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  First, the Old English period of English Literature (499-1066)
  1, Beowulf
  2, Alfred the Great: Father of British prose

  Second, the Middle English period of English literature
  1, allegory is very popular body
  2, Romance began to rise to a certain height
  3, Willian Langlaud "Pierce's phantom farmers"
  4, Thomas Marlowe ceremony, "The Death of King Arthur."

  Third, the Renaissance English Literature (Elizabethan) (14-16 century)
  1, Thomas Moore, "Utopia"
  2, Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard introduced sonnet
  3, Philips Sidney "The defense of Poesie"
  "Arcadia" to describe rural life; pioneer of the modern novel
  4, Spencer "Cassiopeia," the poet of poets; Spencer poetry section;
  5, Shakespeare:
  Long narrative poem: "Venus and Adonis," "Lucy Cox humiliated in mind."
  Four Tragedies: Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth

  Fourth, the Enlightenment (18th century)
  1, John Milton: "Paradise Lost", "to argue for the British people."
  2, John Bunyan: "Pilgrim" religious allegory
  3, John Dryden: British outstanding representative of neoclassicism, the poet laureate;
  "On the dramatic poetry."

  Fifth, Victorian English Literature (19th Century)
  1, William Wordsworth: Poet Laureate; "Wandering alone," "lonely woman Reaper"
  "Lyric Songbook" the most outstanding poems;
  2, Coleridge: "Yong Ancient Mariner" "Kublai Khan", "Chris Bell"
  3, show competition: Poet Laureate; "Thalaba the destroyer" is the show's long epic game one of the most important; one of the "Granma's curse"
  4, George Gordon, Lord Byron: "Don Juan"
  5, Shelley: "A Duoni" in tribute to Keats, the United Kingdom in the history of one of the most outstanding elegy;
  "West Wind Song," "liberated Prometheus," "To the Skylark," "Poetry Debate" (A defence of poetry);

  Sixth, the 20th century English literature
  1, the angry youth: Kingsley, Amis (lucky Jim); Allen, West off (Saturday night and Sunday morning); John Osborne (angry review);
  2, Yeats: Irish people "reed wind" "Kurt wild swans" "towards Byzantium"


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