
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

频频:副词,连续不断地。造句:主人频频敬酒。频繁:多次。 造句:最近他频繁露面。频率:单位时间内某种事情发生或某种事物出现的次数。造句:声带发声振动是有频率的。


一般现在时:Do you like to play basketball?
I eat vegetables every day.
一般过去时:Sorry,I did wrong just now .
I ate breakfast that my mother did this morning.
一般将来时:Will you do your homework by yourself tomorrow?
I will eat medicine on time, don't worry.
现在进行时:Tom is doing his own subject in the help of others.
Mary is eating medicine under the gaze of the mother embarrassedly.
现在完成时:I have done all of my work,and you?
I have eaten noodles in the past three months, so I feel weary about it.

I do housework everyday.
I did my homework yesterday.
I will do my homework next week.
I am doing shopping now.
I have done my homework since last year.
I eat an apple everyday.
I ate three hamburgers yesterday.
I am going to eat ice cream with Sam.
I am eating a cake.
I have eaten a cake.


  • 17877825418do、eat、play、skate、go这些单词的第三人称单数及现在进行时的形式是...

  • 17877825418...EAT是吃的动作。为什么要用BE动词而不用助动词DO
    尤咐池这里的do是个强调的词,在动词之前加一个do意思是 我确实每天都吃早餐

  • 17877825418when,eat,do,you,breakfast,morning,in,the,连在一起是什么
    尤咐池when,do,you eat,,breakfast,in,the morning,?你上午什么时候吃早饭?

  • 17877825418every, you,food,eat healthy,day,do(?)(连词成句)
    尤咐池Do you eat healthy food every day?

  • 17877825418we(do)eat any food怎么填?
    尤咐池We don't eat any food.做这个题要看any这个词,这个词一般用在否定和疑问句中,既然题目中给出的句子是陈述句,那么就一定是否定的了,Do改成don't

  • 17877825418eat,buy,do,have,give,drink的过去式分别是什么?
    尤咐池ate bought did had gave drank

  • 17877825418问一下eat,eats,eating的用法。如果是在疑问句,否定句中是不是要用ea...
    尤咐池如:Does he eat meat?He doesn't watch TV on work days.eats, watches是三单,用于第三人称单数,如:He usually eats meat for lunch.He watches TV only at weekends.eating, watching是现在分词,一般用于进行时,如:He's eating dinner.He's watching TV.希望对你有帮助 ...

  • 17877825418写出look,eat,do,dance,play,clean,swim,sleep,drink,cook的第三人称形...
    尤咐池look-looks:He looks like a stranger.eat-eats:He usually eats an apple each day.do-does:He does a lot of housework.dance-dances:He dances every two weeks.play-plays:He doesn't play basketball.clean-cleans:He doesn't like to clean the house.swim-swims:He can swim in winter...

  • 17877825418do.eat.class中哪个不是同类词?
    尤咐池class名词 do eat 动词。

  • 17877825418—Do you eat( )? —yes.I'm very( )
    尤咐池答案 C ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问者在客户端上评价点“满意”即可~~~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~如还有新的问题,请另外向我求助,答题不易,敬请谅解~~

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