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第一只——具有母亲般坚强性格的雪橇犬首领“玛雅” 第二只——在难以置信的恶劣环境中脱颖而出的“迈克斯” 第三只——四肢发达头脑简单、顽皮的“小不点” 第四只——亲密无间的孪生兄弟之一“杜威” 第五只——长相酷似杜威的孪生兄弟“杜鲁门” 第六只——“影子” 第七只——精力旺盛的红毛犬“巴克” 第八只——年纪最大、擅长打牌的“老杰克”

Some things that seem to be difficult to change. For example, when people face a crisis, often put their own lives in the first place, in the no-win situations, often at the expense of other animal life, even if they have just saved his life. " Antarctic adventure", the 8keep faithful and true sled dogs in the Antarctic scientific expedition team storm emergency evacuation was temporarily abandoned. Of course, the players then the idea is, the important thing is to save lives! At that time, must put in the snow of the injured Jerry and doctor to medical conditions are sufficient for the headquarters to go to the hospital, and then back to the base of the helicopter with8 sled dogs -- they just in exploration well to save and Dr. Jerry.However, the aircraft did not can once again return to base. Also the reason: some things are hard to change. For example, when people decide whether to do one thing, will weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and will not act on impulse in handling things fling caution to the winds. Because of the rarity of the bad weather, the Antarctic scientific expedition team headquarters cancelled all tasks, refused to send a plane adventure to save8 dogs, the reason is very simple: people are too!And sled dogs to be together morning and night master Jerry 's so hard to accept the fact, he rushs about everywhere, trying to convince the Husky 's expedition member, still can not change what. He also thought of another way, ask the doctor to allocate part of scientific research funds to help him once again return to the Antarctic, he thought the doctor takes care of Husky's help, but his last hope. Doctor told him not to waste research funds in unrealistic things, also told him to accept the reality. The whole world is against with Jerry, he can only give up, put his exile to numb to work -- after all, still have to face the reality.But those cute husky figure or not from the mind, Jerry restless, into depression. So he went to the first to raise the sled dogs in the elderly, there to hear a story changed his. The story is about a man with his4 dogs into the forest to hunt, unfortunately, was a black bear attack. When the man from the coma, was found to have2 dogs in order to protect his sacrifice, black bear and another 2 dogs are nowhere to be found. The man recovered after began to look about the other2 dogs, looking for a long time. He was advised to give up, and tells him that he has no significance. But he still insists, even if the dog has been dead, he would find them, because only in this way can he achieve inner peace. After hearing the story, Jerry finally know how to make your own true inner peace. He decided to return to the Antarctic, depend on own strength! No matter how difficult, this world there is always something he fling caution to the winds to do.When Jerry break right back to the base, and6 survived the sled dog reunited, the scene makes me excited to tears, almost want to cheer. You know, when the sled dogs at minus 8 degrees in a snow storm has independent existence for 180 days! 180 days in the desert, dead snow, they fought side by side, never lost their longing to live, and still believe that the master will come back. Let a person fortunately,6sled dogs finally wait for the moment; it is more painful, there are 2lovely friends there. Under threat of death, the sled dogs behave as brave as strong as unity, hard to use verbal and written expression, only seen the movie person has a personal feeling, that is: hate away wings to polar rescued them!I fell in love with the8 lovely sled dogs, two hours for their fate tortured. I think the love between man and animal is sometimes more long. And when conditions are ripe, I will raise a dog.

In the Antarctic, after an expedition with Dr. Davis McClaren, the sled dog trainer Jerry Shepherd has to leave the polar base with his colleagues due to the proximity of a heavy snow storm. He ties his dogs to be rescued after, but the mission is called-off and the dogs are left alone at their own fortune. For six months, Jerry tries to find a sponsor for a rescue mission while his dogs fight for survival.



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