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I like Bleach Lang's The Lion in Winter, The Lion in Winter Lang because very handsome, have very infatuated, such people are very rare.(我喜欢死神里的冬狮郎,因为冬狮郎很帅,还有,很痴情,这种人很少见。)

My favourite cartoon character is Snow White.She is in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.Her mother died and her step-mother was very bad.She evebn tried to kill her.Later she met the dwarfs in the forest.They helped her.At last a handsome prince married her and she lived a happy life.I likeher because she is brave and clever.I can learn a lot from her.

My favourite cartoon character is doraemon.he gets to a boy's home by a magic machine.the boy's name is daxiong and they become good friends.daxiong always meets problems.but he doesn't like the mouse.
doraemon loves dousha cake a lot.doraemon helps him every time.doraemon is very lovely and he always makes me happy

My favourite cartoon character is Garfeild.
I think everyone knows him.He is a lazy but funny cat.
He was born in a kitchen on 19th.June,1978.
His favourite hobby is sleeping and his best friend is the mirror.
He likes eating pizza very much.But he does'nt like eating fruit cake .
"Money is not everything. There’s MasterCard & Visa."This sentense is very funny.And it is said by Garfeild.
Garfeild makes my life so interesting.I like hin very much.

I like Shrek very much,because he is a tender monster.He loves his wife,his friend and his children.He helps his friend to find his confidence,even though there are many difficult things in front of him.During his trip to find the king,he learns how to make himself to accept his will-born children.And for his braveness,he is finally accepted by everyone
我最喜欢的卡通人物是史瑞克,因为他是一个善良的怪物.他很爱他的 妻子,他的朋友和他的孩子们.他帮助他的朋友们找回自信,尽管有很多困难等着他,在他寻找国王的旅途中,他学会了如何使他自己接受他的.而且因为他的勇敢,他最终被所有人接受.


