
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Dear Ms.Smith,
Our school decides to hold an English compitition and hope that you can come and be our judges.I am sure that you will have a particular nice time!
And there are something important to tell you.The topic of the compitition is Man and Nature.It will last from 2 o'clock to 5o'clock pm. for three hours on June 15th at No.501 classroom.And at that time 10 excellant students will attend on time.If you have any questions please contect with Li Hua on tel:4487655.Welcome to attend!

your Faithful
The Student body President of Yucai Middle School
Li Hua

We have planned several activities. When we get there,we will visit the elderly in their rooms in groups,presenting them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect and love. Then we will do some cleaning and washing for them with the help of the nurses.As some old people feel lonely,we may chat with them about their old days,changes of our city,or anything they are interested in. We may also give them some performances:singing,dancing,and so on.I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of the elderly in China. If you have any suggestions,please let us know. 把握写作要点:1、向老人赠送礼物(鲜花、自制贺卡……) 2、为老人提供服务(做清洁、陪老人聊天) ;3、为老人表演节目(唱歌、跳舞);注意安排段落;用恰当词过渡。

Lecture notice
Hello!everyone,may I have your attention ,please? I have an announcement to make. Our students' union inform us to attend the lecture on first aid in the teaching hall.Don't be late

Fellow Students,
May I have your attention please?I have something important to tell you.There will be a lecture on First Aid in our school.It will be given at the school assembly at 9:00am

Fellow Students,
May I have your attention please?I have something important to tell you.There will be a lecture on First Aid in our school.It will be given at the school assembly at 9:00am

To all international students, do you interest in learn First Aid knowledges? Here is a great opportunity. Student council will hold a public orientation soon. Please register by due date.


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    燕胆虾顺序如下:一、(一)1、(1)一般就是这种排列方式一下面跟(),1下面也跟(),一大写所以是在最前面,1是阿拉伯 数字一般排下面,如果没有一的话1在最前面。国务院规定的公务文件结构层次序数只有四个层级:第一层为“一、”,第二层为“(一)”,第三层为“1、”,第四层为“(1)”。系数...

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    燕胆虾一、1、(1)。数字序号的级别顺序为:第一层为汉字数字加顿号,例如:二、三、。第二层为括号中包含汉字数字,例如:“(一)”“(二)”“(三)”。第三层为阿拉伯数字加下脚点,例如:“1.”“2.”“3.”。第四层为括号中包含阿拉伯数字,例如:“(1)” “(2)”“(3)”。第五层为带圈的...

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    燕胆虾而其他的时候,如果需要排序,就按:一、1、(1)即可。序号注意事项 一、阿拉伯数字后面用黑圆点;二、汉字数字后面用顿号;三、“第一”“第二”“第三”后面用逗号;四、带括号的序号和带圆圈的序号,后面不再加顿号、逗号之类;五、“第一编”“第一章”“第一节”或“壹”的后面不用标点,...

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    燕胆虾不能,第二层要用(一)。《党政机关公文格式》 7.3.3 正文 公文首页必须显示正文。一般用3号仿宋体字,编排于主送机关名称下一行,每个自然段左空二字,回行顶格。文中结构层次序数依次可以用“一、”“(一)”“1.”“(1)”标注;一般第一层用黑体字、第二层用楷体字、第三层和第四层...

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