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汉译英 帮忙翻译几个句子~

1. We usually prepare some Chinese food for our forein friends.

2. Can you do me a favor?

3. Let's book a quiet room for him in this hotel.

4. Li Li teaches Mr. Green Chinese every morning.

5. Please call me David.

6. Do you often send e-mails to your parents?

7. There are a lot of new words in this text.

1:some students concentrate too much on the scores which will influence their development.

2: does get up make for body health ?

3:His carelessness led to the failure.


4:he intently apply for American literature

5:Apart from some spelling mistakes,this essay is written pretty well

He serves his football fans with great passion.
He's a good man at home.
He thinks the handsome man is himself.
He is a fair man.
As a fan, I went to the ariport to meet my idol.
I have left for several minutes.


He is very warm towards fans

At home, he is a good man

He believes that man is his own beautiful

He is a just man

As a fan I went to pick up

I had been gone ten minutes


1.He treats the fans were at home 2.he is a good man. 3. he thought that handsome man is his own 4. he is a good man 5. as i went to 粉丝 pick up 6.I have over ten minutes had gone.

He is very warm towards fans
At home, he is a good man
He believes that man is his own beautiful
He is a just man
As a fan I went to pick up
I had been gone ten minutes


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  • 13557005329请问有谁可以帮我翻译一下这几个句子呀,我觉得自己翻译的不通顺。
    温群牲A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head 一顶绿色的猎帽把圆滚滚的气球顶部压出一个头来。he lay flat on the brown , pine--needled floor of the forest ,his chin on his folded arms.他趴躺在褐色松针铺就的森林地面上,下巴枕着交叉的胳膊。

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    温群牲可以这样译:随着科技的发展和社会的进步,教育越来越影响人们的生活。所以教师这个行业越来越受到人们的重视。With the development of the technology and the advancement of the society ,the education will influence\/effect people's life in a deeper and deeper way. so\/therefor, teacher as a ...

  • 13557005329谁能帮我把这几句中文句子翻译成英文句子?
    温群牲Jan gets up at 6 every day.5、地板很脏,我要去打扫一下。The floor is dirty, I need to turn it out.下面的是把英文翻译成中文 6、What's your job? I'm a postman.你做什么工作的?我是一名邮递员。7、Look at Mary. She's very well.看看玛丽。她很健康。

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