
来自:学习    更新日期:早些时候

In my opinion you all not to, is a idiot, can this kind of thing, is digging on their own creation, I have not any genius, just more than anyone, work hard, work steadily came, when I look back, there is no a figure. The lazy guy at the foot of the read, who call the guy is a genius, what a joke. I hate living a life of ease and leisure growth slow. Than I have time, energy, feeling rich people, why do more than I am lazy, then give me ah, want to put these things are wasted words, give me ah, I have many many want to create something, give it to me. Chui song, we never listened carefully, also didn't try. We live too many things, just look at the surface, listen to what others say. But did not say it, love and expect to express volumes, often we waste. I hate slow, but I hate to make an empty show of strength, arrogant guy.

Ningxia safe marketing existence question and countermeasure analysis
This article embarks from the Ningxia insurance marketing troop extant condition, the multianalysis introduced the Ningxia safe marketing service scale, the safe marketing troop structure, and the marketing troop service structure situation, pointed out the Ningxia insurance marketing troop exists many questions: The talented person total quantity is insufficient, the talented person quality is not high, professional extreme flaw; The marketing personnel good faith question is prominent; The marketing pattern waits for innovating; The marketing personnel fluidity is high, is employed the behavior short-term and so on. And from perfect multi-dimensional safe marketing pattern; Innovation marketing channel; Reforms the existing commission system; The establishment perfect marketing personnel supervise aspects and so on system, proposed that improves individual proxy system and the safe marketing pattern, strengthens the Ningxia insurance marketing personnel troop construction

营销队伍Marketing troop
个人代理制度individual proxy system

My high school is small, but very beautiful, it is like a garden. Teachers work very hard, and students learn with efforts. The only problem of the school is too many students. During the break, it is very crowded. However, I still like my school . In the three years, I will study hard, and will try to manager every class.
Today I am proud of this school, I am sure that school will be proud of me in the future.

My high school small, but beautiful, like a garden. School teachers work very seriously, the students are learning efforts. School is the only one under too much, break-time, very crowded. But I still love this school. In the next three years, I will study efforts to learn all the various disciplines, to do my best to do the best! Three years after that, I can enter ideal university. Today I am proud to schools

My high school small, but beautiful, like a garden. School teachers work very seriously, the students are learning efforts. School is the only one under too much, break-time, very crowded. But I still love this school. In the next three years, I will study efforts to learn all the various disciplines, to do my best to do the best! Three years after that, I can enter ideal university. Today I am proud to schools, I am proud to future schools.

My senior school is not very big,but very beautiful like a garden.Teachers in school work very hard and the students strive to learn well. One disadvantage of my school is that there are too many people,leading to the crowded situation at break.However,I still love my school. In the coming three years, I will spare no effort to learn each displine well and try my best to achieve my goal.I hope to enter an ideal university three years later. Today,I am proud of my school and tomorrow, my school will be proud of me.

my senior high school is small in size ,but it's so beautiful ,just like a fabulous garden.teachers are meticulous,students are all working hard.the only problem is the overloaded number of students.when we have a break between the classes ,it's crowd!!but i still love this school, in the next 3 years,i 'll keep on studying hard and strengthen my knowlege on every subjects,try to do my best i've decided!!! i wish i can enter my favourite university 3 years later.today i am proud of being one of this school,tomorrow the school will be proud of me!!





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