
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

privilege for girls
the first experience of love
the reassessment of love

Now,Shanghai World Expo in 2010 becoming closer and closer.Hall construction, urban beautification work is also coming to an end. However, we are really ready to begin? Has become imperative to enhance the key personal qualities. I believe we have the ability and the responsibility to regulate their own behavior, as a good host, with practical action to support the Expo. Better City Better Life,and contributing to the 2010 Shanghai Expo in our own ways.

I am very sorry that I could not come to the class again.My collegue will have a test tomorrow,she has been thinking about Feburary 24th"s being Saturday,and she foung that tomorrow will be 24th just now. I have to come to class next friday. I am sorry again. look forward to next class

Really sorry, tomorrow and can't come to the class. Colleagues have an exam tomorrow, she thought no. 24 is on Saturday, just found that no. 24 is tomorrow. And next Friday to be in the class. I'm sorry. I am looking forward to the next class.

Really feel shy, tomorrow can not come to class. Colleagues have an exam tomorrow, she always thought that the number 24 is Saturday, just discover 24 tomorrow. Going to school next Friday. I 'm sorry. I am looking forward to my next class.


  • 18293896571请英语好的朋友帮我翻译一下这几句话
    车莉裴4 .What do you want to do, be brave to do, to live in the present

  • 18293896571请热心英语好的朋友,帮忙翻译 下面这几句话,我要发给客户的邮件。很急...
    车莉裴company, please understand

  • 18293896571英语好的朋友帮帮忙,翻译一下!!谢谢了!!
    车莉裴You are my first foreign friend, and I'm very glad to make friends with you.

  • 18293896571请英文好的朋友帮忙翻译几句话成英文,谢谢~
    车莉裴XX, I do not want to disturb you, but I would like to know is this page XX I use it? In that case I will常来看看can you please reply to a message to tell me? See you look very hard to life and go dancing, is my motivation, my bad English, but I am working har...

  • 18293896571麻烦英语比较好的朋友帮忙翻译几个句子,谢谢!
    车莉裴把树苗放入坑里,一个人把它扶直,其他人往坑里填土:Puts in the pit the seedling, a person holds straight it, other peopletoward pit in earth fill 填到比地面低6、7厘米时停止,并平整坑的表面:Fills in is lower than 6, when 7 centimeters the ground stops, andsmooth pit surface...

  • 18293896571英语好的帮忙翻译这几句,先谢谢大家了
    车莉裴I'm here province.---英语中没有这个表达。I have no allowance now.--- 我没有零花钱 Maybe i will go directly to the province --- 或许我会直接去那个省份。很烂的。句子哪里来的?

  • 18293896571请英语好的朋友帮我个忙 有几句话需要帮忙翻译,是几米《地下铁》里...
    车莉裴side.第十:我疲惫不堪.下一站是哪里?会不会有一列永不停驶的地下铁?I'm tired, where will the next stop be? Will there ever be a subway train that never stops?第十一:其实,我哪里都不想去.Actually, I don't want to go anywhere but here.在下美籍华人,很荣幸能为您翻译。

  • 18293896571急!!请会英语好的朋友帮忙翻译几个中文句子
    车莉裴Yes, and I like rockand roll music but compare to music that have Asian flavor, I prefer the second one, for an example, THe Day You Went Away.答‘我有很多梦想,不过我现在就想成为一名翻译,目标就是同时翻译的水平。I have many dreams, but now I wanted to be a translator, ...

  • 18293896571求英语好的朋友帮我翻译这几段话翻译成英文。 谢谢啊 不要在线翻译...
    车莉裴最后找到解决对策,认为对企业进行业务流程重组,注意ERP选型和提高企业风险管理能力,这三种措施可以帮助企业提高ERP管理水平。Finally find solutions, and considers that the enterprise to carry on the business process reengineering, pay attention to the selection and improve the ERP enterprise risk ...

  • 18293896571请英语好的朋友帮忙翻译下下面的一句话,谢谢。
    车莉裴Because the goods in transit will need a couple of days, we handle the import customs formalities and time-consuming. So would you please arrange to deliver the goods in February 7th, so that we can apply for the import of goods work program....

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