喜欢你的样子 喜欢你的浓眉 似是微蹙着,离去时也带着浓浓的忧愁。
喜欢你的眼睛 深邃明亮一如我头顶的星辰 喜欢你如希腊雕塑般英挺的鼻梁。
喜欢你线条清晰的嘴唇 喜欢你浑厚的声音 喜欢你清爽的褐色卷发 喜欢你额上飘动的红色发带。
喜欢你伟岸的身躯 喜欢你健康的小麦色肌肤 喜欢你身上那温暖的气息。喜欢你无坚不摧的黄金之箭 喜欢你的圣衣 绚丽飞扬 喜欢你圣衣上那双羽翼 片片闪烁着金色的光芒 喜欢你守护的那片天空 黄道上最壮丽的射手座 喜欢你出生的那片土地 大地上神的故乡 喜欢你是一个好哥哥 喜欢你教导弟弟时的耐心和细致 喜欢你燃烧着的金色小宇宙 喜欢你击穿山壁时的强大 喜欢你望向小艾的温和 喜欢你鼓励小艾的话语 喜欢你们兄弟之间深厚的手足之情 喜欢你有一个那么值得骄傲的弟弟 他的身后便是你的影子 喜欢你敏锐的洞察力 终于阻止了阴谋的蔓延 喜欢你面对异变时的沉着冷静 喜欢你面对危机时的机敏从容 喜欢你横空出世握住那罪恶的匕首 喜欢你干净利落徒手救下危难中的女神 喜欢你的斥责 那是对背叛的愤怒 喜欢你的迟疑 那是对战友的情谊 喜欢你力顶千钧 用自己的身躯保护一个幼小生命 喜欢你近身格斗 身姿灵活举重若轻 喜欢你攀爬在陡峭山崖上时的决绝 像刀一样刻在我的心上 喜欢你面向圣域单膝跪下的身影 虽然那身影让我如此惆怅 喜欢海战时从天而降的黄金战甲 喜欢冥战时人马宫升腾起的金色流光 喜欢你叹息墙前的豁达 喜欢你引领战友们时的不卑不亢 喜欢你与弟弟紧握的双手 喜欢你拔出黄金箭时的从容 喜欢你张弓搭箭时的自信 喜欢你隐含不露的王者之风 喜欢你对青铜们最后的嘱咐 喜欢你是一个真正的英雄 喜欢你总是带着一丝神秘 喜欢你把13年的寂寞与误解化作无言的坚持 喜欢你从来没有为自己说过一句像样的辩白 喜欢你在夕阳下略带蹒跚但依然坚定的步伐 喜欢你的手 它一定长满了老茧,但扼住恶魔的时候它比那魔鬼的更加有力。 喜欢你挥出的拳头 它从没伤害过自己的战友 喜欢你从没有为了自己而使用过黄金箭 喜欢你高贵纯洁的灵魂,“在比任何个人感情都更高的领域里,唯一有资格行走在雅典娜身旁的只有艾俄洛斯,就像一双圣人,超越了性别、年龄、生死的樊篱,成为无上的仁慈、纯洁和光明的化身。”——我的朋友小朝这样说,我很喜欢。 喜欢你沉默时的威严 喜欢你微笑时的温柔 喜欢你的仁爱 仁者无忧 喜欢你的智慧 智者无惑 喜欢你的勇敢 勇者无惧 喜欢你的守护 喜欢你的忠诚 喜欢你的正直 喜欢你的隐忍 喜欢你的与世无争 喜欢你的强大实力 喜欢你的深谋远虑 喜欢你的坚定信念 喜欢你的沉毅执着 喜欢你如池水般清澈的心灵 喜欢你战斗不息的灵魂 喜欢你的正义感 喜欢你的有担当 喜欢你的无私无畏 壁立千仞无欲则刚 喜欢你不贪恋权位 只为理想而战 喜欢你即使失去生命 依然为理想而战 喜欢你每每于危机中挺身而出 挽狂澜于既倒,扶危厦于将倾。 喜欢你慷慨悲凉的命运 喜欢你洁白无瑕的人生 喜欢你近乎完美的人格 喜欢你从不犹豫 喜欢你没有迷茫 喜欢你内敛不张扬 喜欢你忠肝义胆 喜欢你磊落坦荡 喜欢你侠骨柔肠 喜欢你平静威严的目光 映出你内心的宽广 喜欢你身上圣剑的伤痕 犹如英雄的勋章 喜欢你默默奉献的情怀 喜欢你心中深沉博大的爱 喜欢你永远带给人们光明和希望 喜欢你把苍凉演绎成传奇 喜欢你把忧伤化为悲壮 喜欢你大气疏朗 喜欢你坚定昂扬 喜欢你恩怨一笑而过的胸怀 是真正的男子汉 喜欢你短暂辉煌的一生 无愧是圣斗士的典范 喜欢你叹息墙前闪亮夺目的身影 无可争议的王者风范 喜欢你带给我的宁静和安心 喜欢你留给我的永远的怀念与忧伤 所有的理由其实都不成理由 喜欢你只因为你是艾俄洛斯。



《My favorite cartoon character》
My favorite cartoon character is Aiolos,the sagittarius gold saint in “Saint Seiya”. He has the destroying techniques called “atomic thunderbolt”.As the Sagittarius Gold Saint in the 20th century, he is the guardian of the Temple of the Centaur. The embodiment of virtuousness and moral excellence, and a role model for the Saints of the Sanctuary. He was Leo Aioria's older brother and subject of his profound admiration. His qualities and deep devotion to Athena, made the aged Pope choose him as his successor, the event sparking Saga's rebellion. Aiolos foiled Saga's assassination attempt on the infant Athena, and was mortally wounded by Capricorn Shura who was deceived by Saga to deem him a traitor. Protecting Athena to the very end at the cost of his life, Aiolos died under the stigma of betrayal. His name was cleared years later by Athena when she cleansed the Sanctuary of Saga's evil. Even in death, he continues to protect Athena by lending Seiya his strength and granting him the donning of the Sagittarius Gold Cloth in dire situations, such as his battle against three Silver Saints and the final battle against the gods Poseidon and Thanatos. Finally, he resurrects in the Underworld and sacrifices his life along the rest of the Gold Saints to pierce the impervious Wailing Wall.He is the hero in my mind.


你可以试试像你们老师那个年龄段小时候看的动画片 你可以咨询一下或者是问问同龄人 至于名字的话 现在一下子想不到

可以啊 要突出任务的精神 不要牵扯到剧情


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