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Eileen, I am writing to give you my advice that you should give up playing computer games. Being addicted to computer games can be harmful to you in many ways. To begin with, it will waste too much valuable time which should be spent on your study or other beneficial things. In addition, playing games for a long time will do harm to your health, especially to your eyes. Worse still, some games are full of unhealthy things, which will be of great harm to your mental health. I strongly hope that you can consider my suggestion and break away from computer games as soon as possible. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Yue 答案不唯一


Hello, John, do not indulge in computer games, also do not have discharge tube. Such a life is not complete.

Chinese have a saying that good, young did not know refined precious, old to look forcing tears.

Find a gay friend, the liberation of hands. Each blow, you'll find out that life is so beautiful.

Li hua.





مرحبا، جون، لا تنغمس في ألعاب الكمبيوتر، ولكن أيضا لا لفة دائما أنبوب. هذه الحياة ليست كاملة.
أيام. ، وكانت كوريا الشمالية قائلا حسنا، أنا لا أعرف الشباب القديمة الثمينة غرامة للنظر دموع أزمة قصيرة.
البحث عن أصدقاء مقرها لتحرير اليدين. خط وبعضها البعض، وسوف تجد أن الحياة تحولت إلى أن تكون جميلة جدا.
لى هوا.

안녕하세요, 존, 컴퓨터 게임에 빠지다 모르지만, 또한 항상 튜브를 올리지 말아요. 이것은 생명이 완료되지 않았습니다.
일. 북한이 잘 말을했다, 나는 짧은 짜내의 눈물을보고 젊은 벌금 귀중한 나이도 몰라요.
손의 해방을 기반으로 친구를 찾아보십시오. 라인과 서로, 당신은 인생이 너무 아름답임이 드러났다 것을 발견할 것이다.
리 후아.



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