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由此可知,创意广告的重要性就不言而喻了。我们已经知道,广告是一种信息传播活动,然而,传播效果的如何却是一个变量。不论从哪个角度看,广告创意的都是影响传播效果这一变量的重要因素。 广告创意必须使广告客户的信息有效地发送出去,而且仅仅发送出去还不够,广告创意还必须使信息的接受者乐于接受信息。
Therefore, creative advertisement is evidently very important. We do know that advertising is a type of information transmiting activity, but what we don’t know is the variable effects of the transmission. From whichever perspective, advertisement creativity is a major factor in the variables of the transmission effects. Advertising creativity must effectively pass out the information of advertisers, but merely passing out is not enough, it must ensure that the information receivers are willing to accept the message.

只有达成这种任务,广告才有可能影响消费者的认知、偏好以及具体的购买行为。从消费者的角度进行思考,一个好的广告创意可以理解为抓住顾客的心理,打动大众,促使大众去购买 。因此,一个成功的广告战略首先来自不同凡响的创意。创意能引起消费者注意,是激发消费者购买欲望的驱动力。
Only with the accomplishment of this task, can the advertisement be able to influence the cognition, preference and the specific purchasing behavior of consumers. In consideration from the consumer perspective, an advertisement that can grasp the consumer mindsets, move and prompt the public to buy, only will it be considered as an excellent creative advertisement. So, the prerequisite of a successful advertising strategy is an outstanding originality. Creativity can attract the attention of consumers, it is an impelling force to incite consumers’ buying desires.












第一篇:Today's activities and cycling tour. The afternoon we rented two motorcycles, a good guide on the departure. Riding out for 10 minutes, we go to the first spots, called "Hudiequan." Cave came on the inside felt bursts of breeze sent overseas, Yiwu. This is a huge landscape of the cave and went through several scenes, Nature can not help but marvel at the menace has become not unusual here, people could be overwhelmed. Through that came to a cliff. Two adjacent den erected between the suspension of a narrow wooden bridge, with the wind and bridge the footsteps of tourists - amplitude to swing.

第二篇:Woke up this morning, a look at cell phones, to 5:50. Originally intended to 6:30 starting to tour the Lijiang River, because our last night drunk with some delay. Other cars out county, we have two people sleep two in the morning ... beautiful Lijiang unspeakable. Under range upon range, rise steeply 1000 Ren, the remote Fernleaf Hedge Bamboo, the boat slowly walked in Buffalo. Young We constantly pick up the hands of the camera clips to the immediate scenery. Cruise on the Lijiang River grilled fish and small crabs, I did not call for the breakfast memory. Disembark encountered just return the fishermen ashore. They are asking everyone to 2 yuan with a lovely photo of Cormorants were lingering. I do not appreciate the way they treat animals the way, there is no use in such natural photo. With last night and are urging drink-drunk, but also to take care of her hotel.

第三篇:Since this morning hangover, not to wake up. Booked foreigners afternoon, exchanges and dialogues, the school is still decorated those subjects really boring! No, my foreign friends are annoying. So after they complete their tasks out somewhere! Since acquired or go home, and I decided together with the points to buy souvenirs to take home. According to my family's habits, to each buy a copy, was on the other bought a gift to friends and his. She bought too much -- back to a hotel, a suitcase away naturally.

第四篇:To go home tomorrow, the final day of activities. The morning of activities and I have begun to regret it, we listen to rumors that the mud bath is a lot of fun, a result, the mud back, really dirty dead. Bath back to the hotel. Look at the tree afternoon, the tree is felled thousands of trees have sprouted roots stem, and will result in them being a spectacular! Nearby residents have custody of animals, they are a suppository, there will be no camera, and do not like this feeling. But fortunately, for the first time I see a water buffalo! Go at the exchange and a foreigner, as farewell, they give me and each instrument pairs of shoes! Tomorrow go home happy! ! !



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