at the soap operas rice also very difficult to mention a spirit. Even in a period of time some of the real meaning of blood. That the blood had also already love slowly cooling time. In fact, how blood is a simple matter. As with the then Sakuragi north Hunan, as was the five forever play the immortal Xiaoqiang. But in a period of time, I even feel things from their own blood is so remote, and the feeling is distant than ever.

In between the occasional home to the already familiar with their own homes and almost the animation shop, I resigned look on the boss only saw me walk in.. In that I was doomed to the fate of a legend. Perhaps I were unbelievable for demanding their own style even so crazy in love with this comic. Perhaps the enthusiasm is that in the minds of dedication, perhaps Haizeiwang itself is the kind of real significance of the blood. Perhaps we should have a man in the spirit of Sightseeing Cruise.

Freshman will never forget his time on his dream of writing that the speech, but will not forget the comments that idiot teachers: there are still people to discuss this dream. Although at the time of their own are not say so. However, if time can be really wish to turn the clock back on their own, she said the dream will never disappear. Dream of how wonderful the words ah, in my mind the world is perhaps no words can be even more beautiful than it. .

Sightseeing Cruise is like the sea in general, is a unique attraction that he has a boundless magic can sink as I have been to follow the着那such as unlimited as the vast ocean of space. Georgia was Haizeiwang D Roger did more than that before this, I want that one of the treasures you, I put them all in the possession of the sea, want to picked it. One died of the people of the world are made into the sea, and also announced an era, the advent of the era of pirates.

Sightseeing Cruise in the world is fantastic He also has its own characteristics and wonderful, and the world does not seem Haizeiwang other Sightseeing Cruise world, and perhaps this Sightseeing Cruise more of the world richer, and more of a human face. And the Caribbean pirate Captain Jack Sparrow in the more full of fantasy adventure story, in the Haizeiwang pay more attention to the dream of friendship and blood description. This is the largest Haizeiwang characteristics. To the past, to see Jinzhao Haizeiwang like this may be able to perfect interpretation of the blood so it is rarely works when blood is a term being gradually put into the freezer, Haizeiwang called the emergence of all the men in the pursuit of blood to know Now that the original can still read comics.

Sightseeing Cruise is like the sea, he has the kind of powerful magic, drove me to work hard with his recovery, but they will not be tired at the same time would not be blind and indifferent, because I always know that I am like him, like him reasons. Sightseeing Cruise Association, and we do not bring the same feeling, so that we can be exhilarating gallop. I find myself watching Sightseeing Cruise in love with the sea and fell in love with him, and the magic of tolerance, as well as his numerous unknown.

SHUTTLE-time, perhaps Sightseeing Cruise ultimately will choose to end his own way and disappeared in front of our eyes, but the former are Sightseeing Cruise moved belonging to the former Sightseeing Cruise passion is never disappear. Users of the sea-to make Sangkeshi weeping remain in my ears. Sightseeing Cruise Wusuopu shouting their son is still so clear, sea-governance restaurant that also crying from the bottom of their hearts that reverberated with. Zorro and the promise of victory is always difficult crying forget. Chennai US-LO loudly, and others say help I now still remain in my mind, the snow that small country on the reindeer Jiaoba shouted to the back for some time now echoing, Robin justice on the door of tears I have also surfaced in the immediate belonging Sightseeing Cruise is not just the story of these, and these are Sightseeing Cruise impressed with the passion I believe will forever preserved in a really likes Sightseeing Cruise hearts of the people, which is a symbol of an era , a symbol of a legend, a symbol of blood.

Sightseeing Cruise 10 years ago began his story, but not now know how long he will ultimately usher in the end belonged to him, perhaps Since then can be a symbol of the end of an era, a man's blood is the end of an era, as was North of Hunan Province in a tragic way to finish their stories, Sightseeing Cruise will eventually found in the ocean in the end belong to them. But history will forever retain those belonging to the chapter.

It is difficult to imagine Sightseeing Cruise may be the end of the oath and the end of an era of blood, I do not know when but also find such a feeling, perhaps Sightseeing Cruise is a classic success also very sad that as Xingye Anranxiaohun rice bowl, when the taste is so wonderful, and so were sitting, but when the bowl of rice on the minds of the time eating fast always have a regret and a'll. After the hard hearts can also taste such delicacies, perhaps this is a sad thing. Was unimaginable for lost and lonely on what kind of mood the end of his great but lonely life, perhaps heroes are doomed to a hero's end, the myth of the end to end with his approach.

