英语作文,题目:Rules in the playgrpund。采用Don‘t……这样的句型,至少6句。

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英语作文 Rules in the school~

There are many rules in our school. Firstly, we cannot go out or watch television at night. Then, we must wear uniform and cannot go home for lunch in the afternoon. We are also not aloud to eat in the classroom, and we must clean the classroom every day. Besides, we cannot be late to school, and no fighting in the有许多规则在我们学校上学。首先,我们不能出去或晚上看电视。然后,我们必须穿制服,不能回家吃午饭在下午进行。我们也不大声地在教室里吃东西,我们必须每天打扫教室。此外,我们不能上学迟到,没有战斗在学校。 school.

In our school we are supposed to do some right things. For example, we should do homework on time and wear school uniforms everyday. But most students don't like wearing school uniforms, because they think that they should have some different style.
In class, we should listen carefully when the teacher is teaching us some new things. And we should keep quiet. Don't influence anyone. On the other hand, we should be friendly if we don't want to lose our friendship. We should not be allowed to get ears pierced. Neither parents nor teachers agree with us to do it.

Every school has different rules. But we should follow rules when we want to do something;
There are many rules for school parties. We must remember. For example, we can’t wear jeans to the party. Although we all like to waer jeans, it is not allowed. If we do , the teachers won,t let us in. and we can’t bring food to the party. if we do, the teachers will take it away. We can’t bring friends from other schools, if we do, the teachers will ask them to leave. We must remember the rules for the school party.

Don't affray with othe people. 不要和别人争吵
Don't walk on the grass. 不要践踏草坪
Don't play with fire.不要玩火
Don't throw rubbish不要乱丢垃圾
Don't run too fast.不要跑太快。
Don’t fight不要打架。

英语作文,题目:Rules in the playgrpund。采用Don‘t……这样的句型,至少6句。视频




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