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You have such a person, she smile everyday, for any thing looks pale, indisputable rob, not pushy, but it seems to have good relations with every person, whether some people often overlooked by people, or that are especially difficult person, she has a close personal relationship. She may look to study or work time is not more than others, but to everything in the collective performance excellent,; you may even wonder why she is so well liked, it looks so lucky?
Yes, the answer is "eq". As the saying goes, people's success =80% EQ +20% IQ; what's more than IQ, EQ is a person to be changed variables, then, EQ into public lover as topic, human exploration, desire, and desire to become better person.
一、情商到底长什么样子? 很多人心心念念的名字,可是这神秘面纱背后的真正含义到底是什么呢? 情绪商数(Emotional Intelligence Quotient,简写EQ),通常简称为情商。为美国心理学家彼德·萨洛维于1991年创立,是一种自我情绪(如自信、乐观、急躁、恐惧、直觉等)控制能力的指数。说白了,情商就是每个人与自我相处,与他人相处的能力。
A, EQ in the end what look like? Many people keep thinking about names, but what is the real meaning behind this mysterious veil? Emotional quotient (Emotional Intelligence Quotient, abbreviated EQ), commonly referred to as the Eq. For American psychologist Peter Salovey founded in 1991, is a kind of self emotion (such as confident, optimistic, impatient, fear, intuition etc) control ability index. To put it bluntly, EQ is each person with others, the ability to get along with others.
二、情商是由什么构成的? 现在的你面对着快节奏的生活,高负荷的工作和复杂的人际关系,你也相信没有高的情商是很难达到成功的,所以你渴望着改变和提高,可是要从何入手呢? 美国哈佛大学心理学教授尼尔戈尔曼提出情商的构成特点。 1、自我意识:知道自己当下的情感以及情感的缘由。 2、自我调节:即使碰到了困难,也能控制自己的情绪。 3、自我激励:面对挫折能坚持,自我开导和积极的态度。 4、有同理心:能认识他人的情感,理解他人。 5、社交技能:通过倾听,理解和欣赏他人的感受,与人和睦相处。 所以,高情商的人具有较强的情绪调节能力,能够正确认识并接纳自己,有乐观积极的生活态度和良好的人际关系。
Two, EQ is what constitutes? Now you face the life of fast rhythm, high work load and complex interpersonal relationship, you also believe that no high EQ is very difficult to achieve a successful, so you eager to change and improve, but where to start? USA Harvard University psychology professor Neal Goleman proposed the composition characteristics of Eq. 1, self consciousness: know why their present feelings and emotions. 2, the self regulating: even if the difficulties encountered, can control your emotions. 3, self motivation: the face of setbacks can insist, enlighten selves and positive attitude. 4, empathy: can understand the emotions of others, understand others. 5, social skills: by listening, understanding and appreciation of the feelings of others, and people live together in peace together. Therefore, high EQ people with strong emotion regulation ability, able to correctly recognize and accept yourself, have positive and optimistic attitude towards life and good interpersonal relationship.
三、如何提高情商 1、认识自己的情绪 情绪的一般定义,是人各种的感觉、思想和行为的一种综合的心理和生理状态,是对外界刺激所产生的心理反应,以及附带的生理反应,如:喜、怒、哀、乐等。如果按照定义去理解,情绪是一种反应,我们就会发现每一件事情都有生气的理由。他竟然对我用那么不屑一顾的态度!你没有听到他用什么恶毒的语气说的话吗?!她这么随意打断我讲话真的好讨厌……既然他们做了刺激我的事,那我理所当然该生他们的气。 但实际上,情绪不是一种反应,而是一种决定。他该不该这么对我,和我该不该发火,其实可以分作两件事情来看。它们的差别是,前者的情绪是一种被动的反应,而后者是一种主动的决定。 为什么这么说呢?你想想看,比如跟男朋友约会,他迟到了半个小时。有人的感受是非常生气,怎么可以迟到 ?有人的感觉则是会担心:他会不会出了什么事 ?也有人会想,他既然迟到一定有不得已的原因,反而产生了体谅的感觉。这下能理解了,我们所有的情绪,其实都是我们诠释事件之后的主动决定。 2、管理自己的情绪 认识情绪接着就是管理情绪。通常管理情绪的方法偏向于技巧类,比如情绪快要爆发时深呼吸、站窗边眺望远方等等,应该说都是有效的但治标不治本。一个人发火,其实很有可能不是因为导火索的那件事情。 有一个故事是这样的,某个科学家早上起床没找到拖鞋,有点恼火。当时他没注意到自己在生气,他去卫生间洗簌,这时候生气一直在自己生长,他刮胡子,不小心剃须刀掉地上了,捡起来不小心又掉了,他心情更糟。但他不能对剃须刀发脾气啊,他走出来卫生间,了解到小孩昨天的作业没有做完,于是他大发雷霆,打了小孩一巴掌。他老婆莫名其妙,于是他们吵了起来。科学家摔门而出,开车上班去办公室。但最后他没到达办公室,因为路上出车祸了。 整个事情的起因是因为早上没有找到拖鞋吗
Three, how to improve the general definition of EQ 1, know their own mood, is all kinds of feelings, thoughts and behavior of a kind of comprehensive psychological and physiological state, is a psychological reaction to environmental stimuli, and the accompanying physiological responses, such as: joy, anger, sorrow, happy and so on. If in accordance with the definition to understand, emotion is a reaction, we will find that everything has a reason for anger. He should use to me as a contemptuous disregard attitude! You haven't heard him with what vicious tone say?! She is so free to interrupt me really hate...... Since they did stimulate me things that I take for granted the angry with them. But in fact, the mood is not a reaction, but a decision. He shouldn't do this to me, and I ought to get angry, in fact, can be divided into two things to see. The difference is that the former is the mood of a passive response, while the latter is an active decision. Why do you say that? You see, date with my boyfriend for example, he was half an hour late. Some people feel very angry, how can you be late? Some people feel it is worried about: he will not be what happened? There are also people who think, since he has no reason for being late, but had a considerate feeling. This can be understood, all our emotions, in fact, are active after the decision of our interpretation of events. 2, the management of their emotional understanding emotions and then is the management of emotion. Usually emotional management method of bias in the skill categories, such as emotional verge of deep breathing, standing the window overlooking the distance and so on, it should be said are effective but palliative. A person is angry, it is quite possible not because that thing the fuse. There is such a story, a scientist to get up in the morning not find slippers, a little annoyed. At that time, he didn't notice his angry, he went to the bathroom to wash sieve, then angry has been in its own growth, he was shaving razor, accidentally fell down, picked it up and accidentally fell, he felt worse. But he could not lose his temper on razor ah, he walked out of the bathroom, to understand children yesterday's homework not finished, and he was furious, hit the child a slap in the face. His wife is puzzling, so they quarreled. Scientists have stormed out, to drive to the office. But in the end he did not arrive at the office, because the road in a car accident. The cause of the whole thing is because the morning did not find the slippers




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