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Maybe it is really hard in the last ten months, howerver, in order to realize my draem, I will never retreat and will make a meaningful life just like it is my last day, no matter how tired i am.

After all, I am more than ten years old,and may reach the years of discretion. It is not to say but to do, to try my best.
It is difficult though, I believe I can do and do it best. No matter how hard or fatigued, this is my choice and I must desperately preserve with it.

.1 I think this is a chance that improving and exercising me
2 I think i am interested in (keen on比较好 意思是热衷 不知道你们学过没?)developing computer software
3Generally,speaking i always put my unwilling on my face .when i do the things that i dislike it
4So when I try to understand the software development my mood is exciting and full of desire
5 i am not fed up with some English chapters when i face it
6I thinki this is related to why i love english
7. But I whether it was because the English and falling in love with software development or because the software development and falling in love with English and I don't know
.8 I believe that i will always run to my dream, never giving up, i will realise it. one day
好多用到定语从句 你应该学过吧

1. I think this is improving and exercise my a chance.
2. I think I have a crush on computer software development.
3. Generally, for I do not like to do always will abandon in the face.
4. So when I try to understand the software development my mood is exciting and full of desire.
5. I to a pile of complex English did not feel dizzy.
6. I think this also and I like English to concern.
7. But I whether it was because the English and falling in love with software development or because the software development and falling in love with English and I don't know.
8. I believe that to my dream run, never give up, one day it will achieve it.

1. I think this is a chance to improve me.
2. I think I am very interested in developing the computer soft.
3. Gerally speaking, I will show my dislike on my facewhen I don't like to do something.
4. So when I want to learn about developing the computer soft, I always feel excited and full of hope.
5.I don't feel boring even when I face some difficult English.
6. I think that is because I like English.
7. I don't know the reason is either I like English because of developing software or I like software because of loving English.
8. I believe that my dream will come trueif I always stick on and never give it up.

1. I think this is improving and exercise my a chance.
2. I think I have a crush on computer software development.
3. Generally, for I do not like to do always will abandon in the face.
4. So when I try to understand the software development my mood is exciting and full of desire.
5. I to a pile of complex English did not feel dizzy.
6. I think this also and I like English to concern.
7. But I whether it was because the English and falling in love with software development or because the software development and falling in love with English and I don't know.
8. I believe that to my dream run, never give up, one day it will achieve it.

1. I think this is a chance for me to improve and practise.
2. I think I have a crash on developping computer soft programmes.
3. Uaually, I show the disgust on my face to the things I don't like doing.
4. So when I try to explore soft progrmme, I am full of exciting and expecting.
5. I don't fell dizzy when I have to deal with complex English.
6. I think it has something to do with the fact that I love English.
7. But I don't know whether I love soft programme because o English or love English because of soft programme exploration.
8. I believe my dream will come true one day if I run after it and never gave up.

1. I think this is improving and exercise my a chance.
2. I think I have a crush on computer software development.
3. Generally, for I do not like to do always will abandon in the face.
4. So when I try to understand the software development my mood is exciting and full of desire.
5. I to a pile of complex English did not feel dizzy.
6. I think this also and I like English to concern.
7. But I whether it was because the English and falling in love with software development or because the software development and falling in love with English and I don't know.
8. I believe that to my dream run, never give up, one day it will achieve it.

你确定这些语法都没问题哦...?我是要比赛的- -好多都不会说的。
But whether it was because of the English that i falling in love with software development or the software development that i falling in love with English I don't know
确定 就是把7 改一下

你是初二 我觉得有点难 对你来说

Dreams come from hope.

By the way,你这不是有道上弄的吧???????
1. So I should share more responsibility for them.
2. It's nonsense.
by the way, 你可以输入有道 看看嘛~


By the way,责任那个单词好长!
你可以把这个单词拆成几部分 res-pons-bility,bility 一般是抽象名词的后缀。 response 是反应的意思,有反应有做出回应一般是主动有责任的表现。这样可能容易记一点。


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