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My America Dream
I have a dream, that is going to America. America is a beautiful country. And the country is very popular.
I want to make money in America. I will have a very amazing life. My life in America must be very exciting. In America, I will find many interesting things. All of them are waiting for me to enjoy.
I want to be a Chinese teacher in America. I will meet many interesting people there. I will also enjoy talking with them. My life may be very difficult, but I am very confident to face to the challenge.
Whatever my life is rich or poor. I will value my life in America. Try my best.
But it’s just a beautiful dream. I must study hard for the dream.

want to AmericaIf I have enough money and time , I want to travel america.becauseI have a dream, that is going to America. It is a economic country and has a beautiful environment .now it is the most developed country . people in America are very busy and fast. Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. It is on December 25th. Usually two weeks before, people begin to prepare lots of Christmas presents. People who are far away on business hurry to return their home for Christmas.I want to enjoy them. Try my best! I believe I can .But now I must study hard for it

most want to go in Shanghai, because there are bright lights of the Nanpu Bridge, the beautiful Pearl of the Orient ... so, I want to go in Shanghai. First talk about the Nanpu Bridge now! When night fell, when the bright lights of the Nanpu Bridge present in people's eyes, it is extremely bright. Three-tier bridge, the first layer on the steady stream of vehicles on the road Mercedes-Benz. On the second level of people coming and going walking. The third layer square, there are many people doing fitness activities. Shanghai's Oriental Pearl is very beautiful. Pearl of the Orient is very tall, straight into the sky. Tower divided into three parts, with top of the tower, tower, Pillarless. Signal contacts on the top of the tower is very sharp, where the signal is transmitted. There are six tower, each floor has a lift. Pillarless like a big ball, four stout pillars supporting. Shanghai's industrial, technological, cultural, trade, finance it, so, I want to go Shanghai, if given the chance, I will go to Shanghai very much love to play some!


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