Do not know what is the end of the sea like, perhaps when the flight path, such as where people go when they are issued the kind of hearty laughter. Sightseeing Cruise Thank you, Thank you brought this moving, thank you for your enthusiasm and the passion of this, perhaps at the end of the sea we will continue to echo through the days of those with some experience of adventure, with continued belong to us blood.




海贼就如同大海一般,有着属于他那种独特的吸引力,有着无穷的魔力可以使我一直去追随着,追随着那如大海般无限的广阔空间。当年海贼王D 格鲁多罗杰临死前那一笑,那一句想要我的宝藏吗,我把它们都藏在大海里了,想要就去拿吧。一句死前的话使得全世界的人们都冲向大海,同时也宣布一个时代,大海盗时代的来临。







My favourit hobby is surfing the net because I find it very interesting and meaningful.The internet can give me many informations.
Therefore,I always surfing the net every day.
First at all, surfing the net is beneficial to my knowledge.It can help me to know more things in this world.So,i can chat with my friends that i know.
Secondly,I usually meet a lot of friends during surfing the net.It is because I can play the game with many people by means of competition.Surfing is not only for a person to play so it is a good way to know more new friends.
Finally,i relax my mind by surfing the net.for example,i can listen the music,chat with my friends and read comics in the internet.
In conclusion, I really enjoy surfing the net.There is no doubt why it is my favourite hobby.


  • 13083821248急求海贼王300词的英文介绍,重点强调友情和梦想的,演讲用,非海迷勿进...
    贺明逃ONE PIECE:原来意思,一片。可是在海贼王里却是大秘宝的意思,也是海贼王的意思,还有就是大海的意思,一片海洋。象征着有无穷无尽梦想的意思。ALL BULL,蔚蓝海域。是世界的中央,因为它是四个海洋的交接处是梦想。

  • 13083821248海贼王里路飞的英文介绍
    贺明逃He is a boy always wearing a straw hat.He is very strong and brave.He attached importance to friendship.He'd like to give anything to his dream He ate the fruit of a magic that can allow himself like rubber The body is very soft and like no bones The road to success, ...

  • 13083821248有没有关于海贼王的英文free talk
    贺明逃One Piece in the world, the whole ocean was a north-south through the continent and the great waterway called the area is divided into East and West, North and South Ocean 4.One person, he has all the world's wealth, reputation and rights, he is piracy Wang - Gelu D ...

  • 13083821248海贼王的英文介绍
    贺明逃One person, he has all the world's wealth, reputation and rights, he is piracy Wang - Gelu D Roger. Legend has it the One Piece was buried in the great waterway. He said the sentence before dying, driven by people all over the world into the sea - "I want the ...

  • 13083821248海贼王里卓洛的英文介绍~
    贺明逃Roronoa. Zoro (the most cruel of the pirates Jianshi cold (in fact you can not do this, ha ha))Roronoa by Franks. Roronoa come, this is the most cruel people have the most brutal pirates, WT quoted here as his surname the name zoro zoro, Persian zoro.ast (Persians, ...

  • 13083821248用英文介绍海贼王里的路飞
    贺明逃He is a boy always wearing a straw hat.He is very strong and brave.He attached importance to friendship.He'd like to give anything to his dream He ate the fruit of a magic that can allow himself like rubber The body is very soft and like no bones The road to success, ...

  • 13083821248关于海贼王英文的简介~谁有啊。
    贺明逃The wealth, the authority, the king of Pirate GOLD.D.ROGER once had all,he had left a words when he died:"Wants my wealth? to find it.all my things are there,in GRAND LINE!"Thereupon more and more people rush to the sea,travel in GRAND LINE.the big pirate time of ...

  • 13083821248关于火影忍者,死神或海贼王的英文介绍,请少一些啊,太多抄不完,最好...
    贺明逃One Piece(海贼王)is a very good cartoon.

  • 13083821248翻译一段关于海贼王的英文
    贺明逃onepiece。注:OnePiece中文是一块,一片的意思。OnePiece本来是指尾田喜欢的女性穿的一件连衣裙,后来被他拿来指大海盗时代中最伟大的宝藏,也就是动画片<海贼王>的另一个名字,也是指 伟大航路(Grand Line)中的终极目的地,在一座小岛里面放有第一位海贼王哥尔·罗杰的所有财产 ...

  • 13083821248海贼王的原名是什么
    贺明逃《海贼王》的英文名为one piece,简称OP。被翻译为“海盗路飞”,现在固定称作“海贼王”。它是日本漫画家尾田荣一郎作画的少年漫画作品,在1997年《周刊少年Jump》34号开始连载。于1999年10月20日起,改编的电视动画《航海王》,在富士电视台首播。《海贼王》简介:传奇海盗哥尔•D•罗杰在...

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