问你一下哈,某专业的学生是student on...还是for...?

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

" 对夜晚呼叫 " 游戏作为被跟随的信用卷物被那金属
齿轮固体: 手提式的主题。


豹猫: 好吧,我将被诅咒。 的确如此你谁是饲养我
数据。 (中止) 是的, DCI 的死亡应该被看作是自杀。
金属制的齿轮。 我们能在第七个上盼望一个主要的革新
不久以 Langley 铺地板。 它看起来好像每件事物正在去得完全
你想要它的方法。 (中止) 当 DCI 看见轨道数据你
供应和发现外面的他是核子罢工的目标, 他
向右带来哲学家的文件到我了。 (中止) 是的, 我们应该
已经知道基因对发射那些核武器持认真态度。。。 似乎我们的
保险单毕竟有所用处了。 他相当很好地做。。。 而且现在
我已经得到遗赠物。 你的手写体的那个所有部份也是吗? 使用他
而且福克斯单位喜欢那。。。 只有你可以已经走开拉了它。 但是。。。 你
将不不再使用我。。。 (中止).。。搏斗数据。。。 。。。从完美人
军人? (中止) 基因。。。 基因组。。。 (中止).。。我知道了。。。 吸引人的。。。 我将帮助
你用计画。 但是在一种情况上。。。 我想要他参加我们。
(中止) 是的, 大的老板。。。 以便我们能变成爱国者

(4) understood, respects the student the emotion. The student generally all extremely cares about teacher to their manner as well as the appraisal. Therefore, in the teaching, the teacher should encourage and the praise primarily, is good at discovering student's merit, especially to less advanced lives not only cannot discriminate, instead must double protects their self-respect, creates each kind of opportunity as far as possible, lets them obtain successfully, in order to drives their self-confidence and the study enthusiasm. The understanding, respects the student the emotion, is the teacher maintains and develops the student main body beginning and the key, neglected this point, student's self-respect has received the injury, could have the opposition mood in the heart of hearts, teacher's other all diligently possibly can fail. The Dell □card bears the base to say that, "The human nature essence desire, is the hope obtains the appreciation." Teacher's at the right moment 激励性 appraisal can give the student by the confidence, lets them taste the successful joy, urges them by a higher warm investment to English study in. Says regarding the middle-school student, is willing to open the mouth to speak English to be able to speak English to be more important than. Regardless of the student said to the mistake or not, the teachers all want to give the affirmation, helps them to overcome bashful, dreads the psychology. The intelligent teacher appears the mistake when student's speech can let the student heartily express own meaning, then smiles was saying "Good", finally only then tactful points out the mistake. Such student on obtained the affirmation from teacher's appraisal, thus arouses student's positive emotion, hoped oneself can be more successful, in the motion also can even more diligently. Therefore, the teacher must grasp the appraisal in the teaching the criterion, avoids the denial as far as possible appraisal language "No. You ' re wrong." Rejects "Sit down." indifferently Skillfully uses, multipurpose "Try again, please." "Don ' t worry." "Let me help you." and so on 激励性 language, such student's pressure small, may avoid appearing because is afraid makes a mistake has the language to be anxious. 3.1.2 strengthens the teachers and students emotion exchange to enhance English teaching quality renowned educationalist Mr. Xia Gaizun to say that, "Educates what is the water? Is the sentiment, is the love. The teacher love, has not become has not had water of the pond, no matter what you are the square shape, the circular, always could not run away a void." Our education object psychology still was not mature, the emotion was extremely frail, their mind window was cannot be indifferent they to, even they felt loathing the person opened wide. Thus it can be seen, a teacher if ever not nice, cherishes and studies student's psychology and the emotion, even if his class speaks well, the teaching level again is again high, the teaching effect also with difficulty forecast. Teaching with nurtures the person if cannot in a teacher's entire teaching activity the perfect unification, then taught has then lost its intelligence and the charm. Therefore, the teacher wants to want to obtain successfully in the teaching, besides to the education, to teaches the discipline to have one kind of rigid love, but also must take student's emotion, by the oneself sincere love, promotes between the teachers and students "by the heart close friend, feels for others" the emotion exchange. Then, how in the teaching can promote the teachers and students friendship, establishes the harmonious emotion? (1) enhances own tutelage, infects the student by the personality charm. The teacher achievement "to the person nurtures the person" the professional worker, not only must use the oneself complete knowledge talent to educate the student, moreover must use the oneself entire personality style to affect the student. In all education processes, the student forever all cannot only passively accepts the teacher institute "gives" the thing, they always through own observation, the imitation and the experience, come up on own initiative from the teacher body "demand" the thing. Therefore, the teacher not only wants "to explain", should make the model to carry on "teaches by example". Has teacher in charge teacher, although the husband is sick for a long time, the family responsibilities are very heavy, still filled with cared about, was cherishing the entire class's each students affectionately. But in the class the famous female student said in the behind to her good friend that, "Teacher is good to me, perhaps is because my daddy works in the medicine company, wants to tow me to give her the spouse to buy the medicine!" Teacher knew this afterwards, has not certainly been angry, still as always poured into the complete compassion to the schoolmates, the time one is being long, this female student had finally understood, is moved by teacher's moral behavior. Afterwards, she proposed on own initiative had to help teacher to buy scarce drugs, teacher actually politely refused. Then, teacher by own taught by example eliminated student's misunderstanding, has conquered the student by the noble personality charm, also has pulled closer each other distance, caused education to obtain the good effect.

诸如:a report on study
也可以用别的方式表达:eg. major in English
或 English major

某专业的学生应该是a student of……



a student majoring in computer
a student of law school

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