请各位帮忙翻译几个句子, 好的话追加5分 多谢

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请各位帮忙翻译几个句子好的话追加5分 多谢~

1 when we get to the airport, the plane has already left a hour. 2 the end of last month, we have learned three thousand English words. He said he has the kind of struck. [4] who has taken my pen [5] we've great changes took place in the countryside [6] since 1925 in Hong Kong aircraft using the [7] this is I have seen most interesting movie 【 8 】 he joined the army have two years 【 9 】 he has been in that school for five years [10] since the last seen you already have three weeks 【 11 】 to Beijing I will write to you [12 】 if free tomorrow, I accompany you to park 【 13 】 he said after he grows up he will become a teacher 【 14 】 car didn't stop don't get off the 15 】 when you grow you will know the importance of learning English the 【 16 】 in order to catch up with the others you have a little patience 【 in order to 】 【 17 】 the pictures that we think of our English teacher 【 remind of 】 【 18 】 it reminds you of what 【 remind 】 【 19 】 the tree tied in the tree stick so that they can really grows 【 so zhat 】 【 20 】 I would rather stay at home than go out to see the movie 【 prefer to 】 【 21 】 you don't need time to give him instructions 【 need to 】 【 22 】 he is always the first to come to school is finally leave the man 【 23 】 we should for environmental protection makes contribution which we should have 【 make acontribution to 】 【 24 】 Taiwan is located in southeastern China

The boy was happy for he had sold all the newspaper.
The plan has been cancelled for the rainy day.
Where have you been these days?
Where is Tom?
5. mike说他完成学业后想成为一名工人
Mike says he wants to be a worker when he finishes study from school.
She didn't went to bed until she finished her homework.
I feel much better after I have taken the medicine.
We have seen many families already science we had been here.
I found many students playing basketball in the playground.
I have forgotten my watch where I bought the bag.
He said that he would take an exam after two days.
Where have you been yesterday evening?


1. 昨天晚上发生了一起车祸
A car accident happened yesterday evening

2. 你这本书买了多久了?
You bought this book how long?

3. 虽然lily只有六岁,但是她讲英语和妈妈一样好

Although lily is only six years old, but she speaks English and mom as well
4. 我从来没见过这么有意思的电影
I've never seen such an interesting film

5. 这本书很有意思以至于我又读了一遍
This book is very interesting that I read it again

6. 我带了一支枪在包里以防晚上会遇到危险的人物
I have a gun in the bag at night in case will meet dangerous person

7. 我的室友指责我没有告诉她关于考试的事情
My roommate accused I didn't tell her about the exam things

8. 哥哥在我的卧室门口发现了面包屑(crumb),他怀疑是我吞了最后一片蛋糕
Brother in my bedroom door found the bread crumbs (crumb), he suspects that I swallowed up the last piece of cake

9. 当她的宠物狗死掉时,SARA的妹妹很伤心
When her pet dog died, SARA's sister is very sad

10. 因为Steve生病没有来学校,他不知道她的老师已经把考试的日期推迟了一个周
Because Steve sick doesn't come to school, he didn't know her teacher has to the test date delayed for a week

11. jason过去经常偷盗一些很有名的油画
Jason used to steal some famous paintings

12. 婚礼是一个特殊的场合,每个人都应该说一些令人满意的话
The wedding is a special occasions, everyone should say some satisfactory words

13. 没有人确定是不是lucy昨天忘记关门了
No one is sure whether yesterday forget to close the door. Lucy

14. 对我来说,这个房子太过于珍贵我不可能将它卖掉
For me, the house is too precious I can't sell it

15. 当听说云南发生了地震,我决定不去云南旅游了
When they heard of the earthquake happened in yunnan, I decided not to go to yunnan tourism

16. 你有任何英语教学的经验吗

Do you have any English teaching experience

17. 他每个月写四封信给他的妻子
Every month he wrote four letter to his wife

18. 市长反对提高税收因为她感觉人们已经付很多税款了
The mayor against higher taxes because she felt people have to pay a lot of taxes
19. 我正在找做巧克力蛋糕的食谱

I'm looking for to make a chocolate cake recipe
20. 警察用指纹来帮助他们识别谁是真正的骗子
The police by fingerprint to help them identify who is the real liar

21. 我的肌肉很僵硬,所以教练建议我换一些灵活的练习。
My muscles are very stiff, so coach suggested that I change some flexible practice.

