
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1Mark is shocked by the beauty and strength of CHINA.
2 I apologized to my teacher for being late .
3 Suddenly,the sky was covered by the cloud.
4 The house belongs to his father.

1.对有些人来说,赞美别人可能是再自然不过的事(pay...a compliment)
To some people,it can't be more natural to pay others a compliment .

This kind of machine is superior to it's competitor in many aspects.

3.我相信你自己能解决这个问题,再试试吧(work out)
I believe you can work out this problem by yourself,go and try again.

4.不管是谁指出我们的缺点,我们都应该改正(point out)
Whoever points out our weakness,we should correct it.

5.保护环境,人人有责(play one's part)
Play our part and protect the environment.

We urge him to reconsider about his decision,but he is still stubborn.

If one does not agree, then we had to vote.

Like a car needs fuel in order to activate the same, young people need energy to a long body

She thought she would accompany the box, but it was too heavy, and as a result, she couldn't move it at all.

The car is too hot to boil egg inside.

It is not easy to predict the head of economic development.

Modern education must encourage students to have a sense of responsibility .

He feel shy and insecure when he just enter the college.

I never experienced such a situation ,I really don't know how to cope with it.

Firemen's work can be very risky sometimes.

1 I go to school 30 minutes
2 arrived at the park in half an hour, because there are 30 km away from the park
3 for her, climbing very easily

1. It will spend 30 minutes for me to go to school.
2. It will spend half an hour to get the park, because the park is 30 km away from my home.
3. It's easy for her to climb mountains.

it takes me 30 minutes to get to school
it takes me half an hour to ge to the park, since the park is 30km away from my home
clibming mountain is a piece of cake to her


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