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用英语简单介绍家乡济南 带翻译~

so as you can know:My hometownEveryone has his own hometown,Jilin . There is a lot of delicious food in it, you can exercise and go walking there,原创可写为,we go swimming in summer,there are about 10 million people in it. And it`s hot in summer. It`s not a very large city,hehe.The weather in my hometwon is pretty good, every year . In spring it`s warm and many birds fly freely in the sky. There is less air pollution in my hometown than in other areas of Jilin.How about your hometown.My hometown is next to Yanbian,so do I. It is cool in autumn but in winter it`s very cold, but it`s a very beautiful countryside满意请速速采纳. Also你好,谢谢合作. There are many places of interest in my hometown, we can make many snowmen

Jinan is a sub-provincial city and the capital of Shandong province, People's Republic of China. Located in western Shandong, it borders Liaocheng to the southwest, Dezhou to the northwest, Binzhou to the northeast, Zibo to the east, Laiwu to the southeast and Tai'an to the south.

Jinan is located in the north-western part of Shandong province at 36° 40′ northern latitude and 116° 57′ east of Greenwich. Because its location falls within the warm temperate continental monsoon climate zone, Jinan has four distinct seasons. The city is dry and rainless in spring, hot and rainy in summer, crisp in autumn and dry and cold in winter. The average annual temperature is 14.2°C, and the annual rainfall is around 675 mm. January is the coldest and driest month, the monthly averages are -5.4°C for the daily minimum temperature, 3.6°C for the daily maximum temperature, and 6.6 mm for the rainfall. July is the warmest and wettest month, the corresponding numbers are 23.5°C, 32.6°C, and 190.9 mm (Source: The Global Historical Climatology Network, version 2 beta, covering 874 months between 1916 and 1990).

Jinan has been recognized by the State Council of China as a worthy cultural-historic city. The ancient site on which Jinan was erected was probably settled as early as the Shang Dynasty, 3,000 years ago. From its location, south of the ancient Ji Waters, comes Jinan's name, literally meaning South of Ji. Jinan slowly developed during the Zhou Dynasty; by the Jin Dynasty, Buddhism began to flourish in the area, and various temples were erected making Jinan the religious center of Shandong at the time. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Jinan became a prefecture and was called "The nation of literature and the place of wealth." Jinan being one of the biggest tax-collecting zones in the kingdom.

Jinan was home to China's oldest trademark bronze plate. This shows the fast industrial and commercial development in Jinan at the time. The "Two An's of Jinan" created a lot of famous poetry and literature during this period, and became famous representatives of China's literary elite. The city continued to develop throughout the Ming and Qing Dynasties, becoming one of the most important trading centers in its region of China by the late Qing.

Industrial development thrived before the Japanese Invasion of China in 1933, during the times of the Republic. The city was damaged during World War II and was later rebuilt to a large extent. Since Deng Xiaoping's reforms, Jinan has strived to develop into a modern metropolis. Trade has opened up and Jinan's former industrial strengths have resurfaced.

The economic development of Jinan only came to speed since Deng Xiaoping's 1978 reforms, opened up China to the outside world. The focus was on improving medium and large sized enterprises, thus improving the level of industrial competition. Technological developments were improved greatly. Jinan is known for various famous brands that come from the city. Jinan is moving towards specializing in industries such as social insurance, telecommunications, information, and tourism.

Agriculture and the rural economy also got a huge boost since 1978. The old way of operating agriculture is being replaced by a newer, more modern method. More and more enterprises are going to rural areas to do more business. The forest and fishing industries also thrive in the region. It is one of the top producers in China of cotton, peanuts, and fruit.

Economic growth has been fast, at a pace of nearly 12% a year in the growth of GDP since 1990. The GDP per capita was ¥25192 (US$3042) in 2003, ranked no. 38 among 659 Chinese cities.

Jinan is known for its beautiful natural sites, and is one of the greatest tourist destinations in Shandong. Jinan boasts a series of old and childhood homes of politicians, philosophers, dynastic officials, and artists. Furthermore, Jinan's purported picturesque scenery by the lake and ruddy waters that flow in and around the city make it more attractive to domestic tourists -- a lot of this was reflected by famous Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu. Sadly, industrialisation, pollution, unfortunate "post revolution" architecture and frequent dust storms reduce the allure of its once-spectacular beauty. There are more than a few natural scenery sites in Jinan. Just over an hour to the south, closer to Tai'an, is the famous Tai Shan, one of the five "great Chinese mountains" (Wu Yue). To the north are scenic blue-colored mountains, beside the Yellow River. Jinan is also known for its natural springs, which have only recently become functional again after the depleted and polluted water table was artificially replenished after decades of sluggish inactivity. However, for a great percentage of the year the city is extremely dry.

Tourist attractions include:

Baotu Spring Park
Daming Lake
Thousand-Buddha Mountain
Shandong Provincial Museum - unique in China for displaying a dead six-legged calf in its natural exhibits area.
Liberation Pavilion
Pearl Springs
Black Tiger Springs
Jinniu Park
Baimai Spring in Zhangqiu
Chengziya Museum of Longshan Culture

Situated at 36º40'N and 117º00'E, Jinan is near Mount Tai to the south and neighbors the Yellow River on the north, and the terrain of Jinan slopes down from south to north. There are two major water systems in Jinan: the Yellow River and the Xiaoqing River. Jinan is influenced by the warm temperate zone with a continental monsoon climate. It has four distinct seasons and sufficient sunlight.

 Jinan has been honored as the ‘City of Springs’. With springs being its soul, Jinan is entitled as one of the earliest excellent touring cities in China. There are as many as 733 springs within Jinan city. In the old area of the city of 2.6 km2, there are Baotu Spring, Heihu Spring (black tiger), Zhenzhu Spring(pearl), Wulong Tan Spring (five dragons), as well as nearly 100 springs, which are a feast to the eyes and minds.

 East China, Jinan is the political, economic, cultural, science and technology, educational and financial center, and a nation-authorized city of deputy provincial level and a coastal opening city. The whole city has an area of 8,177 km2, and the urban area 3,257 km2. Jinan governs 6 districts: Lixia, Shizhong, Huaiyin, Tianqiao, Licheng, and Changqing, and 3 counties: Pingyin, Shanghe, and Jiyang. By the end of 2008, Jinan had a population of 6,039,900 of 48 nationalities.


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