1. 昨天晚上发生了一起车祸
There was a car accident last night.

2. 你这本书买了多久了?
How long have you had this book for?

3. 虽然lily只有六岁,但是她讲英语和妈妈一样好
Although Lily is only six, she speaks english just as well as her mother.

4. 我从来没见过这么有意思的电影
I have never seen such an interesting film.

5. 这本书很有意思以至于我又读了一遍
This novel is so interesting that I read in more than once.

6. 我带了一支枪在包里以防晚上会遇到危险的人物
I always keep a gun in my bag, in case I encounter dangerous personnel at night.

7. 我的室友指责我没有告诉她关于考试的事情
My roommate accuses me for not informing her about the examination.

8. 哥哥在我的卧室门口发现了面包屑(crumb),他怀疑是我吞了最后一片蛋糕
My brother found some bread crumbs in front of my bedroom's entrance, he suspects me for stealing the last slice of the cake.

9. 当她的宠物狗死掉时,SARA的妹妹很伤心
When her dog passed away, Sara's younger sister was very sad.

10. 因为Steve生病没有来学校,他不知道她的老师已经把考试的日期推迟了一个周
Since Steve was sick and absent for school, he did not know that his teacher have already prospered the test to the following week.

11. jason过去经常偷盗一些很有名的油画
Jason used to steal some very famous paintings.

12. 婚礼是一个特殊的场合,每个人都应该说一些令人满意的话
Weddings are very special occasions, everyone are expected to speak wisely.

13. 没有人确定是不是lucy昨天忘记关门了
Nobody is sure if Lucy have forgotten to shut the door yesterday.

14. 对我来说,这个房子太过于珍贵我不可能将它卖掉
To me, this house is too valuable to be sold.

15. 当听说云南发生了地震,我决定不去云南旅游了
When I heard about the Yun nan earthquake, I decided not to travel there anymore.

16. 你有任何英语教学的经验吗
Do you have any english teaching experience?

17. 他每个月写四封信给他的妻子
He composes four letters each month for his wife.

18. 反对提高税收因为她感觉人们已经付很多税款了
The mayer objects to raise the taxing, because she feels that the citizens have already paid enough.

19. 我正在找做巧克力蛋糕的食谱
I am looking for a recipe for chocolate cake.

20. 警察用指纹来帮助他们识别谁是真正的骗子
The police force uses the finger prints to help them identify the fraudster.

21. 我的肌肉很僵硬,所以教练建议我换一些灵活的练习。
My mussels are stiff, so my coach suggests me to change to some flexibility training.


1.A car accident happened yesterday evening

2.You this book bought how long?

3.Although lily is only six years old, but she speaks English and mom as well

4.I've never seen such an interesting film

5.This book is very interesting that I read it again

6.I have a gun in the bag at night in case will meet dangerous person

7.My roommate accused I didn't tell her about the exam things

8.Brother in my bedroom door found the bread crumbs .he suspects that I swallowed up the
last piece of cake

9.When her pet dog died, SARA's sister is very sad

10.Because Steve sick doesn't come to school, he didn't know her teacher has to the test
date delayed for a week

11.Jason used to steal some famous paintings

12.A wedding is a special occasions, everyone should say some satisfactory words

13.No one is sure whether yesterday forget to close the door. Lucy

14.To me, this house is too precious I can't sell it

15.When they heard of the earthquake happened in yunnan, I decided not to go to yunnan

16.Do you have any English teaching experience

17.Every month he wrote four letter to his wife

18. The mayor against higher taxes because she felt people have to pay a lot of taxes

19. I'm looking for to make a chocolate cake recipe

20. The police by fingerprint to help them identify who is the real liar

21. My muscles are very stiff, so coach suggested that I change some flexible practice.

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