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对于英语理解的问题 , 我们 理解 英文 是将他转化成中文去理解,还是直接理解?~

2/句式的差异,英文多用被动式。例如:Someone was be。。。这是某人被如何如何。还有就是倒装句,英文喜欢将结果写在前面如,“我会降价给你,如果你订单超过10台”。所以你按照英文转化中文,在去理解是无法组织逻辑。


因为你微信的语言设置吧,你点settings 然后general,然后language就能换了。

The aged people can go to play TaiChi in the morning which is one of the aerobic exercise, hope that aerobic exercise could make our heart and lung healthy

Elderly can go in the morning to play taijiquan, taijiquan is one of the aerobic exercise, hope aerobic exercise can make our heart and lung health!

Hope to help you thank you adopt

The older can play Taiji, one of aerobic exercises, in the morning, and maybe doing aerobic exercise can make us healthy.


  • 15199137118哪位英语高手帮我(人工)翻译下下面的句子:
    魏云窦Life lies in motion.No matter what you do, you must have a healthy body. Please let us do the exercise! Welcome XXX students bring us setting-up exercise performance...Now, is it warmer?Do you know how to perform magic?No,you don't . But I enjoy watching. Why asked ...

  • 15199137118哪位英语高手能告诉我一下英语的语法、、、
    魏云窦英语句子分为三种:简单句、并列句和复合句,其中并列句和复合句又是由若干个简单句组成。简单句: The train arrives.The sea had become calm again.Everybody will say the same thing.并列句: This is me and these are my friends.They must stay in water, or they will die.It is ...

  • 15199137118有哪位高手可以帮我精确的把下面的英文翻译成中文段落?
    魏云窦尽管听者不需要记下他们所听到的全部,但是学生需要花心思在信息上,也需要记下确定的词汇和短语。这样的笔记迫使学生关注所传达的信息。Devine有以下策略的建议:-提前给出问题并提醒听者注意可能的答案 -提供一个粗略的框架,地图,图和图表,让学生根据材料完成它们 -让学生记下‘这是新内容’的标示...

  • 15199137118哪位英语高手能帮个忙哈 翻译下下
    魏云窦Xi shi, one of the four most beautiful women in ancient China, was born in Zhu LuoShan record. She was dangerous, humiliation, XuGuo in body. About her legend, the first listed in the national intangible cultural heritage protection list.Braving (1287-1359) zhuji maple bridge. ...

  • 15199137118有哪位英语高手帮我翻译下这些英文书名
    魏云窦声明,第7号, 6 。iasc.1994财务报告之重的经济体系。国际会计准则第29号(格式化) , 7 。佩顿,威廉黄宏发.1922\/1962.accounting理论,新的纽约:夏佳理新闻公司, 7 , 6 。佩顿。威廉郑家富利特尔顿,一。长1940\/1977.an介绍了企业会计报表萨拉索塔的FLA :学能评估, 24日至25日; 18 。

  • 15199137118请各位英语高手帮下忙~~~
    魏云窦~<Nothing's Gonna Stop My Love> (很多人都觉得偏爱是更喜欢的意思。可是我觉得明明人家一首歌都说“偏要爱”啊...)~Throw the yesterday away.把昨天都作废 Now that you are here with me.现在你在我眼前 I desire to love.Please give me just one more chance 我想爱。请给我机会。...

  • 15199137118哪位高手请帮忙用英文翻译一下,谢谢
    魏云窦Self-evaluation I am optimistic about the progress, treat people with sincerity, adaptable, serious and meticulous work, a reasonable arrangement to co-ordinate the work of the affairs of the agricultural school and have the spirit of hard-working students. Through their enthusiasm, pro...

  • 15199137118英语中有哪些来自荷兰语的外来词汇?请哪位高手帮助在下!
    魏云窦英语中源于荷兰语的词有:deck(甲板),yacht(游艇),easel(画架),freight(船运的货物),furlough(休假),brandy(白兰地),cookie(家常小甜饼),cruller(油煎饼),waffle(蛋奶烘饼),maelstrom(大旋涡),issinglass(鱼胶)和Santa Claus(圣诞老人)。纽约市中许多地名,例如Brooklyn(...

  • 15199137118请哪位高手能帮我用英语翻译一下啊,急啊!!!
    魏云窦5. 老实说,我当时感到很尴尬,真希望地上能裂开一个口子把我吞灭。(to tell the truth)To tell the truth, I felt so embarrassed at that moment that I hoped there had splited a rift to swallow me at once.4. 教育重在培养学生的综合能力,而不是只注重他们的考试成绩。(emphasize ,...

  • 15199137118哪位高手能帮我把下面的词组翻译成英语?
    魏云窦时装周Fashion Week、娱乐圈Entertainment Circle、靓时尚Colorful Fashion、彩装秀Cosmetics Show、美发型Nice-Looking Hairstyle、看男人Appreciate Men、爱情感Love Emotion、衣裤经Experience of Cloth & Trousers、娱乐圈Entertainment Circle、时尚点Fashion Points、品女人Appreciate Women、酷爱玩Keen on ...

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