跪求里约大冒险 Rio英文观後感

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When the reporter is good, not only can join many interesting activities, can also watch movies for free. This not, Saturday reporter studio arrangement we watched a movie "Rio 2".
The movie is about a blue and Pearl was a few blue macaw world only, they are one family lived a comfortable life in the city. When they know they have the similar in the Amazon jungle. She decided to let the children learn how to when the real birds, adhere to the family moved to the Amazon jungle. So, one family will fly to blue Amazon to find their own kind. The beginning of a period of adventure.
Blue and Pearl returned to the Amazon jungle, find lost loved ones, but in the face of new problems and challenges. Blue is to adapt to the new environment, but also bear the environmental stewardship role. He found the inhabitants there deforestation destroying their homes, so they birds together with their wit and courage to overcome the human, the human to stop deforestation. Their homes to keep. From the blue one and his race friends and happy life in the Amazon jungle.
After watching this movie I can not help the birds return to nature, love nature, protect the nature spirit moved. As we human beings should know how to protect the survival of our home - the earth, protect her, cherish her. In this world earth day is approaching, I urge everyone to save resources Protect environment! Let us start from the bit by bit, use our hands, we use the wisdom, with our conscience, our beautiful home, make efforts for our survival!(求采纳


我在思考我的第一次喝的时候,和小跟一个漂亮的女士。她的名字是露西,和她不仅浇酒,她想尽办法让所有人感到受欢迎露西的最后一舞。但没有人叫它。他们称它为露西的最后机会,或。她擦tobacco-juice了吧,告诉我她的婆婆good-for-nothin '。我是响应与适当的声音之间的烟圈。轿车门向内爆破有足够的力量,使灰落在我的香烟,我只是有时间把它落在我的头把我前的威士忌。我坐在那里,溅射,同时试图在看到这些可怜的眼睛没有看到因为猪吃奶奶。夕阳西下,铸造红色光束通过灰尘,和一个细长的影子分室。这是果汁拉萨尔,她似乎没有找一个游戏挑圆片。我把我的注意力回到我的威士忌,突然,没有一点爱心的灰底部休息喜欢无礼的蜗牛。太晚了;她注意到我,跨过。“yowee!合作伙伴!如果不是苗条的奶酪!圣蛇!上一次我见到你,你已经被咬了一王蛇在山谷里奥格兰德。看起来你击败的收割后。对你的好,奶酪。”我看着她说,“谢谢你,果汁。你让我死,我的腿swole像圣诞火腿。你把我的该死的马。”我拿起我的酒杯一饮而尽,把我的头,并完成练习鬼脸而平静地设置小血管在我面前。“我不想你带着我把你,毕竟这个时候,”我补充道,而让她鱼眼。她把手放在我的肩上。“现在苗条,没有我没有你砍了。哎,我把大部分的医生,我给你。”她退后一步,上上下下打量我。“要说的是,潇洒,很高兴看到他出现!“我的嘴张开。“你?“我(是的,我是溅射,溅射再次)“你?不,果汁……这是一个幸运的突破……这个老男人与一个额外的马就发生了,而幸运的是,他有一些snake-juice的…和大量的淡水……,和,哦,果汁!该死的好想见你,你老玉米狗!“

2011-8-19 15:36 qiuserena | 五级的翻译

跪求里约大冒险 Rio英文观後感视频




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