
来自:糖街    更新日期:早些时候


Unit 3
1 barber shop 理发店
2 get out 出去;离开
3 take off 起飞
4 run away 逃跑;跑掉
5 train station 火车站
6 come in 进来
7 Bejing International Airport 北京国际机场
8 hear about 听说
9 take place 发生
10 as ┄┄as 像┄┄一样
11 in front of 在┄┄前面
12 cook dinner 做饭
13 the Museum fo Flight 飞行器博物馆
14 a very unusual experience 一次不同寻常得经历
15 call the police 报警
16 take a photo/photos
17 ride a bicycle 骑自行车
18 think about 考虑
19 a big block dog 一条大黑狗
20 cut hair 理发
21 flight to … 飞往。。。。的航班
22 talk on the phone 在电话中谈话
23 be surprised 吃惊
24 climb a tree 爬树
25 jump down 往下跳
26 a car accident 车祸
27 at the doctor’s 在诊所
28 next to 紧挨者
29 modern American history 美国现代史
30 in silence 沉默着
31 all over the world 遍及世界
32 the World Trade Center 世贸中心
33 walk down Central Street 沿着中央大街
34 have a day off 休假
35 each othe 彼此,互相
36 get out of 从。。。。出来
37 on the moon 在月亮上
38 think over 仔细考虑
39 sth. Happen to sb. 某人出了某事

Unit 4
1 direct speech 直接引语
2 reported speech 间接引语
3 first of all 首先
4 pass on 传递
5 be supposed to 被期望或被要求
6 do better in 在。。。。反面做得更好
7 get over 克服;原谅
8 reported card 成绩单
9 be in good health 身体健康
10 care for 照料
11 be good at doing sth=do well in doing sth. 擅长于
12 both….and… 。。。。和。。。。两者都
13 be mad at 对某人恼火
14 have a surprise party 举办一个惊喜的聚会
15 bring some drinks and snacks to her 带写饮料和小吃给她
16 2000 meters above sea level 海拔2000米
17 end-of-year exam 期末考试
18 this semester 这学期
19 have a cold 感冒
20 be surprised to 对。。。。感到吃惊
21 talk to sb.和某人谈话
22 open up one’s eyes 开阔某人的视野

句子主要就是3a和Grammer Forkers 里面的了

1. be mad at 对……恼火

  Why were you mad at your son yesterday? 昨天你为什么对你的儿子发火?

  2. first of all 首先

  First of all, go to ask the policemen for help when you are in trouble. 当你遇到困难时,首先应去向警察求助。

  3. pass sth. on to sb. 把……传递给某人

  Would you please pass this notebook on to me? 请把这本笔记本递给我好吗?

  4. work on sth. 忙于; 干着

  My brother is working on his letter in his room. 我的弟弟正在他的房间里写信。

  5. do well in 在…… 做得好

  Did you do well in the one-of-year exams? 你的学年考试考得好吗?

  6. get over 克服; 恢复; 原谅

  I know the homework is difficult, but you must try to get over it. 我知道作业很难,但你必须尽力克服困难。

  7. be in good health 身体健康

  I am very happy that my mother is now in good health. 我的母亲现在身体很好,我很高兴。

  8. above sea level 海拔

  My school lies in Xinjiang and it is about 1,000 meters above sea level. 我的学校位于新疆,大约海拔1000米。

  9. feel sick 感到恶心; 感到难受

  Does he often feel sick when he takes a bus? 他乘车时经常恶心吗?

  10. agree with 与……一致; 相符; 适宜

  His story agrees with the facts. 他的陈述和事实相符。

  11. work as... 当……(人)

  My father works as a math teacher in the school. 我父亲在学校里当数学老师。

  12. care for 关爱; 关心

  As a teacher, you should always care for your students. 作为一名教师,你应当一直关爱你的学生。

  13. in danger 在危险中

  Now many wild animals are in danger. 现在许多野生动物处在危险之中。



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