
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1. The new hospital on which has been spent a great deal of money.
2.Successful or not depends on your efforts.
3.It's hard to keep track of new developments in science and technology.
4.All complaints will be dealt with by the manager.
5.Don't try to do, this requires knowledge
Don't try to do, this requires specialized knowledge.
6.He won the award as the best player.
7.Why don't you turn off the TV to exercise the body?
8.The annual celebration will be given within one week after the New Year's day.

3.fly to kuang zou need take how long time
4. how you thing we meet snow white
5. he really drive to school
6 last year he fly to hong kong Disneyland
7. since she with her parent in paris
8. we stay there three day.

1. The heavy snow added to our joy.
2. The little shop (store亦可) around the corner of the street closed down.
3. You should wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun.
4. One can see a factory in the distance. (需要的人称不明- -)
5. The city government decided to establish some more parks around the edge of the city.
6. I have the same opinion as you. / I feel the same as you.
和楼上好像- -不过没办法了,不小心先看到了,于是先入为主。。

1 The heavy snow add joy to us.
2 The samll shop at the corner of the street has closed down.
3 You should wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the hurt of sun.
4 You can see a industry in the disatance.
5 The municipal government decide to build more parks around the edge of the city.
6 I feel the same as you.

this heavy snow have added joy to us.
the tiny shop on the corner was closed dwn.
you should put on a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sunlight.
in the distance,there is a factory in sight


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    牧翔爱1.关于现代艺术,她比我知道的多得多。She knows a great deal more aboutcontemporary art than I do.2.印象派画家打破了传统的艺术观念。Impressionist painters broke away from traditional ideas about art.3.今天我们把重点放在文艺复兴时期的作品上。Today we will focus on the art works of ...

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