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参加英语夏令营活动,EB英柏是不错的选择,EB英柏(Education Bridge)源于英国伦敦,拥有多年成功运作经验,是少数几家总部起源于英国而非中国本土的英国留学教育咨询机构。EB致力于帮助亚洲学生前往英国留学、游学、旅游,坚持以品质成就品牌的信念。

评论字数200字以内 ”,然后你就在这个框里输入想要说的话就行了,试试吧

Sorry, sir. I don't know the know the answer to this question.May you ask me another quesiton?

I'm sorry,i can't answer you,would you mind changing your question?Thanks!

I'm sorry sir呀,你还年轻慢慢学吧。

Sorry,sir. I don't know this problem. Can you change a problem to ask me ? Thank you !


"I'm sorry, sir. I don't know how to answer this question. Can you ask another one? Thank you!"


  • 18157661327英语口语对话范文
    杭澜肢整理了一些简单的英语口语对话范文如下:M:I have come here for the interview for Administrative assistant by appointment. Nice to meet you.我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你.I:Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat.我也是,请坐。M:Thank you!谢谢I:I:What is your name, please?...

  • 18157661327跪求英语写作。。
    杭澜肢1.Martha.Sorokina (masha bruskina), 1924 was born in Minsk, Belarus, the city of .1941 of a Jewish family in Minsk in July, after the German occupation, Nazi gunpoint from a 17-year-old survived the Ma Lufthansa participated in the resistance movement. She voluntarily as a ...

  • 18157661327跪求一段英语口语对话
    杭澜肢Dave: Peter, we have been working very hard the whole school year. Don’t you think we need a nice summer vacation? Peter: Absolutely. I am planning a trip for my summer vacation. Do you want to join me? Dave: Why not? I’d love to go with you. Peter: Great!

  • 18157661327跪求!!! 帮忙翻译,马上要交了。
    杭澜肢参考一下哈,希望对你有帮助~~~Communication-teaching method emphasizes the fluency of language. Language-teaching should be in the service of the students’ communication, help students change from an unimportant role to a leading role and place students in a more active position. ...

  • 18157661327跪求英语二人短对话,每人二三十句就行,用作英语口语考试,谢啦
    杭澜肢A:Good morning!B:Good morning,too.

  • 18157661327跪求……关于“spoken English”英语口语!!
    杭澜肢讲讲美式 英式 的口音 和中国学生发音的问题 可以用电影做口语教材 比较中英思维的不同 李阳的讲座 郝彬美国口语 小笨霖口语笔记 网上都有

  • 18157661327跪求日常生活中常用的英语问句,要多些
    杭澜肢",另外,更口语的说法应该是 "You wanna go to see a movie?",因为在口语中他们常会把 "want to" 省略成 "wanna"。或是把 "going to" 省略成 "gonna"。所以这句话也可以讲成 "Are you gonna see a movie?"。11. Anybody needs a fork? 有没有人要叉子的啊?以前老师都教说英文中...

  • 18157661327高分跪求:下载初级英语材料的网址!
    杭澜肢在这里面下:http:\/\/www.putclub.com\/sort.php?sortid=16 你可以下 Special 听力训练 里面的内容,是针对初级的,语速很慢;或者下 初级听力教程;或六人行(Friends)来看,它是一部喜剧tv show 很适合边看边学一些地道的美国俗语。我本身也是英语专业的,建议你要一边听、看,一边写,还有多看...

  • 18157661327英语口语对话 关于学习一门语言 要点 学习方法 网上学习 两个人的对话...
    杭澜肢A:Let's talk about language learning.B:OK,In my opinion,it's important to practice speaking skills for a language.A:Absolutely.And listening abilities also.As a language,it's used to communicate as whole.B:I can't agree you more.So a good partner to practice is very ...

  • 18157661327能表达我真的要死了用英语怎么说 跪求
    杭澜肢I'm dying seriously!这种进行时的表达够贴切了。另外,如果你想表达的是“我要完蛋了、没救了”,也可说:I'm done\/over\/hopeless!另外还有语气,可附加:I mean it !!我是认真的!望采纳。

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