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  I most like the cartoon character is Doraemon, he is a machine cat, is a Japanesecartoon characters. I knew him before, this summer vacation, I saw a movie aboutDoraemon movie - "Nobita's dinosaur", he made a deep impression on me..
  Doraemon grow very cute, round head, big mouth, fat body, short legs, a Hantaikeju appearance. His neck hung a small golden bell, very characteristic.
  Doraemon has a name, called the little bells. He loves Dorayaki, every time with big male rob to eat.
  Duo A dream is a universal machine cat, when his master Nobita encounters the difficulty, can help him to solve the crisis, he is not only clever, but also willing to use their brains, will make good use of His almighty pocket every baby. I admire most he has a universal pocket, like the mother kangaroo pocket. In the summer I watch movies, Tinker Bell will play out a universal ability, to save the little dinosaur, let themsafely return to their home, back to the mother's side.
  I like the lovely, clever, and trouble Tinker bell.

Doraemon is a famous comic figure in Japan,who comes from the future,helps the master-- a little boy named to solve all kinds of problems with his abundant tools and amazing stuff.so he has been a ideal for me since i was young.'cause he is not only cute in shape but also inspires me a lot in daily life .for example,i must persist if i do something,and can not stop at half way.and i should turn to myself first if i face a difficulty .though these may be very shallow,they affect my life deeply.

I most like the cartoon character is Doraemon, he is a machine cat, is a Japanesecartoon characters. I knew him before, this summer vacation, I saw a movie aboutDoraemon movie - "Nobita's dinosaur", he made a deep impression on me..
Doraemon grow very cute, round head, big mouth, fat body, short legs, a Hantaikeju appearance. His neck hung a small golden bell, very characteristic.
Doraemon has a name, called the little bells. He loves Dorayaki, every time with big male rob to eat.
Duo A dream is a universal machine cat, when his master Nobita encounters the difficulty, can help him to solve the crisis, he is not only clever, but also willing to use their brains, will make good use of His almighty pocket every baby. I admire most he has a universal pocket, like the mother kangaroo pocket. In the summer I watch movies, Tinker Bell will play out a universal ability, to save the little dinosaur, let themsafely return to their home, back to the mother's side.
I like the lovely, clever, and trouble Tinker bell.


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