急急急!it is important to take regular exercise 英语演讲稿一百词

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regular exercise is very important.It’s never a good...~


C 试题分析:考查情态动词:A. can能 B. will将会C. must 必须D. may可以,句意:医生说,锻炼对健康很重要,但一定要是定期锻炼。选C。点评:情态动词的词义辨析要记清基本含义和一些特殊的用法,做题时要放在上下文语境中进行, 特别注意说话人的语气。

It is important to take regular exercise. Exersicing regularly makes you a stronger and healthier person. This means your body will be more able to fight off all sorts of diseases. If you don't exercise at all when you are young, when you become older your risk of heart disease is very high! Your heart does not get strong enough to get rid of these illnesses by itself. After a while your heart and arteries will become filled with plaque and harder to fix through through surgery. When your heart is healthy you live longer and are are active for many more years. Your lungs need good exercise too, so it is good when you workout to take large slow breaths during breaks. This strenghtens your lungs a great deal. Your legs will get stronger by running, jogging, and walking, making it easier for you to walk long distances without rest. Think about how many times you've been somewhere that involved alot of walking and you just had to find the nearest bench to take a break. Walking around your neighborhood will redeem some of this if you do it often enough. Another good example of leg exercise is riding a bicycle. Riding bikes is a very enjoyable workout that is easily done with friends, and it can make a great hobby. Staying physically healthy will help you live longer and help you have a better chance of staying out of the hospital due to weakness.

急急急!it is important to take regular exercise 英语演讲稿一百词视频




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